Chapter Nine- Day 7/Day 7
I just kinda started writing and didn't stop. Hope ya enjoy!! :D
ALSO- This is gonna be the last chapter :/ but o have an epilogue prepared, so I'll release that sometime tomorrow.
~Patton's POV~
I wake up to find Logan spooning me. I remember what happened last night and smile.
I feel Logan kiss the back of my head.
"Good morning, Love."
I turn around to face him, blushing and smiling. "Morning, Logie Bear."
"What time does the shuttle leave today?" He asks.
I remember that we are leaving Jamaica today, and bury my head in his chest. "I think we need to be down in the lobby at 9:00."
Logan glances over at the time.
"It's 7.. how about we cuddle for a bit longer, get some room service, and then pack?"
I smile. "Okay!"
Logan grabs his phone and sets an alarm for a half an hour. He puts down his phone and pulls me closer to him.
I move my head up and kiss his jaw. He moves his head and kisses me on the lips.
I wrap my arms around his neck as our lips move in sync.
I pull away only when my lungs can't take it anymore, and bury my head in his neck.
I fall asleep.
I'm sitting next to Logan at the hotel, waiting for the bus. I see the garden I noticed a while back.
I stand up, and grab his hand.
"Where are we going, Pat?"
I don't answer, and lead him to the fountain.
"Oh. Wow. This place is.. romantic."
"Yeah.. I was originally going to do something romantic for you, but I don't know what I could do.."
Logan gives his thinking expression. He looks at me, nervous, and grabs my hands.
"Well, ... Our relationship is already moving very fast, but.. I live with roommates that don't even like me, and I've been wanting to get out of that place-"
"Oh my gosh, yes! We can move in together!" I squeal.
Logan smiles really wide.
"I mean, we've only known each other for a week, but you're a pretty cool person, Lo." I smile.
He kisses my cheek. "It's amazing that we went from me helping you put on your shoes to boyfriends."
I giggle. I forgot about that! We met because I couldn't get on my shoes!
"Okay, so- let's get a taxi to your house when we get to Florida- wait, you live in Florida, right?"
He nods.
"Okay, so we do that, and then we get to your house and get all your stuff, and then go to my house and then we can live happily ever after." I giggle.
"That sounds satisfactory. I'll have to introduce my friend to you. He's very.. extra. You two might get along."
"My best friend is very.. 'chill'. You guys might get along too!"
We smile. Something pops in my head.
"Hey, wouldn't it be funny if they started dating?"
"Roman- my friend- likes to flirt with people, I have a suspicion something might happen."
Just then, we hear the bus pull up. We rush back over to our luggage and get it on the bus. Upon walking on the bus, there are two seats left at the front.
Logan sits down at the window seat. I dramatically sigh and place Dolly's carrier in the seat next to him.
"Well, Dolly needs a seat, looks like I'll have to sit in your lap."
Logan chuckles as I sit down.
~Logan's POV~
We arrive at Patton's house, or my new house. I follow him to his room.
His room's walls are painted blue, and are littered with shelves. He also has lots of string lights around. I spot a desk in the corner.
"Do you use that desk often?" I ask him.
He chuckles. "Nah, it's sorta more just to make the room look nicer."
"Then I am going to use it."
I pull my laptop out of my bag and set it on the desk. He smiles and nods.
"Well.. its only 4.. what do you wanna do?" He asks.
"We could invite our friends over."
Patton smiles wider. "Cool! I'll send Virgil- that's his name- a text saying to come meet my new boyfriend!"
"I shall do the same."
I grab my phone and open messages.
L- Hello, Roman. My flight was safe.
R- Sweet! Should I come over to celebrate, or are your roommates too rambunctious??
L- Actually, I'm at my boyfriend's house.
R- ...!
L- Yes. I met him at security, he needed help with his shoes. We ended up at the same place. He forgot to book a room. He stayed with me.
R- That is a FRIKIN AMAZING love story :D
L- Well, would you like to come over and meet him? He's also inviting his single gay friend.
R- Ooooooo~, Logan and Logan's bf are being my third wheels! I'll be over soon, send me the address.
~Patton's POV~
(This is gunna be Patton and Virgil texting)
I open up my messages, and click "MY DARK STRANGE SON💜"
P- Hey kiddo! I'm home!!
V- cool. how was it?
P- SO FUN!!! Guess what??
V- what?
V- woah slow down
V- daym patton, congrats
P- No cursing!
P- Oh, do you wanna come over and meet him? He's inviting his single gay friend, maybe we can be your third wheel!!!
V- patton you know i don't know how to talk to people
P- I'll help you!! My bf said he's "extra" so he'll make the first move. :DD
V- fineee, i'll be there soon.
P- YAY!!!
V- :)
~30 Minutes Later~
Logan and I are sitting in the living room, when I hear a knock at the door. It sounds like the knock that Anna does in the movie Frozen.
"That's Roman's knock. He's here."
Logan gets up and opens the door, I stand behind him.
I see Roman- he is wearing a cropped white T-Shirt with the words "prince" in fancy red lettering. He also has light blue jeans on. He radiates a very enthusiastic energy.
"Hello Roman. Come in." says Logan.
Roman comes in, shutting the door behind him.
"This is my boyfriend, Patton." Logan points to me.
Roman walks up to me and bows. "Greetings!"
I smile. "Heyo! Come sit down!"
We sit and talk for a while, until I hear a quiet knock on the door. I smile.
"That's Virgil!"
I run up to the door and open it. I see Virgil wearing his usual: purple hoodie, black ripped jeans, and dark eyeshadow underneath his eyes.
"Logan, come here!" I yell behind me.
Logan walks up and stands next to me.
"Virgil, this is Logan, my boyfriend!" I giggle.
Logan nods at Virgil. "Greetings."
Roman walks up to us.
"..and this is Roman, Logan's friend." I say.
Roman looks at Virgil. "Hey there, emo."
"Hi, prince dude."
I hear a meow, and see that Dolly has walked in.
"Oh yeah! This is my cat, Dolly!"
"Yeah, you mentioned that.. I thought you were allergic?" Virgil asks me as I sneeze.
"I just couldn't help myself!" I giggle.
Roman turned away from Dolly and to Virgil.
"So, Mr. Hot Topic, would you care to go on a date with me?" Roman pulls a red rose out of his back pocket and smirks.
Virgil blushes. "Jeez, that was quick. Uh, sure?" answers Virgil.
Virgil takes the rose and puts it in his hoodie pocket.
~That Night~
"..Well, it's getting late, I'm afraid I must take my leave." States Roman.
"Same here. Lemme call a taxi-" Virgil starts before being cut off by Roman.
"I can drive you home, my chemically-imbalanced Romance."
Virgil blushes and smirks. "Sure, Romano"
Roman turns to Logan. "How are you getting home?"
Logan blushes. "Oh, well.. we actually moved in together."
Roman claps excitedly and Virgil gives a surprised expression.
"Well.. Okay then." Says Virgil.
We say our goodbyes, they leave, and we start getting ready for bed.
I climb into bed, Logan following me. I face him and bury my head in his chest.
"Night night, Lo.. thanks for being so great." I smile into him.
He kisses my head. "You're very welcome, you're pretty great yourself."
I look up at him. "No, really. You're awesome. All that stuff you did for me on vacation. And you didn't give up on me or get angry when I kissed you on the beach.. and when you cuddled me the night of the storm, and just throughout the whole vacation, you were great.. I really like you, Lo."
Logan can't hide his awe and giddiness as he stares at me. "That.. that means a lot to me, Pat. Really. I'm just glad you allowed me to comfort and chase after you. I am honestly surprised you like me, and I'm even more surprised that you were the one to kiss me first. There were many times when I almost kissed you."
We stare at each other lovingly.
"Logan.. I.." I take a breath. "I love you."
He smiles. "I love you too."
We lean in and share a long, loving kiss. After breaking apart, I nuzzle my head into his shoulder.
"G'night, Logie.. I love you."
"Goodnight, Patton." He kisses me on my head.
"I love you too."
I stopped this one quickly because I didn't want it to turn into something with the same outcome as my other book.
I'll get the epilogue out tomorrow. Then I might do a one shot book or something, but we'll see.
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