ok so like i said this iks my first story be plz ((I'll be nice if you learn to spell))
btw its set afte rsunset so ((I have to roll my eyes at that))
Leader: Firestar - ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt ((It mentions his color two times, such a good job))
Deputy: Brambleclaw - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Medicine Cat: JayFeather-gray tom ((You're forgetting something))
Squirrelflight - dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Foxpaw
Dustpelt - dark brown tabby tom
Sandstorm - pale ginger she-ca ((So she's Chica, cause it sounds like Chica?))
Cloudtail - long-haired white tom
Apprentice DaisyPaw - cream long-furred cat from the horseplace ((She's not an apprentice, or even a warrior))
Brackenfur - golden brown tabby tom
Sorreltail - tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
Thornclaw - golden brown tabby tom
Brightheart - white she-cat with ginger patches
Spiderleg - long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
Whitewing - white she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Icepaw
Birchfall - light brown tabby tom
Graystripe - long-haired gray tom
Berrynose - cream-colored tom
Hazeltail - small gray-and-white she-cat
Mousewhisker - gray-and-white tom
Cinderheart - gray tabby she-cat
Poppyfrost - tortoiseshell she-cat
Honeyfern- light brown tabby she-cat
Lionblaze - golden tabby tom
Hollyleaf - black she-cat
FoxHeart-reddish tabby tom ((So there's a Foxpaw, and a Foxheart. Such brilliant names!))
IceFire-white she cat ((And her name makes just as much sense))
ToadRibbit-black—and-white tom ((Toadstep))
RoseFlame-dark cream she cat ((Rosepetal))
BriarStorm-dark brown she cat ((Briarlight))
BumbleFlower-very pale gray tom with black stipes ((Oh my, that is so manly))
BlossomWind-pale brown she cat iwth a dark stripe along her spine ((Blossomfall))
Fox DaisyPaw - cream long-furred cat from the horseplace ((What is this Fox DaisyPaw? A fusion of the two?))
FlamePaw-firecolored she cat with one grnee one blue eye ((Actually sounds like a real cat, kind of))
LakePaw-bright blue gray she cat with blue eyes ((This one, not so much))
The last 2 r starKits siters ((Well great, we know she needs sitters))
JazzPaw-red she cat with blue eyes and a black tail ((This must be a lie. Cats don't know what jazz is))
Ferncloud - pale gray (with darker flecks) she-cat with green eyes mother of Dustpelts kits
Dawnsparkle-bright tortishell she cat with garguntan blue eye's mother of Jayfeathers' ktis, formaly of Shadowclan ((This deserves to rot in Tartarus))
StarKit-graysh-blue-and purple she cat with molting orange eyes and star on her forhaed ((One of the most unrealistic things ever))
Longtail - pale tabby tom with dark black stripes, retired early due to failing sight
Mousefur - small dusky brown she-cat
Weaslepelt-big red tabby he cat with bight yellow eyes (hes Rowanclaw's dad, he came to Thunderclan when Dawn- did0 ((did0 sounds like ditto))
LeafPool-brown tabby she cat ((And she never retired))
Leader: Blackstar - large white tom with huge jet-black paws
Deputy: Russetfur - dark ginger she-cat
Medicine Cat: Littlecloud - very small tabby tom
Apprentice, Flamepaw (ginger tom)
Oakfur - small brown tom
Apprentice, Tigerpaw (dark brown tabby tom) ((Shouldn't he be a warrior since Lionblaze is?))
Rowanclaw - ginger tom
Smokefoot - black tom
Apprentice, Owlpaw (light brown tabby tom)
Ivytail - black, white and tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice, Dawnpaw (cream-furred she-cat)
Toadfoot - dark brown tom
Crowfrost - black-and-white tom
Apprentice, Olivepaw (tortoiseshell she-cat)
Kinkfur - tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles
Ratscar - brown tom with long scar across his back
Apprentice, Shrewpaw (gray she-cat with black feet)
Snaketail - dark brown tabby tom with striped tail
Apprentice, Scorchpaw (dark gray tom)
Whitewater - white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
Apprentice, Redpaw (mottled brown and ginger tom)
Tawnypelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Flamewind- flame color tabby tom with green eye's
Tigerclaw-huge dark brown tabby tom with long claw's and amber eys ((So Tigerstar is back, who do call. Obviously Ghostbusters))
DawnFeather-cream tabby she cat (shes a different cant then the one in tC ok?) ((Dawnpelt, there's now two dawn prefixes))
OlivePaw-bright brown she cat ((So this cat's warrior ceremony obviously didn't happen))
Snowbird - pure white she-cat
Cedarheart - dark gray tom
Tallpoppy - long-legged light brown she-cat
Leader: Onestar - brown tabby tom
Deputy: Ashfoot - gray she-cat
Medicine Cat: Barkface - short-tailed brown tom
Apprentice, Kestrelpaw (mottled gray tom)
Tornear - tabby tom
Crowfeather - dark gray tom
Owlwhisker - light brown tabby tom
Whitetail - small white she-cat
Nightcloud - black she-cat
Gorsetail - very pale gray-and-white cat with blue eyes
Weaselfur - ginger tom with white paws
Harespring - brown-and-white tom
Leaftail - dark tabby tom, amber eyes
Apprentice, Thistlepaw (long-haired white tom)
Dewspots - spotted gray she-cat
Apprentice, Sedgepaw (light brown tabby she-cat)
Willowclaw - gray she-cat
Apprentice, Swallowpaw (dark gray she-cat)
Antpelt - brown tom with one black ear
Emberfoot - gray tom with two dark paws
Apprentice, Sunpaw (tortoiseshell she-cat with large white mark on her forehead)
Heathertail - light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Breezepelt - black tom with amber eyes
Morningflower - very old tortoiseshell queen
Webfoot - dark gray tabby tom
((Windclan is clear))
Leader: Leopardstar - unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat
Deputy: Mistyfoot - gray she-cat with blue eyes
Medicine Cat: Mothwing - dappled golden she-cat
Apprentice, Willowshine (gray tabby she-cat)
Blackclaw - smoky-black tom
Voletooth - small brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Minnowpaw (dark gray she-cat)
Reedwhisker - black tom
Mosspelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Pebblepaw (mottled gray tom)
Beechfur - light brown tom
Rippletail - dark gray tabby tom
Apprentice, Mallowpaw (light brown tabby tom)
Graymist - pale gray tabby
Dawnflower - pale gray she-cat
Dapplenose - mottled gray she-cat
Pouncetail - ginger-and-white tom
Mintfur - light gray tabby tom
Apprentice, Nettlepaw (dark brown tabby tom)
Otterheart - dark brown she-cat
Apprentice, Sneezepaw (gray-and-white tom)
Pinefur - very short-haired tabby she-cat
Apprentice, Robinpaw (tortoiseshell-and-white tom)
Rainstorm - mottled gray-blue tom
Duskfur - brown tabby she-cat
Apprentice, Copperpaw (dark ginger she-cat)
Icewing - white cat with green eyes, mother of Beetlekit, Pricklekit, Petalkit, and Grasskit
Heavystep - thickset tabby tom
Swallowtail - dark tabby she-cat
Stonestream - gray tom
((Riverclan is clear))
So, that's pretty much it.
Aircloud Out.
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