The Slakes
I ducked behind the nearest building, but I couldn't afford to stop there. I waited a few seconds before flinging myself into the shattered frame of the building nearest to my right. I had them searching. That was good. It gave me time, valuable time. My hand reached back and touched my only hope of survival. I ran up the stairs, which were now full of shattered glass and smoke. I shoved the door to the roof wide open, careful to keep the sounds to a minimum. Taking my gun carefully off my back, I lied down. The remnants of my clothes kept my stomach from getting too badly cut, but I still received little pricks that irritated my stillness.
No, I thought. I can't be thinking of things so trivial right now. I have to push through it. Now stay still.
I heaved one final breath before looking into my scope. I could see hundreds of them. Sliming, slithering, creatures that gave me chills. Then, there was the enemies I couldn't bear. These creatures, these things had managed to control the minds of the humans they held captive. They were cruel about it too. I once faced a small girl of perhaps five or six years. In her hand, she held a gun. I froze then and couldn't move. How could I hurt someone who didn't know what they were doing? How could I shoot a child? So I ran. I ran, taking advantage of the fact that her stride was smaller than mine. When I had mostly outrun her, I was almost in tears. Under this unbearably cruel curse, her eyes had flashed a bright red. However, occassionally, it would wear a little and her normally bright blue eyes looked to be in incredible pain. I couldn't stand it. So from then on, I avoided these "creatures" at all times. "The Lost", as I called them.
I came back to the present, cursing myself for dwelling on past matters. I had lost precious time. It wasn't easy to win it in this world, but it was extremely easy to lose it. Everything about this world seemed to scream out that it was against us. The survivors. Although, I'm not sure if there are any other survivors aside from me. I can only hope. I've lost more people than I wish to remember. That's why I decided that, if and when I find someone, I won't attach myself. It's only a burden. A weight on my mind. If I lose that person, it would be all my fault, and I would never be able to forgive myself.
It was no use. My brain was wandering. I couldn't shoot like this. I smacked myself on the face, forcing it into my brain that I needed to focus. Suddenly, I heard a familiar, dreadful sound. A slake had come. I forced the panic down my throat and stood, ready to face it. My fingers curled around a small hilt. I kept a knife and a small gun for emergencies. None of them were my specialty, hence why I chose them for backup. My hands trembled for the few seconds I allowed them to. I saw it. The green antennas. I immediately sprung into action, running up to the small door opening and thrusting my knife right into a slimy substance. My past self would have screamed at the feeling. But the "me" now was different, immune to the things I might have considered revolting in times long gone. Next to what I face now, these things might almost seem comforting. Using the hand not thrust into its body, I swiftly grabbed my small gun and shot the ends of each antenna. The thing groaned and I knew what was coming next. I quickly extracted my knife and ran. I ran to the opposite side of the roof and covered my ears, one getting covered in the slime from my right hand. I didn't care. A loud sound blasted into my ears. A high-pitched scream. It lasted for five seconds before I heard the explosion. When everything had ended, I realized my fatal mistake and felt my heart crawl into my throat. I had completely forgot. How could I let that slip my mind?
I attached my sniper onto my back once more and sprinted down and out of the building. My fears were then confirmed. That screech had summoned others. They were moving now towards the building. I wanted to stop, to crawl into a corner and let it all end there. But my adrenaline and I didn't agree, and I felt my legs fling into a sprint as I escaped the building and ran. Again I found myself running. Why was it always running? I never had peace in this world. It didn't allow such a thing. Suddenly, I heard a familiar yet out of place sound. Human feet pattering on the ground behind me. My heart stopped. It was one of the Lost. Then the slakes pulled their worst joke of all. It spoke.
"Why are you running?" The voice behind me traveled to my ears. I didn't answer. I knew if I did they would be able to control me. "There's a building over there. Why don't you rest? You look awfully tired. Overworking is never good. Now, come with me won't you?"
It was right that I was exhausted. I had barely slept at all the past weeks. As if in a sudden response, my mouth released a scream and my brain came into focus again. That was close, I thought. I can't let myself be tricked. Not when I've come this far. I forced back tears of frustration and pushed onward. I felt my legs give and could tell I would collapse any minute. I grabbed a small cube from my belt and tossed it behind me, covering my mouth.
"A smoke bomb, eh? I see. That's how you roll."
I slid through an alley and made my way to the next street over. I thanked myself for staying close to my base. I dived through the familiar door of a building and flung open a trapdoor on the ground underneath what looked like a year old carpet. I replaced the carpet, then the door and flung myself onto an old couch in a small basement. It seemed the slakes weren't smart enough – nor lean enough for that matter – to get down here. I didn't know of any other basements in the city, so the chances of them searching for one was very slim. Which made it the perfect hideout for me.
I sobbed uncontrollably until I couldn't any longer. My muscles screamed in agony and my chest ached from heaving in breaths. When I finally settled down, I had the fearful thought that someone was watching. But my worry could only stop my eyes from closing for so long. For now, I could do nothing but surrender to sleep, letting it cradle me and wrap me in darkness. It was as if consciousness became slippery and I was no longer able to grab anything to hold on.
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