Twenty Three
Quick summary b/cuz a lot has happened. I feel like maybe some of you might be confused?
Kore pricked the rose|| which bound her in Underwood for 7 days
After 7 days she was free to go but ate the forbidden fruit in the garden.
The fruit consumed her soul (killing her)
Because she died, Aides knew he could revive her if he gave her life but under his power. He gifted her life but her new life can only be lived in his realm= she is chained to the underworld
She is bound not only to him(he gave her a piece of his soul) but the realm.
Now that she is essentially "his" he is forcing her to marry him.
Even though the wedding will be going through, our soft spoken KANG gave Kore another chance to freedom. If she can resist falling in love with him, he will give her her freedom. NO LOOPHOLES OR TRICKS!
I move through the eerie palace and see a doorway hidden in the stony crevices that was unfamiliar to mine. Thinking of my time in this realm made me realize my hesitancy. I had not ventured anywhere besides my bed and dinning room. I thought it best to get acquainted with the scenery as long I was stuck here.
I slowly opened the door and was met with a room full papers and books. As I stepped into the room, my head shot up to the vials of glowing green potions and crystal red vials. Dusty books and old cow webs decorated the eerie room.
Three older women hunched above a cauldron with a string and a pair of scissors; singing and dancing a eerie tune. "AHHHHH!!!" a vibrant scream sounded against the fiery walls. They had just cut their thin gray string with a pair of scissors and into the room flew a soul from earth.
"Kore! We have been anticipating your arrival" they say joyfully, not turning from the hot steam, "come in come in!"
"How did you know my name" I asked.
"Never mind questions child! Come in! Come hither" they signal me with their spiny fingers. Each woman was old and wrinkly. I couldn't imagine what they would have looked like if they were alive.
"Who are you three?" I ask. They finally turn to face me and smile. "You are a pretty one daughter of Demeter" they recited.
"We are the Three fates. Do you wish to know your future?" the tallest of the three asked.
"My future?"
"Your FATE! YOUR DESTINY" the middle one takes my hand, "It lies here in this liquid!" she pointed. The tallest woman skipped to the shelf and took a small vial of red liquid. "Demons blood" she bragged and snipped a piece of my hair with the same pair of scissors from before. They each twirl their fingers across the cauldron and a thick smut of fog shot into the skies.
"Come. And see!" they coax me, leading me closer to the fire. I cautiously follow them and tiptoed to stand into the liquid. My eyes adjusted to the darkness but I see myself on earth playing in the fields of my home. I looked peaceful and happy. My mother came out with sweet tarts and pies as the nymphs and I frolicked among the flowers.
"This is my fate? That means I escaped this realm!" I smiled.
I knew it!
I could never fall in love with a monster like him. The three women said nothing and made the picture dissolve.
"No!! I need to see the rest! I need to understand how I escaped!"
"Kore. Just like the coins the people bring to Charon, there are to sides to each destiny. Your future is like fork, wedged between two crossroads. One fate is filled with peace and another filled with discourse."
"That was obviously my fate filled with peace? Was it not?" I ask them.
"You have made it so." they cackled with glee.
"So how will I come to live out that future? I want that old life." They slid their fingers against the heat of the liquid and I gasped as I saw Aides and I in an heated embrace. Our tongues fought for dominance as we held each other in love.
"No! This cannot be!" I rejected the picture.
"Patience my child" one woman turned my chin to face the liquid again. Anger filled my heart as I continued to watch. Just as he lifted me to mark my neck, I brought a dagger to his back and stabbed him.
"No...No.... no!" I begin to cry.
"It is the only way dear goddess!" the tallest one giggled.
"It is the only way to your destiny!" the shortest one grinned and spun around.
"But... I can't kill a king! I have never killed a thing! No.... no.... you three are crazy old women! I refuse this destiny!" I screamed and backed away to find an exit. They continued to smile and sang a cheerful tune. They hold my chin and force me to face the picture as it replayed.
The tallest woman throws a stone into the cauldron and a shiny dagger appeared and hovered into the air. "The sword of Eleusis! It can kill any goddess or deity." they announced. The sword hovered above the liquid as my body shook with fear. My hand reluctantly reached out to grab the sword but I instantly retract away. "I won't do it! I REFUSE!" I rejected.
"Foolish girl! You want to protect the man that took you?
That disrespected your title.
He refused to let you live your life on earth!
Be free and take the dagger!"
"I will not do your bidding!" I retract my hand away from the cauldron. It hovered across the liquid, its light tempting my temperance, but did not feel right.
"You wear your heart on your sleeve goddess.
You hate him.
You despise him!
Kill the monster and be free." they demanded and produced an image of my mother crying near the end of the rocky cliffs.
" daughter. If you can hear me...I love you my daughter. I would do anything for you. Please mighty gods. Bring her back to me" she cried and stepped closer to the rocks to end her life.
"Mother! Mother!!" I yelled but of course she could not hear me! I reach out to grab her hand but instead, grabbed the dagger as the picture disappeared. A red X glowed beyond my wrist, sealing my fate with its mark.
"You three tricked me!" I fumed. They cackled again and spun around me.
I new that I would be the one....the goddess to kill the king of the underworld.
"You will kill him on the 8th day of the solstice" the smallest one bragged.
"What if I do it before then?"
"Your fate will not come to past. Only by the blood moon solstice will he be a demon. His transformation will be complete."
I collapsed to the floor in despair as I hear their words. I new my fate and accepted it. "I have put a block of distance between us. How can I get close enough to bring the sword to his back?"
"You saw the picture! You were in his arms! You must tempt him with list"
"Seduce him...let him make you your queen. Then at the solstice's glow? KILL HIM!" they all cackled with glee.
"I cannot stand the very touch of him?" I protested. He was nothing but poison to me.
"You have your looks Kore. Your pretty face." the middle one came and caressed my cheek. "Succumb to his needs; let him embrace you. Linger your hand against his arm. Lightly brush your cheek against his shoulder, and then, when the time comes! FINISH HIM!" they chuckled.
"Surely you trust us! We are your three friends in your time of need!" they bend down to help me from the floor.
"Here" they placed the dark dagger into my palm again. I shake with fear, unsure of what to do.
"Oh bother!" the middle one snatched it from my palm and pulled my dress up to tie it around my thigh.
"One more thing Kore"
"Yes?" I ask, a soft tear now fell down my face.
"This is our little secret. Aides must not know. Do you understand?"
Before I could refuse, I am transported back into my room. I scream from my sheets and observe the stillness of my room.
"Oh! it was just a dream" I smile and stand to stretch but the red X on my wrist glowed in the darkness.
As Kore left, the three women chuckled and spun the liquid in the pot. What they didn't show her was the darkness that soon came over the field she was in!
That was her fate of discourse.
They wiggle their fingers and pull a peaceful picture in the liquid; one where Kore reigned with Aides. People praised them as she looked at him with love in her eyes. He bent down to kiss her round belly as he rested his head down to hers.
This was her fate of peace!
"Let the test of fate begin ladies" the three sisters laugh and they dance in the calm of the room.
Author Note:
We are on chapter 23 so you know I have to ask. Do you guys like Kore?
This book updates every MONDAY! so see you next week!
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