Twenty Nine
"Aideoneous. How nice to grace your presence" she smiled seductively. My lips curve into a frown as I observed her stature. She was a tall woman with a curious style and great sense of high voltage about her. She was dressed in black gown and black high-heeled pumps. Around her throat was a blinding black necklace and a matching pair of diamond earrings. Her skin was as pale as snow. Lust eluded from her plump lips.
"I thought I saw the last of you when I banished you from my realm?" he seethed as he stared at her demanding figure. He stood out of formality and extended his hand to greet her.
"You cannot get rid of me that easy" she bragged, tiptoeing on her toes to kiss his cheek. She hugged him desperately, as if she was trying to capture his soul. I knew their was more to their friendly embrace.
She reluctantly parted from his grip and forced her eyes to focus on me. "And surely this is not the Persephone?" She stared me down.
"Yes. This is my wife, Queen Persephone. Persephone, this is Eris" he stepped aside so we could greet.
"Charmed, I'm sure" she shrugged and extended her palm. I clinged onto Aides arm as he stood beside me. Her spirit was darker than his. I could not lie that she frightened me.
I reluctantly take it and we shake. She squeezed my hand, her eyes scanning me hatefully.
"Please...join us for dinner" He motioned and she took a seat beside him. We eat in silence as she stared at my husband. Closer and closer her hands went as she rested her palm above his knee. He made sure to ignore her touch as he spoke to the people at the table.
"So how do you two know each other?" I asked bravely.
"Perhaps another round of wine?" Aides announces to the servants.
"We were betrothed if you must know." she blurted, sighing dismally. She wiped her lips with a soft napkin and sat back; resentment rested in her eyes as she stared at the king, "Your husband was supposed to marry me. I was the panel's chosen queen." she smiled spitefully. The three judges nodded in agreement as she spoke. "But apparently...Aideonus wasn't serious About settling. The king was too busy chasing skirt after skirt" she seethed.
"Well there are two sides to every tale Eris. You know that is not how the story went" he announced calmly.
She tossed her perfectly combed hair to the side and dipped into her food.
"Of course there are two sides my king, but only one is right" she winked and smiled. The sexual tension in the air was apparent.
I crossed my arms as I observed them glaring at each other. They were a little to close for comfort. I didn't realize it then...but my heart grew harder as jealously filled its core.
"So what brings you to the underworld?" the smallest judge asked.
"I heard of the dokimi and I knew I wanted to come. I am staying until it ends. Surely that won't be an issue my queen?" she leaned her perfectly sculpted chin across her fingers.
"No not at all" I smile, ingenuity filled my core, "there should be a spare room or something?" I suggest and look to the servants. They nodded and quickly moved to set up the arrangements.
"This has been interesting. If I may your majesty, I will head in for the night. It has been a long journey." she stood to leave but tumbled backwards, clutching the back of her chair.
"Are you okay?" the judges stood to aide her.
"Yes...I am fine. Just a little light headed" she smiled and walked to the exit but weakly fell again into my husband's arms. Aides quickly bent to catch her.
I rolled my eyes at her exaggerated theatrics. I knew she wanted all the attention on her.
"Oh Aideonus! I am having another fainting spell" she cursed, resting her body between his chest, "You remember them, don't you?" she whispered against his neck. She rested her head against his chest as she clutched his robe.
"I'll have a servant escort you to your room." he announced.
"Aideoneus, I would prefer it if you took me there" she looked over at me and smiled victoriously.
Aides stared at me curiously; it seemed as if he was apologetic.
"Ill be back" he grumbled to inform me and lifted her into his arms.
I strolled through the hallways to retreat to my room, humiliated at his lack of return. I find my feet traveling to his room?
For what reason?
I did not know.
As I turned the corner to head to hi quarters, I see her intertwined beneath his arms. "Aides don't you miss this? Miss us?" she grabbed his jaw sharply.
"I can honestly say I do not" he sighed. A small smile erupted on my lips as I eavesdropped.
"You don't really love her? She is half the size of me and half the woman. Remember our nights in the garden? Late nights in the bedroom?" she cooed as she kissed his jaw, "You went after he to spite me. And it's working. I will take our love seriously. I'm ready to settle down this time" she kisses his cheek desperately, rubbing her fingers through his brown hair.
I couldn't ignore the way he looked at her.
The lust that filled his eyes.
The passion that I had been neglecting him, he sought in another.
She crashed into his lips and they both smacked with heat. "You whore!" I whispered but t voice traveled through the hallway. They both turned to follow the noise but I quickly hid behind a corner before they could spot me.
Her eyes fell to where I stood and she grinned with ease; she knew she had won. She pulled him inside to his bedroom and slowly closed the door.
Good for him!
I did not care!
He could have her way with her and finally leave me be!
Wet tears stained my cheeks as I heard her screams and his grunts.
Why did my heart churn with anger!
This was the man that had taken me by force!
He had robbed me of my peace and scarred me from my innocence.
Yet ... here I was, crying my heart out at his rejection.....
A knock sounded at the base of my door.
"Come in" I commanded as I wiped my face dry of tears.
The evil goddess entered in as I sat at my vanity's combing my hair.
"Were is Aideoneus?" she asked knowingly. How dare she act daft? She had some nerve coming into my quarters, fresh from her coitus; she still smelled like him.
"Surely you would know? You couldn't leave his side?" I snapped. I remained silent as I continued to brush my hair.
"Oh? You do not sleep in the same bed?" She smiled and sat confidently above the sheets, "aren't you husband and wife?" she scoffed.
"No we do not" I mumbled, annoyed at her insolence.
"Such a shame! I pity the deities who don't realize how ... pleasing Aideoneus is. He was the only god who could truly satiate me. It's a pity he is so hated by all" she leaned against my bed as she smoothed the wrinkles from the sheets.
I wipe my face clean to prepare for bed. "Is there something you wanted?" I asked bluntly, uncaring for her presence.
"Yes, I want you to fail."
"You have not been the godess everyone hyped you up to be. You are not worthy of him.
I am the goddess of discord and he is king of darkness; we were meant to be! But you? You are just a little flower nymph?" She scoffed.
"A flower nymph who he made queen" I shrugged, applying gloss to my lips.
"Not for long." she smiled and picked it my pillow to smoothed it with care. "You must past the dokimi or it will be Eris Queen of the underworld." she bragged as she looked to the air, imagining a future as queen.
"Seems like there's a lot of things your "husband" has failed to inform you? You must pass that test or your title will be revoked. The second queen that the panel originally chose will take your place and their choice... is me" she smiled and crossed her legs.
I gripped the end of my brush as I heard her words. Anger was not the word to describe my emotions. "I have heard enough of your useless ramblings. Guards." I yelled for them. They come in and bowed.
"Please show this goddess to her room. I think she has lost her way"
"Sweet dreams little goddess" she waved and followed the guards out the room.
Author Note:
I thought Aides was different :(
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