We were at the cave that separated the earth realm from the underworld. I didn't wish for Kore to depart, but I knew she must. It was my fault for questioning the virtue of her character. If the guilt and the shame rising within me was my ultimate punishment, then so be it.
I brush my knuckles against her cheek as she tries to hold back her tears. She looked as innocent as a doe, preparing for the slaughter.
"I hate when you see my tears" she pouted.
"But I like kissing them away" I smirk, trying to lessen the gravity of the situation.
She blushed then forced a smile as she heard my teasing. She cringed again as the symptoms of the potion seared through her again.
"Why did you have to make the potion so strong?" She says, burring her head into my chest.
"Forgive me Kore." It was the only phrase I knew. I knew I could never remedy the situation and it made me feel horrible. I cursed as I felt her warmth against my body. She shivered with fear at the new situation.
She was returning to a environment that wasn't ideal. Her and her mother weren't on the best terms. "I talked to your mother"
"Really?" She hummed.
I nod. "I told her to take care of you. Not to give you trouble. You are Persephone to her and everyone else on this realm. I emphasized she should treat you as such." My words were much harsher than that but I thought it best to leave out the details.
She stares at me and smiles. "Thank you."
"Plus, you and your father Zeus can grow closer" I teased. She hits me and breaks away.
"Never!" She furrowed her eyes with disgust. She had informed me that the only way she could return to earth and help me was with the promise of Zeus. She had promised to rebuild the earth her mother destroyed in exchange of a trip to the underworld.
"I am still surprised he helped at all"
"I guess blood is thicker than water. I know he cares for me deep down. No matter how much he denies it. And he cares for you too"
"Yuck! I wish he didn't. He is horrible" she pouts looking towards the distance. "He had something to gain and I will leave it at that" she was quick to end the conversation surrounding him. I knew she didn't favor him and I did not blame her.
"I haven't been truthful with you."
"Oh?" She sighs.
"I unbound you from this realm with the potion. But my self doubt prevailed. My mind raced as I heard of your deceit but in my heart...deep down, I had doubts that you would ever betray me. I put 6 pomegranate seeds in the potion instead of 12."
"So what does that mean?" She asks carefully.
"Six months, you are banished from the underworld. But it is only those 6"
"If it is only 6 months that means—" she stops and looks into my eyes, "Oh! Aides!!" She screams and jumps into my arms, kissing my lips with care. "That means I can return to you! I will stay on earth for six months! Then I can spend the rest of the six with you in the underworld. But how? Why"
"I was selfish Kore and I won't apologize for it. I could not imagine a life without you. You will be free to roam wherever. The underworld, earth, Mt. Olympus."
She crashes into my lips, kissing me again before pulling away. " you are as foolish if you think I would spend my days anywhere else but by your side" she twirled the ends of my hair and smiles. "I will stay in the underworld . With you."
I kiss her forehead with care, accepting her oath of allegiance to our love.
I wave my fingers, making her black crown appear in the air. Carefully, I place it atop her head. "Don't forget this" I warn her. It was not only the physical show of her title she needed to maintain, but her spiritual demeanor. She was a queen and she would be treated as such.
Posidon comes in the distance with Dusa by his side. They watch us as we say our last goodbyes. "I told them to meet you here"
"I could have walked to my mother's house myself"
"I know. But I wanted you to be with them. The only thing worse than being sad, is being sad and alone. You will need friends during your time away. Confide in them. They are here for you"
She nodded obediently, hugging my neck once again.
"I love you Aides"
"I love you Kore"
And when she looked into my eyes I almost died. A piece of me was leaving that day. My other half. I would not cry in front of her. I knew Kore like I knew my own mind, she would would never leave if I did.
"I'll write you eveyday" I promise her.
"Every hour! And if Hermès is even an hour late! I'll curse him to the underworld forever. And I'll destroy his shoes too"
"Is that a threat Kore?" I smirk.
"It's a promise" she shrugs, looking into my eyes.
I let out a chuckle and smiled. "I'll relay the message"
"Persephone!" Poseidon calls out, urging her to come. I let her go and kiss her one last time.
"Six months?"she sighs, pressing her hands against my chest.
"Only six" I reassure her, "but when we reunite? I'll kiss you as if it's been twelve"
She smiles, hugging me one last time. I pull her into my warm embrace, trying my best to memorize her warmth one last time.
"Goodbye Aides" she whispers, carefully letting me go and walking towards the perimeter of the cave. She looks at me one last time, throwing a gentle wave before disappearing past the realm.
I watch her as she continues past the meadows, past the forest before running into Poseidon's arms. Her tears were on full display for the world to see. They did their best to comfort her and I was thankful for that.
You see, I made sure she had someone on the other side to comfort her. To hold her as she cried and wipe her tears away.
As for me?
Well, I had no one.
I was isolated from the world. No one came to see me unless they needed something out of selfish desire or disdain.
Kore...she was the first person to actually enjoy my company. She was eager to visit the underworld. It took a potion to tear her away.
I loved her for that. It was something I would never admit to her.
She saw me for Aides, past the rigid exterior of dark ruler of the underworld.
And as hot, wet tears streamed down my cheeks, I realized that Kore was gone. Although it was temporary, I was truly alone.
I had no one.
That was my role as King of the underworld. I should have been used it by now but ever since Kore entered my life, I hadn't felt that absence in a long time.
And it felt good....
Author Note
Wow! Is there anything you guys have questions about before I end the book?
The last chapter will be published next and then I'm outta here lol! The ending is going to flash forward 6 months.
I feel like I'm ending abruptly but there is nothing more to discuss.
She saved Aides
Aides forgave her
Kore forgave him
Minth is dead
Poseidon is thotting it up with Dusa so he's been absent.
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