Kore is now 15!
🍿🍿🍿 long chapter alert!
"I won!" I smile out of breath as we reach the top of the hill near the abandoned temple of Aphrodite. I look up at the mosaic skylight as we attempt to regain our breaths. My feet move to rest against a broken pillar where the breeze from the ocean cooled my sweaty skin. I push my fingers to the soil to secretly produce pink bed of lilies.
"You cheated" Heclimides finally admitted as he came over to rest his head against my lap. I run my fingers through his soft brown hair and place the dainty lilies through his luscious mane. Each time I stopped, he would kiss my wrists with care.
"A pretty crown for an ugly loser" I tease him.
"Or a pretty crown for a pretty maiden" he lifts the piece off his head and places it onto mine. He turns my chin to face his, caressing my supple lips. I look at his warm emerald eyes as we each stare with hesitancy.
Heclimides was just one of my many suitors. Each man had no choice but to be enamored by my beauty once they laid eyes on me. It was only when they met my protective mother did they retreat with fear.
He stood up to observe the marble statue of Aphrodite at the center of the temple.
"Aphrodite. Goddess of love and beauty." he felt the soft surface with his fingers, "She is a beautiful goddess indeed" he smiled at the figure, "do you ever wonder if a statue like this could come to life with the touch of a kiss?"
"Maybe? Try it and see" I tempt him.
He seductively approached the statue, placing his strong hand against its neck. Only inches were left between them before he pulled away and turned to me.
"How silly of me to kiss a statue of a goddess when I have one standing in front of me incarnate?" he grins handsomely. He sauntered over and pulled my chin towards his once more. I knew he was ready to part my lips with his but I reluctantly pulled away.
"Heclimides" I whisper. I was always the most innocent of my friend group, never knowing what it meant to be kissed or held by a lover; to be given a rose in secret admiration.
He snapped my jawline towards his and attempted once more. As I was about to allow him...
"Kore!!" my mother's urgent voice interrupts him.
"Ignore her" I curse.
"KORE!!" she calls again. Her voice was getting closer.
"Why is it that every time we are about to kiss, your mother magically finds us." he groans.
The mortals of our town did not know of my mother's and I status as goddesses; she insisted we kept it a secret for reasons unbeknownst to me.
"Coincidence?" I shrug pushing my luminous curls to the side. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"I'll see you later..."
"No stay! Maybe my mother will let you come to dinner if I ask?"
"Kore...your mother will hate me..."
"You haven't even met her!" I protested.
"she hates any man that takes an interest in her precious daughter. I rather not...it's not worth it"
"Its not worth it? You mean.... I'm not worth it?" I challenged his words. I was thankful I didn't waste my first kiss on him.
"I'll see you later" he waved but I knew it would be the last time I saw him.
"Kore! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" my mother steps up the mountain.
"Mother! Why must you do this?"
"Do what?" she acts surprised as if she didn't know her intent.
"you know what!" I grumble and run back to our secluded mansion in the forest. I shut the door to my room and collapse into my bed in tears. Just because my mother had issues with men didn't mean I had to!
I look at myself in the mirror and quickly wiped off the tears. Gently, Ibrush my fingers across my rosy lips and curse my mother as I remember how they have never been embraced... I was more than ready...
I was 15 for the gods sake and every bit of woman!
My busty chest and curvy waistline didn't holdback no matter how much my mother tried to hide them behind oversized dresses.
"Thinking of someone?" a voice sounded behind my open door. Poseidon comes in and rests his trident against my wall.
"Poseidon!" I scream and run to hug him. He kisses my wild mane with care, his full beard tickling my cheeks.
"You look as beautiful as your mother!" he observed me adoringly.
"Don't let her know that" I grumbled.
"What happened now" he sighed, sitting in my bed. He was accustomed to my mother's and I tumultuous arguments. We could never see eye to eye.
"Poseidon I am a goddess for god's sake and she treats me like a dainty flower! I'm ready to spread my wings and fly!"
"Is this about that fellow Heclimidies?" he grins suspiciously.
"How did you—"
"Your mother knows more than you think" he shrugs.
"loose lips sink ships" I huff and grab his trident against the wall, "he wants nothing to do with me anyways" I admit painfully.
"Kore.." he frowns but I wanted no pity from him,
"So how is life in the Rocky seas Uncle?" I quickly changed the subject.
"Boring and lonesome."
"That's not what I heard" I sing, parting my lips mischievously.
"Oh? And what did you hear dear Kore?"
"I heard you flooded the city of Athens in a jealous rage." I chuckled uncontrollably, "something about you loosing a contest to Athena?"
"Lies all lies" he fumed and snatched his trident away.
"Seems like Athena wasn't too happy about it either?" I hint.
"Come on I'm hungry" he stands and lifts me upside down.
"Ahhhhhh! Put me down!" I giggle freely. He carries me all the way downstairs and places me onto the steps.
"Speaking of Athena. The 12 are meeting at Olympus soon" his voice is barely audible.
"Really? when?" I whisper against his lips.
"Two weeks from now, before they go on their sabbatical. The time to ask is now."
"Already?! We planned for next week. Does it have to be so soon?"
"Kore you want to be treated like an adult? Now is the time." he squeezes my shoulders. I nod and we both move towards the kitchen. Today would be the day I would convince my mother to allow me into Olympus.
My mother is consumed with a roast as as she prepares for dinner.
"Poseidon what did you say?"
"I said, The 12 Olympians are meeting soon." he loudly repeated.
I gasp in fake alarm, loud enough so she could hear, "that sounds ... interesting" I smile at Poseidon. He secretly gives me the okay sign and I nod.
"Poseidon? when did you arrive?" she grumbles still consumed with her preparations.
"A while ago Demeter" Poseidon comes and embraces her cheek, "I'll do it" he swirls a ball of water and carries the food to the table. We all sit and begin to fill our plates.
"Mother, as you know, my 16th birthday is approaching." I begin to build my case, fumbling the ends of a folded napkin, " I know you said to never discuss this again but you said when I was older, you would take me to Olympus.. and now I am older"
Poseidon throws me a nod and I smile.
"Kore..." she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
"Mother it's the perfect timing! Like fate herself has aligned in favor for me" I inform her.
"Kore you are not mature enough." she started to challenge my reasoning.
"A goddess raised on earth is allowed to enter Olympus at the age of 16. It's like a rite of passage." I shrug, nervously stuffing two rolls into my mouth.
"Kore I already told you no and don't over indulge in bread! You must maintain your figure" my mother pulls away the startch.
"Unbelievable" I huff and cross my arms defiantly. She made sure to control everything in my life;
-who I talked to
-how I dressed
-what I ate
I was sick of it!
Maybe going to Olympus would provide me clarity and independence. I look at Poseidon for assistance. He quickly gulps down a cup of wine and interjects.
"Come on Demeter. She deserves at least a tour of the place the deities call home. She is just as much a goddess as any other." Poseidon helps me convince her.
I made a mental note to give him the best gift ever; he was always my favorite uncle.
"Mother... I want to go..."
"Let her go, look at this adorable face" he pinches my cheeks, "how could you say no?"
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee" we both beg.
"Okay FINE!" my mother slams her wrists against the table.
"Oh thank you mother!" I run to kiss her cheek, "When can we go?"
"On 5th day of harvest on the eve of your birthday"
"Oh mother! I can't wait!" I clapped and ran to find an outfit to wear.
"I owe you one" I whisper loudly to Poseidon, and kiss his cheek, thanking him for his assistance.
"Kore wait! Come and finish your food before you go!" Demeter yells after her kin but she ignored her of course as she skipped to her room.
"She gets her rebellious spirit from you" she hits me.
"Have you told her?" I rub my arm to soothe her blow.
"Not yet..." she glared, her golden eyes sliced into my being.
"She deserves to know"
"And don't you think I know that? But how can I ever tell her she is the daughter of the one named Zeus? Her father wants nothing to do with her! She is a parasite in his eyes."
"Demeter....you have locked her in this mansion and although nice, she will never experience life. She will grow to learn nothing but confinement. Her heart will grow colder and colder the longer she stays in the dark."
"And what is wrong with sheltering her innocent soul?" she retorted. Her stubbornness was more lethal than Zeus's.
"I know how my brother can be and I am aware of his philandering ways, but do not make her suffer for the sins of her father."
She places her head against her open palm and smiles at me. " You have been more of a father to her than your brother could ever be." she sighs, "You are right Poseidon... I will tell her."
"Good!" I stand and grab my trident to leave "I have to go to the unveling of Athena's priestesses. She wanted me there or something" I grumble.
"Not the same Athena whose city you flooded" she chuckled unmistakably.
"Haha" I laugh sarcastically. News traveled fast amongst the gods thanks to Hermes. He had the biggest mouth at Olympus.
As I turn to leave, I see my trident missing from its spot but already knew Kore had taken it; it was a game she always played each time I visited.
"Kore!!!" I yell knowingly.
"Yes!!!" she screams.
"My trident dear maiden!"
"Poseidon how dare you!" she peaked her head over the pillars of the estate, "I am much to mature for a silly game of hide and seek." she lies.
"Oh really? I guess I will just convince your mother to retract her agreement to take you to Mt. —-"
"Noooo!!" she halted the sentence before I could even finish, "It's in the garden... I hid it behind the fountain" she mumbled, pushing her hair curly hair to the side.
"Too mature for silly games huh?" I cocked my head and bid the two of them farewell.
Mt. Olympus is next! For all my Dusa readers did you catch the references in the chapter?
And as we all know, nothing good happens when one goes to Olympus 👀
Our story will finally pick up in the next chapter!!
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