Chapter 1 - Whispers
Ling POV
I woke up from a bad dream in the middle of the night, again, I can never recall what the dream is always about but if it was bad enough that I always wake up at this hour (3:00) then I didn't want to know. I started getting used to this that I didn't even care anymore, today I thought 'Maybe I should go out and see the stars' so that is what I did. I grabbed a big sweater, a pair of boots, and put the hoodie on, then went outside.
I started to walk to my favorite place in the woods that was by a lake and as I was walking I started to get lightheaded which made my eyesight really blurry. I didn't know which way to head to and that is when I ran into something.
"Owie, that hurt!" I said as I rubbed my head to make the pain go away.
I felt something wet on my head and looked at my hands it was blood, I started hyperventilating, I hated the sight of blood. I started getting dizzy but started to calm down, since I didn't want to faint, especially in the woods at night. I looked up to see what I ran into and found that right in front of me was a wall made of rock. 'No wonder I started bleeding', I still felt a little dizzy but decided to see what the wall was connected to. I walked to what I think was the front and it was a shed. It started getting cold, the wind started picking up, so I decided to go inside the shed.
I opened the door, I saw that there was nothing but a shelf at the back. I walked in and closed the door behind me which made a big noise. I got startled and fell on the floor, I landed on my butt.
"Ow!" I said as I started getting up.
I walked all the way to the back to see what the shelf had on it. When I saw the shelf more clearly I realized that it was completely new with a vase of flowers, books, gloves, and a box that read: A person who became a prince, got possessed by a Homunkurusu, fell in love, and became king but not from this world? Open only if your name is Ling and if it's not there will be consequences!
"What the hell?!" I yelled as I tried to process this information.
'How does it know my name? What is going on? Maybe its a prank? No, it can't be there is no way someone could've known that I would come here!' I grabbed my head as I started thinking about this.
I started hearing whispers which by the way scared the shit out of me I got startled and fell on to my butt. The voices started getting louder, I blocked my ears to try to stop the voices. I looked up at where I thought the voices were coming from and when I looked at the box the voices stopped. I started getting confused, I then started to calm down. 'Why did it stop when I looked at the box?'
I got up from the floor, took my hands off of my ears, and walked toward the shelf again while still looking at the box. I stopped to look at the box and thought this through. 'Maybe if I leave it alone it will stop whispering' When I was about to walk away something started ringing in my head which hurt and I fell to my knees. I felt something come behind me and the ringing stopped. I took my hands off from my ear and it whispered something to me.
"Open it I know you want to or would you rather let me kill you?" a whisper that sounded like a boy said.
I turned around only to find there was no one there. I got scared and decided to do as he said. I got up walked toward the box. I hesitated but opened it anyway, I saw that nothing happened, and the box was empty. I really started to get confused but as you all know nothing is at it seems.
The room started spinning as I started getting dizzy and I finally fainted.
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