Here. Again.
Ahsoka, stood there, waiting. The tractor beam had cought them now. Waiting. One second, now felt like one year.
She walked back towards the pilot seat. "Are you a mechanic, Kytika?" Kytika turned around, slowly. "I..... Yes I'm a mechanic......... of sorts." Ahsoka took a breath before saying, " Do you know how to make a bomb?" Kytika didn't answer. She just stared at the window. "Well?" Kytika, sighed. "Yes, I know how to make a bomb. I'm a chemist, who works on illegal bombs." "How quick can you make them?"
"You better hope this works," Kytika muttered. Ahsoka nodded grimly. They heard people, walking over to come inspect the ship and capture them. Kytika signaled Ahsoka, and they both put on oxygen masks. Then, Ahsoka pressed a button, the button, to start the timer.
"What's going on in there?" Someone said, from outside the ship.
There was a small >pop<, and a green gas, filled the ship. Slowly, it began to fill every room in the ship. Just as the Imperial opened the door, the green vapor snaked out, and he collapsed to the ground, as well as the others who were with him. Awesome. That bought us time, but not much.
Ahsoka, ushered Kytika, and the two walked over towards a door, quietly. As the door opened, Ahsoka found what she'd been looking for. As she entered, Kytika, stood by the door to keep watch. Quickly, she fiddled with the controls and pressed a few buttons, and entered a few commands into the console. A small alarm went off, as a holocron, was ejected from it's shelf.
I knew that would happen, now we have even less time. Better hurry. She grabbed the holocron, and shut down the console. "Hurry!" She said. But, something caught her eye. Something, important. Something that shouldn't be there.
But that's impossible.... How could they have found it? Unless.......
Another lovely cliffhanger, I'll update soon. Hope you enjoyed! Wow! 143 reads so far! For some authers, that's nothing, but for me, it's pretty amazing! I might do something at 150....... Oh well. For now I'll think about what to write!
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