(I drew the picture myself)
Ahsoka, fired at the TIE, which exploded into an imperial firework, and went off spinning into the endless, black, Galaxy. Kytika, was a pretty good pilot. She had a more curvy flying style, making it easier to take shots. Unlike Skyguy. He just flew wherever he wanted, prayed to the force that his plan would work, and expected me to kill some of the bad guys.
I shot TIE after TIE, but there where still more. More and more. Endless. They swarmed like gnats in the blackness of space, never ever decreasing. I stopped firing. "Kytika!" I yelled. "I have an idea!" She didn't even look back, she was focused on driving. "Better make it quick!" "Stop the ship!" I yelled. "What? Are you kriffing crazy?!?" (A/N: I don't know if that's a cuss word or something they just say, I read it in other books so I decided to put it in mine. Anyways, back to the story..........)
"Trust me!" I hollered back. She had three seconds to choose. Less. Either try and pilot the ship away, from thousands of TIE fighters, without a gunner, and get blown to bits, or to follow my plan. Two seconds. One second.........
"Alright FINE!" She also said a long string of nasty words. Let's just say, I would never EVER, say them in front of the council. She put on the brakes, or whatever you call them, and sent the transmission for surrender. Thank you Kytika. Now let's just pray my plan works.
I'll just leave you all with that amazing cliffhanger.......
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