History of Pandora: What is the "Underwater Continent"?
I said I would be giving a history lesson on the wars, buuuut I can't explain how the wars started without explaining where the hell they took place, so here this is!
Imagine this, it's around the late 1700's or early 1800's, you're chilling on whatever continent you live on, most likely Europe, probably listening to Romeo and Juliet or some shit, and then all of a sudden, there's an earthquake. But wait, this isn't just any earthquake, every continent from around the whole world is experiencing this strange phenomenon. Even worse, the people living on the coasts are getting waters so high, the residents living even a whole 20 kilometers away are drowning and getting lost in the waves. So what the hell's happening?
Well, from the information you could gather, there's a huge chunk of land suddenly coming out of the fucking Atlantic Ocean. Yeah.
This is the land soon named Pandora, even being nicknamed the "Underwater Continent", the "Eighth Continent", and the "Hidden Continent". This is where AHCTD takes place, but I'll give a more specific location in a later lesson. The land is full of fertile soil and plenty of groundwater to give a whole colony a lifetime supply and maybe even then some. The climate is Mediterranean, meaning that it has extremely wet winters and extremely dry summers. Of course, everyone wants this land, but the question is who will get it.
And the answer is in the form of The Before Wars.
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