- Prologue
NOTHING COULD have prepared her for what was about to come. She didn't know that her life was about to take a drastic turn. She didn't even know what her life was before.
She didn't know...
Shivering as the cold air breezed against her sweaty forehead, the lingering taste of water was in her mouth.
As she struggled to open her eyes, as if bricks where weighing them down, she could faintly hear the sound of what seemed to be metal?
She didn't know...
Fluttering her eyes open didn't change much, she couldn't see anything. However panic didn't hit her instantly, confusion did.
She couldn't remember the events that led up to this moment as she finally began to take in her surroundings.
The ground beneath her was rough, uneven, and cold. Her fingers twitched slightly, seeing as that she still couldn't grasp her strength, if she had any at all.
Her head fell limply to the side, acting as if it was a bowling ball.
What was the purpose of a bowling ball? She wondered. Have I ever been bowling before?
She didn't know...
Question after question resorted in her mind as the panic that she had been waiting for started to kick in.
Uneven breaths where quietly exhaling out of her mouth.
She was confused, she knew how to breath, how to move, did she know how to talk?
Clearing her throat slightly, it was only now she realised how dry it was.
Water. She needed water. But that was the least of her concerns as she was still trying ito process what the actual fuck was happening.
Steadying herself onto her elbows she gave herself a moment to prevent the dizziness that washed over.
Her surroundings where clammy , almost suffocating. Like she was being sucked into a tube filled with chocolate only for her to drown.
She tilted her head to herself in confusion as she realised how utterly random that sounded. The answer to where her absurd observation had come from was at the tip of her tongue. But she couldn't spill it out.
Anyway, she didn't know wether it was because of her dizziness or the way the, elevator?
She didn't know...
Was moving upwards at a rapid pace.
She was moving upwards...
At a rapid pace...
Something in her mind switched. She had the sudden feeling that she needed to figure out what was going on before she was crushed.
Well that sounds charming.
Sitting herself up slowly she tried adjusting her eyes to the dark lighting. She could barely make out shadows of what seemed to be squares at the other side.
Standing up, a little too quickly. Her head hit something hard as she groaned, touching it slightly until a thought struck.
It was a celling. She was in a box.
"No fucking way."
She sighed as she realised that she swore a lot. She didn't feel that old. Must be a habit from her parents, she shrugged.
She stopped in her tracks. Her parents? Who where they? Did she even have parents? She couldn't remember them?
In fact she realised she couldn't remember anything.
"Shit, shit, shit!" She exclaimed, hitting herself on the head with each work getting louder.
She stopped suddenly, realising how much self embarrassment she was putting on herself. Then realised there was no one in there with her. So she continued.
Wait a damn second. Was she alone?
Her heart-rate quickened. Stretching out her hands and walking forward slowly. Hoping not to bump into anyone. Or anything.
Her foot suddenly hit one of the "squares", followed by a screech, then by her own scream.
Well, at least I can talk. She relieved.
And now she knew the only thing that was with her was some pigs.
The sudden jerk of the box caused her knees to buckle. Luckily catching her fall with her hand, she looked around confused at the sudden green light that flashed. That made everything so much clearer.
She was right, it was a box, and it was metal. She could make out a few animals. Pigs, cows, goats. All of them babies. She wanted to cry, not because she was scared, because she realised not only where the baby animals probably scared to death. But because now she could see clearly, she realised how truly alone she was.
That was until the upwards motion began to speed up until she felt her stomach turn.
Loneliness turned into determination as her hands grasped around the side of the crate, shaking it roughly.
"Help! Help me please! Stop it please!" She screamed, almost pleadingly.
Letting out an almost sob, she fell to the ground in both distress and exhaustion, only now noting how tired she really was.
As the box continued to speed up, she just sat there. With big fat tears streaming down her checks, in someway defeat, and realisation that she was probably never getting out of here.
As she saw the ceiling approach, she tucked her head into her knees, arms covering her hair, in her last effort even though she knew it was hopeless.
She was going to die.
But then the box stopped.
It just,
The same green light as before was what shook her out of her amazement, lifting her head up in fearfulness.
And after exactly 6 seconds, yes she counted, the light then turned red followed by an alarming noise that caused her to cover her ears before again, it stopped, and the lights went out. Leaving her in the darkness once more.
But not for to long.
The brightest light that she had seen in what it felt like years covered her entire helpless form.
Her head instantly tucked back into her knees, as the light burned her eyes.
Instant mummers filled her ears.
"What the hell is going on?"
"Come on, we haven't got all day"
"What is it Newt?"
Slowly blinking her eyes back open, the girl lifted her head only enough to see through a gap. Her eyes instantly met a pair of brown.
Newt's own eyes widened.
Not only was it another person after a full month of only the 8 of them.
It was a girl.
8 boys, 1 girl.
What the shuck?
He froze, unsure of what to do. The girls green eyes where staring back at him, frightened, curious, confused.
So was he.
He shook his head, getting rid of his thoughts. Looking back up at the impatient faces of his fellow prisoners.
He cleared his throat, trying to come up with something to say.
So he thought of the next best thing.
"Nick, you better get down here" he waved their leader, gesturing for him to join the 2 way stare off he and the girl where currently facing.
"What going o- oh" Nicks face instantly dropped, looking just as frightened and confused as the blonde next to him.
"Yeah, oh" Newt mocked him.
The two then fell into a somewhat awkward silence glancing between the girl and the now interesting sky.
That was until Nick gathered up the courage to bend down sending the girl a confronting smile.
She shuffled back, just a bit.
She didn't know who these people where, she didn't know who she was for heavens sake. What did they expect her to do? Be best friends with them so soon?
Absolutely fucking not.
The impatient whispers grew louder, people wanting to know what the hell is taking the two boys so long.
"Alright slim it shanks!" The crowd immediately quieted down at Nick's strict voice. He gestured for Newt to break the news.
"It's a girl"
While gasps echoed around her, Nick cleared his throat as he gathered up the courage to hopefully, comfort the girl.
"Hey, look I know this must be terrifying but I promise you its better out there than in here" he extended his arm, offering his hand to assist her in standing up .
Slowly but surely, she gained the courage to pick up her head, glanced warily at his outstreched arm and hesitently meet her hand with his.
Shakildly pushing herslef onto her feet with his help she could now finally see the shooked but amazed faces of a group of young boys staring right back at her.
"Bring it down Gally!" Nick yelled as a long rope with a loop on the end was lowered into the box. Newt grapped on first as he was hauled back up to join the rest of the group.
Nick tured towards her once more and gave her one last comforting smile and a thumbs up before he copied Newt's actions.
It was now her turn.
Trying to encourge confidence within herself, her hands grasped firmly around the rope and attached her foot through the loop. Without much warning, she was pulled up, faster than expected onto a soft surface which soon reveaed to be bright green grass.
Everyone was silent, obsurving her every move. As if she where a wild animal in a unfamiliar teritory, which somehow was near enough to the reality.
Raising herslef to stand, the first things she noticed that she was on a land outside from a deep streached forest of some sorts. It was only a few seconds later she notices the main attraction.
4 big stone walls.
She slowly turned around, hardly paying attention to any of the boys suurounding her. She notices that the walls created a square, that completly trapped them. Apart from one small opening.
She took one step fpoward, inching her head out, seeing if there was a purpose to it. As she took another step she hear shuffling behind her.
She turned her head too see Nick with his hand, yet again outstreched as if he where about to tap her shoulder. He only gave her an awkward smile when she eyed him up, as if to ask 'yes?'.
He slapped his hand onto her bicep and uttered only 1 sentence, 4 words, that would change everything.
"Welcome to hell greenie."
I've always wanted to write a maze runner book. And I'm so determined to write this all the way through the 3 movies.
And maybe a prequel?
I'm hoping this is as good as I think it is. I'm so exited to continue writing this.
A few chapters are already written out.
My goal is to upload twice a week.
I hope you enjoy!!
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