Gold Gyarados:
Go to the fourth gym and SURF right all the way. You will SURF in the water should see a Gyarados. Battle it, and it will be golden.
LARVITAR: larvitar can be found in mt.silver at level 20, don't worry though he may take a while to get there he evolves at level 30 to pupitar and at level 55 into tyranitar. Tyranitar is almost indestructable even at level 80 and could probably take on Lugia when lugias at level 100 and tyranitar is at level 85.
SKARMORY: can be found at route 45 and has excelent spcl aatk + spcl def and is pretty offensive too.
CHICORITA: I found him in the wild outside of the town that you begin in and he was level 4 and new solarbeam. I'm not joking this really happend!!!
The best places to find the three legendary dogs are at route 35,37,38,and 39.
After Bill fixes the Time Machine, a trading device. Bill's dad, at the end of Route 25 in the only house seen on that route. If you catch these Pokemon and give the Pokemon to him in this particular order, he will give you these stones:
(You get pichu by breed a Pikachu and a Pikachu of different sex)Pichu:Thunderstone.
Anyone still playing Gold version (or Siver, unsure if it works out in Crystal) listen up! Every Monday Morning, in the underground section of Goldenrod City, there is an old man who sells nuggets, pearls, star pieces and every other made-to-sell item. However, they are very expensive...
Schoolboy allan he gives you fire stones he is at route 36
Lass dana she gives you a thunder stone she is at route 38
Picknicker gina she gives you a leaf stone she is at route 34
Fisher tully he gives you a water stone he is at route 42
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
To get apiom you must first know the folloing moves cut surf and to jhoto falls and use cut where you see a box of trees then use headbut on one of the trees. It may take a find apiom at level 10.he is hard to catch so have many pokeballs
Hope this helps your pokedex
fly to new bark
fly to ecruteak
enter pkmn centre
go down to first patch of grass
raiku will be first
hey i found you, umm i actually found where some of them were at specific times of day. like entie (in gold) is always in the field east of eruktek at 4 pm
To get the shiny onix all you have to do is (and I highly recomend it ) get a haunter to at least lvl. 35/36 and get it to learn nightshade.
After you have done this equip either a master ball or a lot of ultra balls and go to victory road and save it. Just walk around for a while.
If your fortunate enough you'll be attacked by a silver onix.
Use haunter and use nightshade twice at least until its health is low and try to catch it.
It really works I have it and I'm not lying I promise.
P.S is there any other shiny pokemon besides red gyarados and silver onix? If there is then post here on SC !
Yellow Rattata: Route 22 - Lv.2
Lightily Green Tangela: Sea Route 21 - Lv. varies in 30 or 35
Pink Golbat: Silver Cave - Lv. varies in 42, 46, 48, 50 or 51
Lightily Red Donphan: Patch of grass out of the Silver Cave - Lv 40*
Yellow Magikarp: Fishing in the water next to the Safari Zone on Fuschia City - Lv. 40
If you want the experience shared. you first need the red scale from the lake of rage then go to Mr. pokemon's house. Then talk to him he will ask for the red scale,say yes. Then he will give you an experience shared in return.
Well to get Staryu you go at night at the sea next to the day-care in route 34 and fish with your SUPER ROD you should find a Staryu soon.
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