Chapter 2
They actually let me keep my long hair, but just in a low pony all the time. IT'S SO HOT WITH IT DOWN! I usually wear it up if you didn't know.
I wore this stupid uniform for the damn private school. Yeah I figured out it's for rich snobby boys with way to much time on their hands. And now I have to act like a extremely rich kid. Sigh. Oh well. Here we come Rich place.
-Time Skip-
We arrived at the private rich school and the driver opened the door for me. All the students were wondering around, hopelessly walking around in hopes for a butler would come and direct them to the right place, because of their damn pea sized brains can't handle something other than asking for stuff.
Ace cam out of the car with me and handed me my luggage and underneath all my clothes (in the suitcases) are secret guns and stuff you'll figure out.
He smiled warmly at me, "Good luck sweat pea." He said quietly so no one could hear, but me. I smiled and nodded.
He got back in the black car that was surrounded by police cars. Once he got back in all the cars disappeared.
I turned to look at the giant school. Sighing, I grumbled out, "Here we go,"
I walked to the entrance and went in. Walking around the school, I took in the beautiful scenery surrounding me.
Ah ha! Found you office! I opened the door to the office and went to a secretary. "Hello sir! I'm new here I was wondering if I could get my schedule and my dorm number!"
He nodded, "You must be the new student, Saku Haruno!" He said in a cheerful voice....Ace....God damn it....The best you could come up with is Saku? I nodded my head and handed me a key with a schedule.
I grabbed them and walked to the dorm part of the campus. Once I reached there the dorms were extremely nice. Perfect silk white carpet and real gold on the walls with white paint. Okay you don't have to rub it in that your rich. I know that already.
The dorm rooms are probably the same, but maybe not gold walls, maybe like a red velvet color. Hmmm.
I walked around until I saw my dorm number, and I think I am to have a roommate....Yay! I grabbed the key and unlocked the door. Just like I expected. The walls were a dark red, with the same carpet. I wonder how they manage to keep to carpet so freaking white.
There were 2 very comfortable looking beds with both black sheets! YES!
I set my largest suitcase on my bed and opened it. There was a handle in the inside. I grabbed the handle and pulled it up to only reveal a lot of guns. I smirked and picked one up. Underneath it, there was a picture of me, Ace, Gina, and Jase. I smiled at that memory.
I set the gun down and picked up the picture. I smiled, but then I heard the door unlock. I quickly out my clothes back over the guns and closed it. I awkwardly sat on the bed, waiting for the person to come in.
The door opened fully to reveal a tall boy. (Picture above is the boy).
"Um hi...I'm Saku, your new roommate." I said in the most boyish voice. On the inside I was dying. I sounded like a donkey choking on a carrot. Great...
"Oh right! Hi I'm Misaki! Your roommate I guess.." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Please please please tell me your not one of those rich snobs?" I asked desperately.
He glared at me. "And why would you thin that I'm not?!" I sighed and just dropped on my bed.
"Just kidding, but I know who is and I'll keep you in the right track and the right people to avoid!" He said with a smile. "Yay!" I silently cheered. I grabbed my suitcases and started unpacking, hoping that there is no girls underwear in there, but I guess everyone hates me there, BECAUSE THERE THEY ARE...THE TOP OF THE FREAKING STACK OF THE CLOTHES!!!
I quickly shut the suitcase. "You know what...I'll just unpack later...Yeah that's what I'll do." I put the suitcases under my bed then laid on the bed. "You do realize classes are gonna start soon..." Misaki said. I shot straight up.
"Noooo~ I just got here!!!" I yelled. "I'm so tired!"
"Me too...Me too..." Misaki replied. "When do we start class?" I asked with a sigh visible in my voice. "Oh right, the teacher told me to give you your schedule and luckily we have the same!" He replied and pulled out a piece of paper.
"So next we have...Gym..." He said. Great! That's something I'm good at. Hey, just because I'm a prodigy doesn't mean I'm a genius at everything. But one of the other things I'm good at is anything that is athletic.
"So is your hair naturally pink or did you dye it?" Misaki asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's natural!" I grumbled. He nodded. "Well get dressed into some sports wear we have to go!"
"Right, would you mind leaving the room while I'm changing I'm really...Insecure...Yeah insecure about my body." I made up an excuse. You would think that since it's a rich school it would have private bathrooms, but it seems they couldn't afford that. Damn rich people.
He nodded and left. Finally. I quickly pulled out my suitcase again and moved my underwear to a private drawer so he won't see it. I quickly found m athletic clothes and threw them on.
I shuffled outside and walked with Misaki to the gym. I noticed our height difference. Great. I short, have pink hair, and girly emerald eyes. Yeah I'm totally a boy.
We arrived at the gym filled with many boys. I refrained myself from blushing, because you know, I'm a girl and when a girl see's some shirtless guys that are all sweaty, you'll die, because on the inside I think I died.
"-ku, Saku!" Misaki waved his hand in front of my face. "Huh? What?" He chuckled and replied, "We're about to start Gym."
I nodded and saw a man in a green jumpsuit...Swing in the gym....On. A. Freaking. Vine! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! I just realized I never looked at the file. I face palmed mentally. The man in the jumpsuit landed on his face, but instantly got up.
All the boys groaned while I was silently cheering. "To start off we are going to have...Freshman vs. Sophomore!" The freshman's groaned while I kept on cheering. The Sophomore's cracked their knuckles.
Everyone got in their places. I could hear the Freshman's whimper and that made me have irk marks. "Their really that pathetic...Oh come on I got shot at before, this is nothing!" I mumbled to myself. "Everyone ready?!" Gai-sensei yelled.
He looked at both teams then blew his whistle. I sprinted for a ball and luckily grabbed 2. The other freshmen just kept on getting out, one by one. Misaki was trying his hardest (I think) to stay in.
As soon as Misaki got out, it was just me and the 15 Sophomore's. They glared at me while I kept a straight face. "What can a small b*tch like you do?!" One of them spat. I walked over to a ball and picked it up. (You can guess who that was...)
He chuckled, but it stopped as soon as I threw the ball right at his face and knocked him backwards. That seemed to piss of all the others. 1 down 14 more to go. I smirked as more balls were thrown to me. I dodged the left from right and as soon as they ran out of them, I was on a roll.
They tried to dodge, but you can't when someone has been trained ever since they were little to fight people. Once they were all down, I looked around the gym to only see mouths hanging open. I giggled mentally. Usually happens.
"Saku..." Misaki walked to me, "YOU WERE FREAKIN' AMAZING!!!!!" After he said that all freshman started cheering and picked me up, chanting "SA-U! SA-KU!" And so on. The sophomore glared at me and well what did I do? I would do what any other person would do in America...
I flipped them off.
Sooooooooooooo how did you like it? Good or nah?
Nah? F*ck you...Jk I'm not that mean....Sometimes.
Drop a vote and comment if you have any idea's or want to push me to update!
Bye Bye! - Crim-kun~
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