Chapter 13
I woken to the sound of a door opening. I was in between tow houses, in the small opening, just enough for me to squeeze in and sit. I must've fallen asleep.
I saw girls about my age exit the house and walk towards their destination. Most likely school. Oh shit. School.
I jolted up, hitting my head on the brick wall standing in front of me. "Ow." I cursed underneath my breath and looked away. No way I can go out in public wearing a hospital gown, exposing my ass to the whole world.
Panic rose in me, my eyes quickly scanning the area before leaving the small alley, but instead of going on the streets, I started jumping fences. I glanced inside a house and saw the time. I'm gonna be late! Shit, I can't make it!
I kept running and jumping. . .That was before my gown got caught on one of the fences. I gasped. "Oh fuck. . . " I tugged at it, but the majority of it was ripped away. I growled and looked around for some clothes laying around.
I quickly off random clothing from a line, drying clothes. After I had obtained them, I started running, trying to put on the cargo shorts I had grabbed. I jumped and hoped, trying to slide into them. They were a little too big for me, but they were better than exposing gown.
I slid on the shirt I had, luckily it was loose and fitting. I then ran through another alley to the road, with a few cars on it and a lot of students riding or walking to school. I knew I was really far from my school, but I could manage to get there. . .But not by foot.
I glanced at a student getting on a bike and cursed under my breath. I can't steal another bike. Can I?
Looks like I am.
I ran to another bike I saw that was leaned against a tree and quickly grabbed it. "H-hey!" I male student stopped talking to his friend as he saw me take his bike. "SORRY! I'LL GET YOU ANOTHER ONE!" I yelled back before hoping on the bike and quickly riding down the street.
There were so many students walking towards their destination, it was difficult to bike around them. "Screw it." I pedaled fast down the sidewalk, slowly maneuvering towards the street, and when I got there, there was a steep hill going down.
"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" I yelled to a group kids walking across the street as I was going in a rapid speed.
Suddenly there wasn't any pressure underneath me. I was in the air. I looked below me and saw the students in awe. "Sorry!" I called out before hitting the ground. I was still kind of going down, so the wheels continued turning rapidly.
Excitement filled me as I got faster. It was like being a kid again. I stood up from the seat and pedaled faster. Chants came from my mouth as I moved into a busier part. This was going to be so much fun.
Instead of going to the streets, I went on the sidewalk and into a popular, busy park. It was gorgeous, but I didn't have time for looking at the scenery. I looked at the clock in the center of the park. 3 more minutes.
My eyes widened in terror, but that was soon over when I was roughly going down a flight of stairs. A scream rose from my chest as pedestrians were jumping out of the way. My screams soon turned to laughs.
My fun was coming to an end as I was nearing the end of the stairs. "WATCH OUT!" I yelled at someone walking in front of the stairs. I stood up on my bike again and hoped upwards, trying to avoid the person. I looked down to see the persons reaction and guess who it is.
The one and only, Gaara of the sand. His eyes only widened a centimeter, but I could tell. My thoughts were cut off by the rough feeling of the front wheel hitting the ground. I yelped slightly, taking a couple of deep breaths before going again.
I see it!
I pedaled faster, going up a steep hill. No one was in the court of school. Good. But I won't be able to get to class in time. . .By foot at least.
I chuckled at the dumb thought of riding this bike through school. I then noticed a large tree right beside a window, directly across from my classroom. I dropped the bike to the ground and ran to tree.
I popped my knuckles.
Let's do this!
I grabbed the first tree branch and pulled myself up. Left, right, left, right my hands went.
One minute left.
There it was! I noticed there was quite a distance between the tree and the window, but I know I can make it. I readied myself, taking a few deep breaths.
My foot went forward on the thin tree branch, but I kept my head up. Don't look down. I took another step. Don't look down. And another.
My fingers grasped the ledge of the window, I pulled myself a little bit more upwards so I could knock with my other hand. I student looked over to me and stood up. "The hell. . .?" He opened the window for me.
I pulled myself in, my body dropping to the floor in exhaustion. "Holy shit. . . " I closed my eyes.
I heard someone clear there throat. "Haruno-san. Explain as to why you're on the ground?" I opened my eyes to see silver hair that was defying gravity. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at the teachers face.
He had mask covering half his face and a headband covering an eye. I sighed and got up from the clean floor.
"You're late." He stated, making me roll my eyes.
Well no shit Sherlock.
AN - I know this isn't that good of a chapter, but I mean its something. I don't know why I never published this chapter though, I had all I wanted on this, I guess I just forgot. . . Sorry everyone XD
Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll try to start updating everything as soon as possible!
Bye Bye~! - Crim-chan~
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