Chapter 10
|3rd POV|
Sasuke's eyes widened, as he covered his nose and shuffled out of the room. Sakura snickered. 'He's the next heir of the company, and he's doing drugs. Typical.' Sakura rolled her eyes, and tried to leave the room. Hint. Tried.
"Sakura." She froze on the spot and the teacher called out her name. She gulped and hesitantly turned around. "I-its Sa-"
"What are you doing in a all boys school. Last time I checked, you were a girl." The teacher cut her off.
|Sakura's POV|
'Busted!' I clenched my fist. I saw a smirk form on his face. "Now tell me. What is a prodigy agent doing in a school like this? Hm?" He hummed, stroking his fingers against my face. "None of your business." I growled.
"That's no way to act towards an elder." He put his hand under my chin and yanked it up to look at him. "It can't be the fact that your here because of the...Biggest drug deal that goes on here. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." He clicked his tongue.
My eyes widened. "How did you know about that?!" I angrily yelled. He chuckled and pushed me against the chalk board. "I have my ways, sweetheart." He put his arm above me. "Let's make a deal Sa-Ku-Ra." He smirked.
"I won't tell anyone who or what you are, if you would be willing to do anything for me." He chuckled. "If you back down. Everyone will know, and you'll get fired, and live on the streets, and of course I'll be there for you, but I might just put you on the market, or maybe keep you for myself..." He paused, hungrily scanning my body. "So what do you say? Deal?" He back up and reached up his hand for me to shake.
I thought for a moment. 'If I get fired, who knows what he'll do to me...And all those people I locked out...No, don't think like that, make the deal.'
"Deal." I put my hand in his, and shook it. He smiled and handed me a slip of paper. "Call me if its an emergency. Nothing else." He then pushed me out of his classroom, making me drop my bag.
Before he closed the classroom door, he said, "I hope to see you at the gym." I huffed and picked up my bag, recollecting everything. I yawned as I stood straight up, closing my eyes. I then heard someone clearing their throat.
I cracked one eye open to see who this person was. Sasuke Uchiha. "Don't you work under my father?" He asked. I nervously chuckled. "Haha, n-no why wo-" He cut me off.
"I heard you talking in there Sa-Ku-Ra." He smirked. "Now, I won't tell my father that you blew your cover, but-"
'Of course there's a but.'
"You have to do anything I say." I sighed at the catch he had in mind. "Fine, deal, whatever, just don't get me fired." I begged. If I get fired I'm ruined.
Sasuke pat my head. "Good girl."
Then it hit me.
"But I don't think daddy would appreciate the fact that the next heir to his company to doing drugs." I chuckled as he growled. "You wouldn't dare!" He clenched his teeth. I smirked, "Oh, I would. So." I put my index finger on his chest. "I think this deal we have...Its off.'" I took my finger off of him walked away.
I could feel his gaze on the back of my head. I released the air I was holding in. My racing heart started slowing down and I was breathing again. "Jeez." I mumbled, aimlessly walking around the large school.
I scanned the environment I was in, then sweatdropped. "I have no clue where I am." I sighed and looked at the large empty space. I hummed a little, tracing my finger against the wall, walking to where ever my feet take me.
I spaced out, not noticing where I was walking. But what brought me back to earth, was hearing the pants and gasp of airs. "The hell...?" I noticed that there were two wooden doors, with small window panels. 'A gym?' I walked towards it, hearing the squeaks of shoes his the wooden floor.
As I got closer, I heard balls rapidly hitting the ground in patterns. I peeped in the window, to see them running back and forth with dribbling the basketball, going up and down the court. "Basketball...Fun." I mumbled to myself. I wasn't interested until I saw a flash of red.
"That's Gaara...The son of...Um...What's his name again?" I thought for a few minutes. "I don;t know..." I rubbed my temples in frustration. 'He's in the international agent company, he's teamed with Uchiha's and one of the branches, but his company, Suna, is a separate business.' Inner commented.
I chuckled. "Thank you inner." I said aloud.
"Who's inner?" A voice interrupted my thinking. I jumped at the sudden voice. I quickly turned around, to only see the one and only red headed, Gaara. "U-uh, nothing!" I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.
He raised his non-existent eyebrow. "Yeah...Sure..."He wiped away sweat from his head. I awkwardly started backing away, until he spoke. "Coming to the game this Thursday?" He asked. I shook my head. "Hm. You should."
A whistle was heard and he walked back into the gym. "Well....I still have no clue where I am." mumbled.
"Well who are you, youthful young man?!" A voice scared me shitless again. "Jeez..." I put my hand on my chest and turned around. It was a man with jet black hair, in a bowl cut style. And in a green jumpsuit. I cringed at the guy.
"Ah! I know who you are! The new youthful Saku Haruno!" He yelled. I nodded, a little weary. "And who are you, exactly...?" I asked. He chuckled and striked a pose. "WELL I AM MIGHT GAI! THE BEST GYM TEACHER THERE IS!" He exclaimed.
I swear I lost my hearing for a few seconds. "Now! Haruno-san! Would you like to watch the basketball players! They are might youthful and energetic!" He offered. I looked at a clock and sighed. "Sure I have nothing else to do, so might as well..." I mumbled.
"WONDERFUL!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside.
'Oh kami-sama, save me now!'
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