Part three! Sorry for the long wait! Been watching Fairy Tail and playing Pokemon Pearl hehe sorry
Umi's P.O.V
As I walked into school the next day, I noticed a lot of the staring at me. Ugh. Why won't they leave me alone?! Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my shoulders on both sides. "Good morning Umi-Kun!" Daisuke exclaimed smiling. "Yes. Good morning Umi-Chan." Kuroishi said slyly in my ear. Daisuke pulled me closer to him. He laughed. "Don't mind Kuroishi-Kun! He's just teasing you from yesterday!" Kuroishi came closer. "Yes don't worry Umi-Chan...I'm not mad about you stealing Oshiro-Sensai from me. I guess I'll just have you instead." He said smiling. I shuddered slightly. "K-K-Kuroishi-Kun! Why don't you just get a um a girl instead?" I asked trying to get the topic off of me. Here, he smiled evilly. "Why get a terrified girl when I can just get a cutie here?" He said. He came closer and kissed my cheek playfully. I pouted. "Kuroishi-Kun! Don't play with me for my cute body." I said. Kuroishi and Daisuke looked surprised at what I just said but smiled. I had to pretend to be my younger brother's older and hot sister one time for his school so this is where the cutesy talk is coming from. Blame my annoying brother and sister, not me. "Ah Umi-Chan. Don't worry. I'll play with it later." Kuroishi said jokingly as he let go and went into the class room. Daisuke smiled at me. "Come on Umi-Kun! Let's go! The bell will ring soon!" He said following Kuroishi into the room. I rolled my eyes smiling. Hmm. I just might have fun here. All I have to do is ignore the lust full stares of my classmates. I looked around as I went to my desk. Just as I thought, they were staring as if hot celebrity, Suzukaze Kasumi, had just entered the room. I mean seriously. I noticed one kid was drooling a little. I cringed. Ew gross. Come on now. They act as if they've never seen a real girl before. Well actually, considering that they had years in an all boys school, they probably hadn't.
I sat down at my desk just as the bell rung. I looked around. Where was Yuko-San? Suddenly, I heard a big slamming sound from the door and jumped. I turned and saw him. In a thin black t-shirt and black jeans. Wow. I stared. Come on now. He didn't even look like the teacher! I looked away blushing as he turned to me. Everyone turned towards the front as he walked down the lane to his desk, ready for the day to start. Quietly, without anyone noticing, he slipped a note to me during the announcements. I was surprised. What was this for? I've heard of lovesick girls passing notes to boys and the teacher confiscating them to read them aloud. Never had I heard of the teacher passing the note. I looked up at him. He winked at me. I blushed slightly. I saw Kuroishi and Daisuke look over slightly from the t.v. where announcements were made and look at the note. From across me, they shared a look, smiling slightly and looked back at the t.v. I sighed a small sigh hoping they wouldn't think much of it. I looked at the note and opened it quietly. I glanced at the small handwriting and squinted. What was this? See me after school? I looked up at him confused. He turned from the t.v. and caught my eye. He just smiled and shrugged. Ugh. Stupid, confusing teacher.
Throughout the day, I tried not to think much about the dumb note. That didn't work so much. "Umi-Kun? Are you with us?" I heard Yuko-San say. I was so much in my thoughts that I didn't notice he was there until he picked me up bridal style. As if I was weighed just as much as a cheerleader on a diet. "Yah! W-What the?!" I shouted. I heard snickers from the class as I blushed against Yuko-San. "Y-Y-Yuko-San! What-what are you doing?! Put me down!" I exclaimed to him. He smirked. His eyes behind his glasses sparkled. What? "Are you sure you want me to do that Umi-Kun?" He asked. "O-Of course! Put me down!" I stammered. I looked at Daisuke as he laughed. "You sure don't look like you want him to let you go." He said still laughing as Kuroishi smirked. "What-what do you mean?" I asked confused. Kuroishi nodded towards my hands. I glanced towards my hands and saw that they were clutching tightly to Yuko-San's shirt. I let go blushing even more and crossed my arms across my chest. "W-Well w-whatever! Let me go now!" I said looking away from him. He laughs softly and places me back at my seat. Kuroishi notices my blushing and smirks. He raises his hand and I look over. "Oshiro-Senpai! Can you pick me up too? You don't have to put me down. I know you're strong enough to carry me." He says seductively, goes up to Yuko-San, and softly touches his cheek. Yuko-San tries not to notice as he glances slightly at me. Daisuke reaches over and closes my mouth. What? Had it been open?! Oh god. Everyone laughed as I look down with embarrassment. "Try not to be so obvious Umi-Kun." Daisuke whispered to me jokingly. Kuroishi smirked and softly kissed Yuko-San's cheek. "STOP!" I shouted as I jumped up. The room was silent as my desk and chair screeched back. Everyone stared at me with shock while Kuroishi smirked. I looked at Yuko-San but I couldn't find his expression as it was hidden behind his dark glasses. But I did see a slight smile as he shuffled papers and that reassured me a little. Then I realized I was still up and red with anger at Kuroishi's action. I blushed suddenly embarrassed and brought my hands down. I bowed trying to bring back some dignity to myself. "Um I-I'm sorry. I'll accept any punishment for my outburst." I said as the room was still silent. Suddenly, the room was filled with laughter. I was confused. What happened? I looked up and noticed that even Kuroishi was laughing. Wow. Kuroishi can laugh?! Suddenly the ground slipped from me as Yuko-San lifted me and held me close. "Y-Yuko-San?!" I said but was interrupted as he whispered to me. "Don't worry Bell-Kun. You're the only I'll hold like this if you'd like." He said. I blushed. What was with all this blushing?! I covered my face hoping he hadn't seen. "N-No! I-I don't want you to h-hold me..." I said. He smiled softly. "Are you sure?" I nodded not trusting my voice. He laughed quietly and put me down. "Remember...see me after school..." He said. I nodded looking down at my desk.
As the bell rang for the end of school, I stayed back as everyone left. Daisuke and Kuroishi got up. Daisuke offered his hand to me. "Hey, me and Kuroishi-Kun are going to the arcade. Wanna come?" He asked. Dang! I really did wanna come! I was about to take up his offer and go when Yuko-San pulled me back away from them. "I'm sorry Daisuke-Kun. Umi-Kun has some business he needs to take care of." He said smiling at them like it was no big deal. Daisuke hesitated but then smiled back. "Of course Oshiro-Sensei. See you tomorrow Umi-Kun!" He said as he waved and went out the door. Kuroishi smirked but his eyes looked a little hurt at me. I looked down unsure if he was hurt that I wouldn't be coming with them or if it's because I got to spend more time with Yuko-San. For some reason, I really hoped it wasn't the second one. "Well good-bye Sensei. See you Umi-Chan." He said as he followed Daisuke out the door. Yuko-San held me for a few seconds more and then finally let go. I turned so that I was facing him. I crossed my arms and tilted my head slightly. "So what did you want?" I asked. He looked at me for a few seconds. It felt like he was analyzing me. "Perfect..." I heard him mutter. Perfect? Perfect for what? I blushed a little thinking of some possibilities that I would never tell anyone. Suddenly, he put his hands on my shoulders and looked with me with a determination that I've only seen on my mom when she needed me to watch my little brothers and sisters or when she wanted me to fetch something from the store. "Um...Yuko-San?" I asked a little confused. Ok screw that. I was a lot confused. "I need a favor Bell-Kun." He said. I flinched a little. "A-A favor?" I said slowly. What would he need a favor for? Suddenly, he poured out his life problems to me talking about his desperate mother and his determined father and something about needing to find a worthy girlfriend. It all went in one ear to the other until he got to that needing to find a worthy girlfriend part. What was this about needing a girlfriend? My heart tugged a little as I thought of Yuko-San with a girlfriend. I don't know why but it hurt. "So? Will you help me?" He asked desperately bringing me back to reality. "W-What? I-I'm sorry." I said stuttering. I had no idea what he had said. He sighed and pulled his hands away. Suddenly, my hands took his. I looked down surprised. What was up with me today? I pulled back. "I-I'm sorry Yuko-San...o-of course I'll help." I said but then hesitated. "Um what am I helping with again?" He smiled. "Don't worry Bell-Kun. I think you'll like this favor." He said and suddenly shoved a phone at me. "Here. I know you don't have a phone so call your parents and tell them you'll be at my house today working on extra credit for my class." I was surprised but called my mom and told her of the situation. She laughed. "Well have fun sweetheart! I know you need a break from your siblings and I for a while so I'm glad you have at least one friend here! Just be back before dinner! I made soba and udon! Your favorite! I got them at a discount from the store! Oh that reminds me! Will you pick up some fish on your way home? I'm making shabu tomorrow!" She exclaimed all excitedly. I sighed. She has so many kids that she sometimes forgets which is which. I hate soba and udon. That's my brother, Tomoya's, favorite. I'm just lucky she doesn't confuse me for my sisters. One time she confused Tomoya for our baby sister, Aiko, at a parents and teachers gathering with all his classmates and so he earned the nickname, love child. Not a very good year. "Ok mom. Bye." I said and hung up. Obviously nothing could go wrong with me and my demon teacher. I handed back the phone. He took my hand and led me to his car. "Come on. Get in." He said opening the door. "For some reason, this feels like a kidnapping." I said as I got in. He ruffled my hair and closed the door. He rushed to the drivers side and got in. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok let's go!" He said and drove off.
Yuko's P.O.V
As we turned into my driveway, I heard Bell-Kun gasp. "Oh my god! This is your house?!" He exclaimed. "How much do they pay you?!" He got out of the car and looked at it in its full glory. I laughed at his reaction. "Not much but I am the son of a very famous and wealthy couple in Tokyo." I said looking to see if he had caught on. He muttered to himself as he thought. "Oshiro...Oshiro...oh my god. No! Oshiro-Sama, the director of that hit movie 'Love X' is your dad?!" He exclaimed. I nodded with a smile. "Yup. And the woman who played the star's mother is my mother." I said. "Oh..my..god..." He said in disbelief. "Wait! If your such a hotshot then why are you teaching at an all boys public school?" He asked. "I've always wanted to be a teacher." I said nonchalantly as if it was no big deal. He shook his head. "No way..." He said. "Ok well what are we doing again?" He asked. I knew he hadn't been listening. "Just come on. You'll see." I said as I dragged him inside.
Umi looked around in awe at my house. "Um Yuko-San? What's with all these statues of bears and fish?" He asked, puzzled. I smiled. "Oh those? Don't worry. They're just part of my collections." I said. He picked up one of the miniature ones and looked at it. "No kidding..." I laughed quietly. "Well come on. You're not here to look at my statue collections. We're going to my room." I said grabbing his hand and led him upstairs. I glanced back and saw him looking at our hands, his face flushing red. I smiled to my self as we entered my room and I closed the door. He looked at me and I hinted some confusion, embarrassment, and a bit of fear in his eyes. I smiled comfortingly. "Don't worry Bell-Kun. Nothing bad will happen. Unless you want something to happen..." I said jokingly. He looked at me in surprise and I laughed. "I was kidding Bell-Kun." I said and went to closet, pressing the button that would open my walk-in closet. Bell-Kun rushed over and walked inside. "Wow! This is impressive!" He walked the aisle of clothes until he reached the end where another door was. "What is this?" He asked, opening the door before I could warn him. "Wahhhh!" He screamed as a bunch of dresses and girl clothes fell on him. I couldn't help but laugh as he came, wearing a bright yellow dress. I walked over to him and extended my hand. "Need help?" I asked, smiling as he blushed. He took my hand, looking down as I helped him up. "U-Um Yuko-San? What's with all the girl clothes?" "They are for your job today." I said as he took the dress off. "J-Job?" He asked, his face paling. "Yes. You're going to need to wear a dress today in order to help me get my parents off my back." I said smirking. "Wha-" He said but I interrupted. "Weren't you listening at all?" I asked. He looked down. "Um...maybe?" I smiled. "Ok well if you help me today with my parents to stop making me get a girlfriend, I'll take you to the movies or something." I said. I was surprised to find that his expression was determined and he nodded to me. "Don't worry Yuko-San! I'll make sure to help you not get a girlfriend and your parents off your back!" He said, his eyes flashing. I smiled on the inside, hoping there was something more in his words. I smiled back and nodded. This was going to be fun.
Sorry if it's not long or whatever. It's a little late here so I'm going to go and finish the rest of the Ranma 1/2 OVAs. Bye!!!
~Jason (KenAndJason)
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