29| The Threat of Trigon
We all rushed out of the car towards Kory who was absently looking up at the large abandoned warehouse that we followed her to. We drove for miles in get here in complete silence, and I couldn't be more glad to see Kory even after everything that just happened. When Kory turned to face us she seemed distant though her eyes focused on Donna with curiosity. "Who is she?"
"I'm the person who knocked you out." Donna declared confidently, though Kory didn't seem impressed.
"Bet you can't do it twice."
Kory's response caused a smile to hug at my lips however Dick quickly approached Kory with determination and a clear intent to stop any further arguing. "Kory, whatever this is you're going through, please, let us help."
"I don't need your help."
I stepped closer to Kory knowing that she was going through some identity crisis at the moment. "Your memories are coming back. Aren't they?"
"Yeah. But nothing makes sense. I can't make order to anything. All I know is I tried to kill a girl that I love and I don't know why." Kory explained desperately as she looked up at the old building. "But the answer is in here."
Dick, Donna and I watched Kory silently as she approached the large chained double doors. Getting a hold of the thick chains Kory effortlessly crushed it in her hand allowing her to open the large doors that led into the warehouse. And although the three of us followed Kory inside the large empty building, I could feel our shared hesitation as we did so.
We came to a stop just behind Kory at the center of the room, as suddenly a purple light emitted from nothing. It shinned down at us, scanning us from top to bottom the shock of it all resulted in my feet being firmly planted on the ground.
Before I had time to fully process the purpose for the full body scan a massive space ship appeared in the empty space I front of us. The sight of it it taking my breath away a it loomed over us. I had to fight the urge to step back as the ship's entrance opened revealing steps that led into the intimidating entryway.
"This ship... I know it." Kory stayed in disbelief as she looked back at us. There we so many emotions in her eyes it was difficult to know exactly she was feeling. "It's mine."
"Koriand'r." A disembodied voice greeted, the words echoing throughout the building.
"X'Hal." Kory replied breathlessly, almost seeming relieved. Instantly she was climbing up the steps into the ship and seeing as the rest of us really didn't have much of a choice we wordlessly followed. I could feel the blood pumping erratically through my veins at the disbelief that I was entering an alien spaceship.
Once inside the ship I was astonished by the technology inside, it seemed far more advanced than anything from this world.
"How can you possibly forget this?" Donna questioned in disbelief as we walked further into the ship taking in our surroundings. Kory didn't reply as she looked straight ahead, clearly overwhelmed by the truth of her memories.
When Kory finally turned to us for the first time she seemed confident about all of this. Even if she always radiated in confidence there always was a distant look in her eyes that revealed a certain amount of uncertainty in herself. "I come from a planet called Tamaran."
"Anything else coming back?" Dick questioned as he continued to study the interior of the ship. Usually I would have let my curiosity take over and would have began inspecting the place too, however the distant look in Kory's eyes worried me.
"These images in my head, but they're moving too fast. I remember I came here to Earth on this ship." Kory replied as she looked around the space before approaching a brightly light console that held an ancient looking book on top of it. "I remember standing at this console."
"This book is the only thing in here that looks old." Donna commented as she leaned forward to take a closer look as Kory opened it hesitantly, almost like she was afraid what she would find inside.
"It's called Gul'ron Dez Dire. Death of Worlds". Kory informed as she flipped through some of the pages go the book, revealing one terrifying apocalyptic image after another before placing her hand on the glowing console that caused the projection of a planet burning in the space between the four of us. "We're looking at a future projection. Tamaran burning. Unless Rachel dies, my world will."
Hearing this prophecy is enough to want to put me in a state of denial, but the seriousness and almost fear in Kory's voice was enough to tell me that all of this was true. That Rachel was in more danger than we had initially imagined.
"And how does Rachel do that?" Dick questioned concern already heavy in his voice.
"She doesn't. Someone from somewhere else."
Donna tore her eyes away from the projection of the burning planet to meet Kory's distant eyes. "Another planet?"
"No, another dimension. He came here long ago. Destroyed a world, but he was banished somehow. But I don't know. This could all be wrong." Kory continued slowly almost like she couldn't believe her own words. Her fingers danced across the console again, the image of the burning planet being replaced my that of a monster. The image almost making me light headed at its resemblance to a demon, which I suppose it was. "This being was summoned to Earth to conceive a daughter. Rachel. Her father. Trigon. He was pulled back to his home and imprisoned, but she is the doorway that he can walk through. The anchor that will keep him here this time. Earth will be the first planet that he will cover in his darkness. But eventually, everything, all worlds, my world, will burn."
I felt my own mouth go dry at the idea of Rachel having to face a being like this. Although we all lived in a world were meta humans and aliens were a part of our daily life the idea of a demon from another dimension was almost ridiculously unbelievable.
"Hold on. We may have a more immediate problem." Donna stated as she pulled the large book closer, her fingers brushing over the sketch of Trigon escaping from a portal along with two there cloaked figures awaiting his arrival. "This is Rachel's father, right? This is Rachel. Who's this?"
"Rachel's mother." I said almost breathlessly as all the pieces of the puzzle came together, the fact the this Organization wanted us to find Rachel's mother. The knowledge that we did exactly what they wanted as now Rachel was alone with that woman who would undoubtedly be manipulating her to do what this Trigon wanted.
"They look cozy. It's a family affair."
"Fuck." Dick muttered a dark looking coming over his face as he realized that we just left Rachel and Gar alone with the woman that was working for a demon from another dimension that wanted to destroy our world.
I looked away from the book and up towards Dick with a mixture of shock and irritation. "That's all you have to say? Fuck?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"How about... lets go and save Gar and Rachel from this crazy bitch that wants to bring a demon from another dimension to Earth?"
Dick looked speechless for a moment before he nodded numbly still in the same state of shock as the rest of us. "Let's go save Gar and Rachel."
As Dick recounted to Donna everything that had happened until this point, Kory and I began looking through Donna's belongings. My desire to do so was mostly out of curiosity wanting to know what Wonder Girl wore when she wasn't in her classic red suit.
"Which one?" Kory questioned as she held up two jackets towards me.
"Neither." I replied dryly as I touched the fabrics of both jackets, truly thinking that both terribly made. "But the purple one is the least dreadful."
"What are you two doing back there?" Dick questioned accusingly as he looked at Kory and I through the rearview mirror. Although he like the rest of us had been on edge since we left the warehouse now he simply seemed astonished.
"Going through her stuff." Kory shrugged dismissively as she slipped on the jacket looking down at it approvingly.
Hearing this Donna looked up from the book we found in Kory's ship, she seemed furious as she took in the fact that Kory was wearing her clothes and I had her luggage bag on my lap. "You better not steal anything."
"You mean like this fancy bracelet that I'm assuming is from Themyscira." I questioned as I held up the gold cuff, all the blood seemed to drain from Donna's face as she looked down at her bare wrist. There were no words to explain the satisfaction I felt at the moment, at knowing that she had spent most of the day not noticing it's absence.
"How did you..."
"I learned from the best." I replied as I tossed the bracelet back to her having no interest to keep it only wanting to prove a point. Although I was knew that the piece of jewelry was worth a fortune if sold to the right person.
"Anyways, it says there's a way to defeat Trigon. One way. His daughter." Dory stated brining us all back to the real issue at hand, finally having been able to translate some of the scriptures in the book.
Kory nodded as worry took over her features, she didn't have to voice her own doubts. It was clear that if we truly were too late that we were going to be horribly disadvantaged in this fight. "Yes, but first she has to complete the Trials. Four hundred consecutive days of the harshest warrior training. None has ever survived it. There's no way she could possibly do that."
Dick hands tighten around the steering wheel as she looked back at us through the mirror again. "If anyone could, it would be Rachel. You know her."
"Then we better move." Kory stated firmly, causing Dick increase the speed that he was driving at. It seemed like an eternity before we even got close to Gar and Rachel as we hit the one mile mark.
I was already feeling a small amount of weight being lifted from my chest at the knowledge that we were getting closer, until suddenly the car's engine died. Desperately Dick attempted to turn the ignition key in hopes that the car would turn on again before giving up and slumping back in his seat. "The power's out."
"He's here. We're too late. It's already started. We have to get to Rachel." Kory declared immediately as she opened opened the car door and raced into the wooded area that would lead us back to the house. Without a word needing to be spoken between the rest of us we immediately ran after Kory.
When we finally made it out to the field, we all came to an abrupt stop at the realization that the house was no longer there. The rational part of me instinctively wanted to believe that we came to the wrong place, but the shimmering blue barrier ahead of us told me otherwise.
"What the fuck is going on?" Donna questioned in irritation and disbelief, knowing that we were so close.
"The air... It's shimmering." Dick said breathlessly as he suddenly took off running towards the shimmering barrier.
"Dick, wait!" I yelled, but it was too late as he had already disappeared on the other side. Instinctively Donna, Kory and I also ran towards the barrier only we weren't met with the same result as we hit the now solid barrier who's energy forced us back.
Donna looked across that the shimmering barrier in disbelief. "Dick got through. Why can't we?"
I stepped closer to the barrier feeling the energy radiating off of it, it wasn't electricity based but regardless I placed my hands against it hoping that I could somehow I could get through. Feeling the barriers energy against my skin I channeled my electricity in the hope that it could counter the energy from the barrier. To my disappointment nothing happened. "Someone clearly doesn't want us in there."
"Wow you saying someone doesn't want you?" Donna questioned her voice laced with frustration, as she looked away from the barrier and towards me. "Must be a new concept for you."
I crossed by arms over my chest my own frustration beginning to build up knowing that three people that I cared about were on the other side of that barrier and there was nothing that I could do to help them. "It is. But I'm sure it's a concept that you are extremely familiar with."
Before Donna could reply Kory suddenly began to blast the barrier with her powers a cry of frustration leaving her lips when she was met with no results, however that didn't stop her as her bright flames continued to hit the invisible barrier. "Would you just stop blasting it? You're wasting all your power."
"Rachel is in there." Kory replied desperately as she tore her eyes away from the empty field and towards Donna. "Anything could be happening to her."
Donna rolled her eyes impatiently, seeming to be seconds away from snapping. "Says the woman who was sent here to kill her. Now that she and Dick are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work."
"Like what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force of your criticism would save her?"
"At least I'm not draining my powers just because I can't sit still." Donna yelled back as she took a couple steps closer to Kory and I.
Not willing to give her the satisfaction of feeling like she was better than either of us I stepped in between her and Kory. "Kory I wouldn't take any criticism from her to heart I mean she is the hero who quit. Giving up is in her nature."
"You really wanna go there, right now?" Donna questioned as she approached me, everything in her body language telling me that she was preparing herself for a fight. A fight that although tempting would have to be rescheduled due to the bigger issues at hand.
At this point Donna and I were inches away from each other, but before either of us could continued out heated argument headlight shined at us announcing the arrival of a car. As the lights turned off the car door opened I recognized the familiar silhouette of a caped figure. "Hey, don't stop on my account. I like where that was heading."
"Little Bird?" I questioned as he approached us followed by who I now knew to be Hank and Dawn. Their reason for being here seemed out of place and odd, continuing to make this entire situation confusing and unbelievable. However seeing Little Robin here gave me a bit of hope that Bats would be here too, disappointment sank in when it was clear that Jason had only arrived with the two useless heroes.
Jason smiled brightly as he opened his arms proudly. "That's right, the god damn cavalry has arrived."
A look of complete disgust came over Donna's face as she looked Jason over with disapproval. "What the fuck is that and why is it wearing Dick's costume?"
"Annoying new Robin." Hank relied dismissively.
"Who are your friends?" Dawn questioned as kindly as she looked between Kory and I. The sweetness in her voice and the kindness in her eyes disgustingly reminding me of myself eight years ago.
"Hank, Dawn, this is Cheyenne Freemont. You remember her right? Blackout?" Donna said bitterly her words causing both Hank and Dawn's eyes to widen considerably. Hank especially seemed shocked having met me at the hospital a couple days ago and not having made the connection himself. "Oh, and this is Kory Anders. She's an alien."
Kory snapped out of her own thoughts to look over at Donna in shock. "What?"
Donna shrugged like the statement she just made was the most natural thing in world. Though at this point it was considering that aliens were nothing special anymore, especially when one of the core members of the Justice League was an alien. "What, it's true."
"Could have put a little more love into that." Kory replied as she turned towards the two lovebirds. "Well, I wish we were meeting under better circumstances."
"Why are you guys here?" Donna asked her little Titans friends in disbelief, seeming as unsure of why they were here as I was.
"Rachel got inside of her head at the hospital." Hank informed as he looked towards Dawn with an unmeasurable amount of relief. Personally I was shocked at the apparent strength of Rachel's powers, and no knowing that they were inherited from her demon father wasn't exactly comforting.
"Yeah, I think she woke me up from my coma." Dawn continued as she looked behind Donna and towards the shimmering forcefield that was keeping us away from Dick and the kids. "She's in there isn't she?"
"So what the fuck is going on here?"
"Rachel's father is a being called Trigon. And if we can't stop him here he'll destroy your world. And move on destroying countless other's." Kory informed giving them a brief version of all the information that we had just discover in a span of just a couple of hours. "Our scripture states Trigon can only fully inhabit your world after he breaks Rachel's heart."
"We're talking metaphors, right?" Dawn questioned quietly the concern heavy in her voice.
Donna shook her head with uncertainty, no longer acting stoic and showing worry towards the situation we were in. This change undoubtedly due to the fact that she was now joined by people that she knew and trusted. "We don't know, but if we don't get through that forcefield and into the house in there, I'm afraid we're never going to find out."
"Kid should've asked us to get fucking Superman." Hank commented as he began to study the barrier himself, and as I looked at him no I wondered what Dawn saw in him. She seemed smart and although Hank was good looking he didn't seem very bright. In fact I felt that he was probably dragging her down as he clearly had some underlying problems.
I rolled my eyes at his lack to give any meaningful contributions to our dilemma. "Or maybe a real Amazon would have helped."
"What are you even doing here?" Hank questioned arrogantly as he turned towards me already forgetting that if it wasn't for me his little lovebird would be six feet underground. "Shouldn't you be in Gotham stealing diamonds or something?"
"Did you miss the part where Kory said there's a demon that wants to destroy this world?" I replied slowly, now feeling irritated at myself for letting his remark get to me. "If you didn't know I live on this world so I don't want to see it burn."
Suddenly as bright light lit up a section of the barrier as it slowly opened wide enough for us to slip through. What should have been a moment of relief wasn't, because this couldn't be a coincidence or luck. This was planned and surprisingly Hank seemed to agree. "Oh, great. That's not concerning."
"It looks like someone's inviting us in." Dawn stated skeptically.
Although the rest of us seemed concerned, Jason clapped his hands together in excitement. "Invitation accepted!"
Hank stepped closer to the blinding white light before turning towards us with a new sense of motivation. "What are we waiting for let's go!"
Jason didn't spare a second thought as he approached the bright opening in the barrier, instinctively I grabbed his shoulder stopping him. "None of you are the least bit concerned that this is what Trigon wants? That we're clearly going to be walking into a trap with absolutely no plan?"
Dawn stepped up taking her spot beside Hank. Their willingness to simply jump into danger without a plan seemed absolutely ridiculous to me, though it could also be the fact that growing up in Gotham was all about self preservation that fact became especially prevalent when I joined the Sirens. "It's a hero thing."
"More like an idiotic thing." I countered in mild irritation at how naive they seemed, that irritation being the driving force for my need to say something cruel. The image that Kory revealed of Trigon resurfaced in my mind, only cementing my belief that this seemed more like a job for the Justice League. "And are you two even considered heroes? I still forget what you call yourselves."
"Titans." Donna declared though it sounded hypocritical when you factored in the fact that they all quit being Titans years ago. She looked as Hank and Dawn with determination before stealing a glance at Jason who couldn't seem more excited to engage in a fight. "And... new Robin. Let's go."
The reunited Titans marched into the bright opening with out a second thought leaving Kory and I to share a brief glance, the knowledge that we were the outsiders here. Neither one of us being the perfect hero they believed themselves to be. Although I felt my heart beating rapidly against my chest with the knowledge that we were completely underestimating this threat, the thought of Dick, Gar, and Rachel being inside was enough to push me forward as I was engulfed by the energy of the barrier. The sight of what was on the other side only confirming the fact that we had absolutely no chance of defeating this threat.
^^^A/N Yes, this is the end of book 1! And I am so grateful for all you amazing readers who have been so supportive of my work. I know many of you are eager to see Cheyenne raise a little hell with The Sirens and trust me book 2 will be chock-full of their chaotic antics and much more. I am planning on expanding this world with a new book titled No Control which will be set during Doom Patrol season 1 featuring Esperanza who made a cameo in this story, that story will be coming soon. For those of you who are Cheyenne and Dick fans book two of the Against All series is titled Save Your Sin so make sure you head over there right now!^^^
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