11| Doom Patrol
Kory and I were impatiently sitting in the car watching Dick break the chains to the rusted gates that were supposed to lead us to the abandoned Caulder Manor. Throughout the drive here there was a heavy tension between all of us from the events that had just occurred. To Dick's out of character actions and the line was very close to crossing. I'm sure that Kory had many suspicions or questions, but she seemed to be holding back on them. Possibly waiting until we finally got Rachel back.
"He should have just let me blast the gates down." Kory commented, crossing her arms over her chest in irritation. Though I didn't know Kory for long one thing was obvious, and she like to act immediately. A part of me couldn't help but think that The Sirens would have loved her.
"Yes, but that's not the way he likes to do things." I replied, getting irritated myself watching him struggle. He was lacking control now and wasn't thinking straight. Something that wasn't like Dick at all, the Dick that I used to know was always focused.
Kory moved forward, sticking her head between the seats. "So you want to tell me what happened back there?"
And there was the question that I was expecting, however I didn't expect her to ask me. Only because I honestly didn't know or understand the change that had happened within Dick. All I knew was that it had something to do with Bruce Wayne, and that was something that I couldn't tell Kory. "I don't know."
"You must know something."
I wish I knew something. I wanted to help him with whatever it was that he was going through, though I knew better because Dick Grayson was no longer someone that I should be caring after. Considering that once I was sure that Rachel was safe I was planning on putting as much distance as possible between Dick Grayson and I.
I turned towards Kory as she looked at me intently, waiting for my response. "Dick Grayson is a mystery."
Kory rolled her eyes and sighed, falling backing into her seat. "Yeah, so are you."
I laughed, realizing that we were all a bunch of strangers who knew nothing about one another. "You're one to talk. You know absolutely nothing about yourself."
"Yeah, looks like we all have our secrets. How are we working together again?" She questioned, and for the first time I realized just how true her words were. We knew absolutely nothing about one another, yet we were working together. The only thing keeping us together being Rachel, and I could only wonder how long any of this would last with all the secrets that we held.
We weren't able to finish our conversation as Dick approached the car, the rusty gates to the seemingly abandoned manor now wide open.
"Finally Boy Wonder. I was about to get out of this car and help you myself." I stated as Dick claimed into the car, turning on the engine.
Dick's hands tightened around the steering wheel as he glared at me. "It wasn't as easy as it looked."
"Whatever you say." I muttered as I leaned back against the seat, I was quickly beginning to learn that this new Dick was one who's buttons shouldn't be pushed. Especially when he was as on edge as he was now. "But I have to say you have become such bore. Now drive."
The road was one that was clearly not driven on often, and I would have thought that this would have been a dead end if it wasn't for the fact that the lights to the old manor were flickering throughout the entire building.
"Rachel." Kory muttered as we stepped out of the car and hurried up the steps to the manor. The large oak doors were surprisingly unlocked, undoubtedly because no one was expected to ever come near the area.
When we stepped inside it was clear that this place was anything but abandoned. It was fully furnished and decorated in a way that reminded me a little too much of Wayne Manor. However, other than the buzzing I could hear through the walls from the unstable electricity going through them the place was completely silent. "Hello?"
"Out!" A voice suddenly yelled from across the room, and as we turned around I couldn't help but feel surprised at the sight in front of us. Through the flickering lights and the sound of her voice once could easily identify the figure as a woman, however before I even had a chance to fully react her figure began to shift. Almost like clay, except constantly reshaping into a form that was impossible to fully understand in the harsh flickering of the lights in the building. "Get out!
"Go get Rachel." I told Dick as I stabilized the electricity running through the old building to prevent the lighting from flickering any further. Though it was slightly more difficult than what usual, but I had a feeling that Rachel had something to do with that. Unfortunately this action alone was able to drain me of some of my energy in the process.
Seeing this Dick didn't waste another moment as he ran the other direction in search for our girl. I wasn't able to fully take in the group of people that were standing in front of me as the adrenaline began to kick in, a familiar feeling that always arrived before a fight.
"Don't make me fight you. You don't wanna see what I really am." A voice stated firmly though I couldn't exactly make out who was the source of the voice.
At first I didn't think much of them until I began to want to understand what Rachel could possibly be doing here. The woman from before seemed to no longer be changing her form and as unusual as she seemed at first in her normal state one wouldn't think much on her. Or the other woman who was standing just behind her, it was the man who was covered from head to toe in bandages and the robot who seemed to be made out of old tin cans that were more of a shock. Even in a world that had meta human, like me, these two were definitely out of the ordinary.
"Same." Kory replied as she positioned herself in a fighting stance, ready for a fight.
I knew that we were trespassing on these peoples home, and they only seemed to want to protect it. I had absolutely no doubt that Rachel simply found them, considering that they seemed like a group that didn't go out much.
"Look we're only here for our friend Rachel." I stated wanting to avoid any confrontation. The truth was that although Kory and I put together could be a powerful force, we didn't know the abilities of the group in front of us. "We didn't come here to fight."
"But we will if we have to." Kory added, not letting her guard down. The group in front of us looked at on another seeming to mentally communicate to one another what their next course of action would be.
"Well, I for one believe we should talk things through." The other woman spoke up smiling brightly at Kory and I, an action that felt out of place for the situation that we were currently in. "We wouldn't want to be fight. We would just end up making un desmadre, and I for one don't feel like cleaning for the rest of the night."
The robot man stepped up from behind the rest of the group and made a gesture that resembled a nod. "I don't know what the fuck she said towards the end, but I agree."
When Dick and Rachel returned a couple of minutes later it didn't seem to be with good news. During Rachel's outburst, Dr. Niles Caulder was injured in a way that had once again paralyzed him. Surprisingly none of the residents of the manor were particularly angry with this turn of event, even if this man seemed to be the leader of their unusual group. They explained how this wasn't the first time their Chief was paralyzed and although I wanted to know more of that story I knew better than to ask.
"Are you hungry we have plenty of leftovers." Larry suddenly offered as he gestured in the direction that I assumed that kitchen was in. Until now I hadn't realized that we hadn't eaten all day, the thought of getting Rachel back the only thought in our minds. Now I acknowledged my hunger.
"We really should get going." Dick replied immediately in a less than friendly way. Clearly eager to get back on the road and put as much distance as possible between Rachel and this town which, considering what Rachel had done to the convent was now a dead give away to our location.
"Actually, Larry I'm starving." I intercepted, mostly because I was irritated at how rude Dick was being. "We haven't eaten all day."
"Great." Larry replied as he offered his elbow, which I immediately took as he led me to the manor's kitchen. Like the rest of the home the kitchen was massive, and clearly belonged to someone who had a passion for cooking.
As Larry began to reheat the leftovers all the residents in the manor began to explain to us what exactly it was that they did here in this large mansion in the middle of no where, and how they came to be who they are now.
"Larry you are a miracle." I stated never having tasted food this delicious since I lost my mother. If there was one thing that I wish that I inherited from her it would be her cooking abilities. "I love man who can cook."
"They are a rare species indeed." Rita commented as she continued to stack more pastries onto her plate.
"It's not everyday we have guests." Larry replied as he finally took a seat across from me. "I want to make a good impression."
I smiled, a sudden fond memory that I thought I had deeply hidden emerged. It was difficult to think about my mother, it was rare that the thought of her brought anything other than resentment towards her killers. But, it was those rare moments where her memory brought me a great amount of joy that I missed. Moments like this one. "I am wonderfully impressed Larry. Though I do have to say that my mother's cooking was superior. She made the Mexican dishes, her Pozole would make you speechless."
Esperanza, the dark haired girl that had been mostly silent until now, suddenly gasped. In an instant her long brown hair became a platinum blonde, before returning to its original state. "Oh it has been a very long time since I have had authentic comida Latina. Unfortunately, I am a terrible cook."
"I have never been able to recreate my mother recipes. I might see her overtime I look in a mirror, but I never inherited her ability to cook."
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that her hair color totally just changed now?" Kory questioned as she looked around the table both intrigued and slightly confused. Though it was obvious that to the residents of this Manor that this was quit normal.
"That happens when her emotions are heightened." Gar explained as he and Rachel walked into the room.
Esperanza nodded, though her excitement seemed to have almost drained out of her in an instant. Like the rest of the residents here in Caulder Manor, she seemed to have a deep hatred for either her abilities or herself.
"Yes, it's rather difficult to keep the illusion when you are not completely focused." She continued to explain, however now she seemed to be looking down at her hands in shame. Looking up at me she must have seen the confusion of some of our faces as she forced a smile once again. "See as a result of my accident I now possess a golden glow over my body. The version of me that you now see is the one I wish you too. And sometimes it can be difficult to keep up the illusion I am projecting on your minds now."
"Fascinating." I muttered mostly to myself. Although I was aware of how much of a burden her abilities must be, it was difficult not to think of all the possibilities such abilities could bring. If she could so easily manipulate our minds, that meant she was uncommonly powerful.
"You should stay here with us." Esperanza suddenly exclaimed enthusiastically as she reached across the table to get a hold of my hand. "Rita is always up in her room, and having to deal with a house full of men can be so tiresome. Though Larry is good company."
"Hey!" Gar and Cliff said in unison, obviously offered by the comment.
"You too Gar."
Gar seemed pleased as he took a bite of his brownie, Cliff however muttered something under his breath and looked down at the table covered in food; with a look that I was sure had to be longing. Though it was difficult to really know for sure.
"It is getting late." Rita stated as she looked around the room at her unconventional family for approval. "Should we prepare some rooms?"
"Actually we have to go." Dick declared as stood up and then placed a hand on my shoulder, a simple gesture that spoke volumes. Especially considering how unapologetically rude Dick seemed to be at the moment. I knew he wasn't comfortable being in one place for to long considering that whoever was after Rachel didn't seem to be wanting to give up any time soon. But, irritating Dick seemed to bring me pleasure.
"It was nice to meet you Larry." I said truly feeling saddened by the idea of leaving, this group seemed to be some of the most honest people I had ever met. And it pained me that they had they had forced themselves into hiding like this.
Taking a hold of my hand he brought it up to where his lips would have been if they weren't covered by all those bandages. "The pleasure was all mine."
"Hopefully next time we meet under better circumstances."
"Tonight was the most exciting thing that has happened to this place in years. Hopefully we do meet again." Renata stated, a looks of melancholy on her face. I didn't have to know these people for long to know how incredibly different they all were. And that would bring them together or isolate them into loneliness.
"Go." Cliff stated as he placed a robotic arm on Garfield shoulder. I hadn't noticed until now that Gar seemed deeply sadden that we were about to leave. At first I thought that it could be because of Rachel and that he would miss having someone miss age around, but looking more deeply it was clear that he wanted to live. "Go, with them. Go have a life."
Gar seemed to snap out of his thoughts, and immediately shook his head. "But the Chief..."
"His back is broken again." Larry stated as he placed a comforting and encouraging hand on Gar's shoulder. "We'll take care of him."
"He helped us, Gar." Rita continued, and although they all seemed to be doing their best to seem supportive there was still a sense of sorrow in their faces. Making it clear just how special of a kid Gar seemed to be that he had so many people that cared for him so deeply. "No matter what, we owe it to Chief to help him now."
"Um, maybe you guys can come." Gar suggested even though he didn't seem extremely confident about his own statement. "I mean, you don't have to hide anymore."
"Oh Gar you know we can't leave." Esperanza stated, though you could see the yearning in her eyes. I wondered how it must feel for all of them having to be practically locked away and hiding in this large manor for so many years. All because they were a group of people who considered their abilities a curse. I had never considered the fact that I was lucky enough that my abilities didn't cause me any physical changes, they quickly became an essential part of me. However, for most all of these people their powers were a result of horrific accidents that resulted in physical changes that would not be accepted by the world outside their manor walls. "The world isn't ready for people like us."
"It is what it is, kid. But you..." Cliff began pausing to loudly sniffle, which would have made sense if he had the ability to breath. But to be completely honest I couldn't even begin to understand Cliff's condition. "you can have more than us. Now get going, will ya? Green fool."
Gar seemed hesitant for a moment but there was no hiding his eagerness to leave. Or the need to get out of this large manor at such a young age and wanting something greater than playing video games in a basement. Though I wasn't completely sure if coming with us was the best course of action considering the danger we seemed to be in at the moment.
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