03| Save You Tonight
I watched from across the street as this mysterious family got out of their mini van. Before they were just a mysterious family, now they were murders who were after Dick Grayson and I couldn't understand why. There was no way they could know about him being Robin, he and Bruce were too smart and cautious. Always one step ahead, there was just no way the they could know about their alter egos.
Stepping out of my car I opened the trunk pulling a metal case towards me. It has been years since I had opened it, and yet I couldn't seem to throw it out regardless. Pressing my thumb on the scanner I waited for a moment until the case clicked open.
There was a moment of hesitation as I swung the case open seeing the black and blue suit inside made me realize all the mistakes I have done in the past. Yet, I wouldn't take any of them back regardless. I became stronger because of them.
Pushing aside the fabrics I opened another compartment and pulled of my whip, quickly attaching it to my hip. I heard fighting up on the roof and not wasting another second I ran into the apartment building and up the flight up stairs leading to the building.
Pushing the door leading up to the roof open I watched the moment as a woman was mid-air before she falling from the edge of the roof, what I assumed was her name being yelled out desperately. Without a moments hesitation I removed the whip from my hip lashing it out as it wrapped around the ankle of the girl that I had bumped into the other day. In one motion I pulled back on the whip and she was fell to the floor being dragged to my feet.
My plan wasn't to hurt her, she was just a kid. But I was surprised by how quickly she got to her feet and was ready to fight.
Dick and a man I didn't recognize froze for a moment as they looked at me, but continued fighting as it was clear that we were the losing side. I couldn't understand why until the girl hit me in the chest, all the air leaving my lungs. It was impossible for a girl like her to have this much strength, she had to be a meta. And looking at how the rest of her family gaining the upper hand on Dick and his friend it seemed that they were meta-humans too.
Beginning to fight the girl I realized that raking her down wasn't going to be as easy as I initially believed it to be. As she made an attempting to punch me I grabbed a hold go her wrist. Quickly wrapping my whip around her wrist I shifted our weight so that I was able to flip her over on her back and I let my electricity flow down into the whip and electrocuting her. Just enough to make sure she wouldn't wake up at least for another couple of hours.
"Cheyenne!" I heard my name being called and I turned around to find Dick struggling in gaining the upper hand between the mother and father. Pressing the small button on the handle of the whip it shortened and turned into a staff that I threw in Dick's direction. He caught it without hesitation using it to knock down the mother, but I couldn't continue watching as I focused on the fight that I was now currently in.
The boy came forward but not having my whip with me I had to resort to just hand to hand combat. Running forward and with a small jump I was able to wrap my legs around the boys torso pulling him down on the ground. Getting a piece of wood from what seemed to be the remains of a bird cage I got a hold of it putting it against him neck to keep him down. The thought of continuing to us my powers against these kids made me uncomfortable. It just didn't seem right.
"They're after Rachel. They're after the girl." Dick tried to tell me but as he did the father kicked him back, causing Dick to loose his balance and fall off the edge. Before I had a chance to react I heard another crash and found Dick's friend being held down and being choked with my whip that Dick had dropped before his fall.
Forgetting about the boy I ran forward in attempt to help him but before I was able to make it to him I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head that sent me to the ground. I flipped over on my back, the pain in the back of my head spreading through my body. As I began to sit up the first clear thing that came to mind was Dick falling of the roof.
Struggling to get on my feet I ran across the rooftop, falling to my knees at the ledge. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that Dick was holding onto the edge, I knew I shouldn't have doubt him. Bruce taught him well.
"Miss me Boy Wonder?" I questioned, still feeling slightly out of breath but managing a small smile. Meeting his eyes I had to ignore the instant pull that I felt, feeling foolish for desiring to acknowledge it in the first place.
"What are you doing here?" Dick asked as I got a hold of his hand and began to help him back on the roof.
"Isn't it obvious?" I questioned as I got to my feet, brushing off the ruble from my pants. "I'm here to save your life."
I looked around the roof and there was no sign of the family or the girl that they were apparently after. Under different circumstances I could have run after them, they couldn't have gotten far but then I remembered that both of Dick's friends were injured during the fight.
A groan came from under some rumble a couple feet away. Dick and I immediately rushed over to him, pushing away the remains to what was once a large bird cage. I kneeled down beside him to see that damage had been done, and considering the unknown abilities and strength that the family had they were able to gain the upper hand on us all.
"Dawn." He muttered blood staining his lips and although he could barely keep his eyes open he attempted to sit up. With a bit of investigating I discovered they were Hawk and Dove meaning that they have been a partnership for a very long time now, it was no surprise that he seemed desperate to get to her.
Hearing Dawn's name Dick ran towards the fire escape. "Don't even try it handsome." I said as I placed a hand on Hank's chest knowing that he was in no condition to be on his feet. He wouldn't be any help to Dawn this way. "
I could hear Dick calling out Dawn's name and for a moment I considered not doing anything, but hearing the depuration in Dick's voice I found myself running down the fire escape. Running down the escape I realized the height of the fall and a part of me wondered if it was even possible to save her. It would be a miracle if she lives from this. Jumping off the fire escape from the last flight I landed beside Dick who was checking her pulse.
I froze seeing all the blood around Dawn. It stained her white and and was filling the crack on the sidewalk. "She's not breathing." Dick told me as he brushed away locks of her hair. "Dawn? Dawn!"
Kneeling down beside him, I took a moment and just looked at Dick. Taking him in and seeing how different he looked, but looking exactly the same as when we were young. For a single moment I felt jealous, remembering the day I discovered that they were together. Then I remembered Hank on the roof and simply felt pathetic.
"Here let me." I said as I let electricity flow through my fingers. As I was about to place my hand on her chest over her heart, Dick got a hold of my wrist and although he flinched in pain from the electricity he didn't let go.
"What are you doing?" He asked and I let the energy now flowing through me stop.
"I'm not going to hurt her." I assured Dick, looking him in the eye I was sure he realized what he had just said. And I couldn't help but think if he really believed that I would hurt or even kill her. "Though I never did think there would be a day where I would save a Titans life."
He seemed hesitant his grip on my wrist still tight, I couldn't possible blame him for not trusting me. He had every right to be suspicious of me. "You've done this before?"
"You're breathing aren't you?"
Dick let go of my wrist and moved away. I lets the electricity flow through my fingers again as I placed my palm on the center of her chest. On contact she immediately convulsed, and with a gasp she opened her eyes again.
I saw as Dick visibly relaxed, I knew that what I had done wouldn't save her but it would give her more time. And time was what we didn't have, as that Nuclear Family now had what they were after and by now were far away from here.
"So they're after this Rachel girl?" I questioned as I finished making my coffee. Dick had filled me in on everything that had happened leading up to the fight on the rooftop, but I knew there was a piece of missing information that he wasn't telling me. I hadn't seen Dick Grayson in years and although there was this unfamiliar hardness that took over the once adventurous and humorous spark in his eyes, he still possessed the same Dick Grayson qualities that I was familiar with. "Why?"
"Are you still working with..."
"No." I replied immediately, knowing that if that was immediately cleared up he would continue to not trust me. Or at least not see me as the enemy anymore. One thing I did know was that he would never see me the way he did all those years ago.
"Rachel has powers, she describes them as a darkness."
"She's a teenage girl. All teenagers feel like they have darkness inside of them." I reminded him as I leaned against the counter. The hospital was still busy all around us, and after having spent the whole night in a hospital chair waiting for Dawn to get our of surgery I was slightly irritable. "You being the prime example that."
"Chey can you take this seriously?" Dick urged, and I sighed handing him the cup of coffee.
"I am." I told him as we began walking down the hall towards Dawn's room. There was something familiar about Hank and Dawn, something that I couldn't piece together yet. And from the way Dick was behaving I knew my suspicions were correct. There was more he wasn't telling me, though I couldn't blame him from keep certain detail away from me. "So these people are after Rachel because of her powers. Do you think that these people are the same one that..."
"No, Bruce and I took care of them a long time ago." He assured me, and I didn't miss the way he said Bruce's name. With almost hate and resentment, one that I couldn't understand considering that Bruce was the man who raised him. "How did you find us? And how did you get involved in all of this?"
"I learned a thing or two with my time with you and Bruce." I reminded him, although I hadn't stayed with them long, they taught me most of what I knew. The rest was taught to me by the girls. "And I was investigating a missing family, turns out they went missing and became a bunch of super powered psychopaths."
We stopped in front of the room looking at each other for a moment, each of us probably trying to find something to say. When that moment became a moment too long I pushed the door opened where Dawn still remained in her coma and Hank was still by her side.
Dick approached his friend handing him the coffee that he clearly needed if he planned on staying awake until Dawn slipped out of her coma. Seeing as he hasn't left her side since she got out of surgery I wouldn't be surprised if that was his plan. "Hank, I'm sorry. If I hadn't..."
"Who were they?" Hank questioned as he looked up at Dick with tears in his eyes. Although I didn't know these two, not really. One thing that I did know was that Hank loved Dawn, and mixture of intensity and desperation in his eyes amazed me. "What the hell do they want with Rachel?"
"I don't know." Dick replied not able to meet Hanks eyes, it was clear that he blamed himself for what happened to Dawn. If anything I felt slightly responsible too, if I would have warned them sooner this would have never happened. But I wasn't like Bruce or Dick. My detective skills were average at best, and in the end I wasn't able to be a couple steps ahead.
"Who are you?" Hanks asked me and I was startled, up until now he hadn't acknowledged my presence.
"Cheyenne." I told him. "I'm a friend of Dick's."
Hank nodded as he returned his gaze back to his girlfriend. "Thank you."
"You take care of her. I will find them." Dick promised Hank as he placed his hand on my back leading me out of the room. He was about to say something before his phone went off, and seeing the name on the screen he looked irritated.
"Grayson." He stated as he answered the call. After hearing some of the call, it was clear that it was work related and I quickly lost interest. "It was the station."
"And?" I questioned seeing how affected he seemed by the call.
"Well, we have a lead on Rachel and my partner was killed." He told me almost as if it was a simple after thought, as if it wasn't important. Though it clearly was from the grim look he was wearing and the emotionless mask he was trying to uphold.
Hearing this I remembered the female detective that the family had killed in ordered to get to Dick. Now it turns out that she was his partner and all the puzzle pieces were now beginning to come together. "That family killed her." I informed him, the news would probably make him feel guilty about her death. But he had a right to know about the circumstances of her death. "They wanted to know how to get to you."
"We have to stop them before they hurt anybody else."
"Actually I should get going. But it was really nice seeing you again Boy Wonder." I told Dick before making my way down the hall. I had nothing to do here anymore and honestly it felt wrong to see Dick again when I had told myself that I never would again. The best course of action was to put miles away from Dick Grayson and I, the thought along making me pick up my pace the slightest bit.
"Where?" Dick asked as he followed. I expected he would, mostly because he would have wanted answers. Sure, we had run into each other a couple of times after I left but it wasn't it the best circumstances. In fact, we were on opposite sides.
There were times where I had thought of coming back, but then it became clear that he had moved on quickly enough. And although a part of me never truly did, I was able to find many distractions in the past couple of years. Most of them never lasting more than a night.
"Not sure. Plenty of naughty things for me to do." I replied not taking the time to look behind me, maybe if I did he would think that I was slightly interested in staying. And I wasn't, it was time for me to get back on the road and move on. There was also Selina I had to think about, after months of searching I still had nothing. "You seem to have this one covered."
"Just like you to walk away." Dick called after me, and I wasn't in anyway surprised. He was still angry. He should be.
"Ouch." I muttered as I turned around and faced him. My first mistake. Looking back I always did have a weakness for Dick Grayson, knowing all the events in my life that lead up to him it was inevitable for it to be any other way. Inevitable for the girl that I used to be to have fallen for him to begin with. "That's low."
"I'm just saying you started this case...let's just finish it together."
"Cute." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, taking a step closer. Dick seemed to be studying my every move. Like any subtle movement from me could result in something unexpected. "You don't want to say that you need my help."
Dick rolled his eyes as he looked around the hallway. Regardless of how much I wanted to leave and never look back, I also knew a small part of me couldn't resist and wanted to stay. "Do you want me to tell you that I need your help? Well, fine I need your help."
"Why?" I questioned, and I could see him immediately tense. A part of me couldn't help but feel satisfied at his reaction.
"Because we're dealing with enhanced individuals and your well..."
"An enhanced individual?" I finished, a small smile tugging on my lips. Maybe it was because those sounded like the words of Bruce Wayne or because he was clearly struggling for the right words to say, but I enjoyed his frustration.
If there was one things that I learned from the Sirens was that everything was a lot more fun when you played with your prey. It might have been some time since I worked with the girls, but there were somethings that you couldn't forget. Things that now came naturally without there being any effort made.
Dick took another step forward, and we were now an inches away from each other. His own way of showing me that he wasn't going to fall prey to my games. Reaching out I adjusted the collar of his jacket and smiled.
"You know how to take the fun out of everything Boy Wonder." I stated as I then slowly ran my fingers down his chest. Though my touch was practically nonexistent I could still feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest. And in that moment I was glad that he wasn't touching me because I was sure that with his touch my heart would give me away too.
Just as I was about to pull away he got a hold of my wrist pulling my towards him, and I wasn't going to give hime the satisfaction to act surprised. But there was no hiding my deep breaths that matched his as our chests were pressed tightly together. And we both held each others eyes, challenging the other to act first. Even if we both knew that the other wouldn't act.
He seemed to search my eyes, possibly trying to find the girl I used to be. Or wanting to see what sort of reaction he had been able to create. But he wouldn't find one. I had learned how to take control of my emotions a long time ago.
"I'm not one of those men that you can rope in with your little tricks." He stated firmly, being extremely familiar with these kinds of tactics. His words were meant to sting in some way, or at least stop my act, but if anything I liked the challenge. Even though I didn't plan on tacking it any farther than simple teasing.
"Are you sure about that?"
For just a moment he seemed to hesitate, and that was enough for me to be satisfied enough to drop the act. Maybe it was because eight years ago it was Dick Grayson that held all the power over me, that now I wanted to prove that I could do the same. "Cheyenne, I know you want to help. That's just who you are."
"The girl I was. The one you knew. She's dead." I reminded him, completely dropping the act that I had started to build up to push him away. The idea of the weak girl I once was, had a way of making me feel weak again. That was why I made sure that that girl dies the moment I left Dick Grayson.
"I know." He replied without any hesitation. "But I also know you still care. That's one thing that will never change."
Once again I began to walk through the busy hallways of the hospital, knowing that he would follow. And once he fell into step with me I smiled. "You knew I wouldn't need much convincing. Yet you tried."
"You knew I wouldn't let you go. Yet you tried to leave."
"You haven't changed as much as you think Dick Grayson."
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