ϟ 31 ϟ
"are you sure this outfit is good?" donghyuck asked for the nth time.
mark rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his boyfriend's waist to stop him from moving around.
"you are perfect, baby boy. with any clothes on. and i bet you are without them too." he finished with a smirk.
"mark!" donghyuck whined, flushing red and pushing mark away. "i'm serious... they think of me as a kid... i want to prove them i can be more than that."
"you're not a kid." mark replied. "don't worry about them, i'm sure they spoke together about us, and that means thay can be more acceptant."
"i hope so..."
"it's taeyong who asked me to invite you. isn't that a proof?"
dognhyuck shrugged.
having dinner at mark's dorm, with his friends, was the last thing he wanted to do now.
but did he really have a word to say?
"welcome hyuckiiiie!" taeil yelled, opening the door wide and taking mark's boyfriend in his arms.
"h-hi." the tanned male smiled sheepishly.
"woah, you look good in that shirt." taeil added. "almost professional."
"it's to prove the others i'm not a small kid anymore."
"aww, you didn't have to dress up like that! we all know you're not a kid. well, some do more than others..."
"hands off my boyfriend." mark glared at taeil who was getting a bit too touchy to his liking.
"shut up you possessive lion."
"taeil? are there here already?" taeyong appeared behind.
"they are!" taeil stepped aside, revealing mark and donghyuck side by side.
"hello boys!" taeyong smiled warmly, stressing donghyuck.
last time he remembered taeyong being against them.
why was he so kind right now?
"hello donghyuck, it's a pleasure to meet you in... good circumstances." he rubbed his nape. "i'm very sorry about my reaction last time. it was a bit over the top. and what happens between you and mark shouldn't be my business. you are both old enough to decide what's good and what's not." he finished, fidgeting with his fingers.
"it's okay..." donghyuck said. "i expected that kind of reaction from you. i know mark and i's relationship isn't well perceived in the society..."
taeyong nodded, glancing at mark who had gone to the kitchen with taeil.
"i just wanted to apologize. it's important for me. i shouldn't judge you without getting to know you. that's why i decided to invite you over tonight."
"it's very kind of you, mister."
"oh, no, no!" taeyong shook his hands in front of donghyuck's face. "call me taeyong. you don't need to be formal or anything."
donghyuck smiled shyly.
"the nerdy nerd has arrived." jaehyun said, leaning against the doorframe.
donghyuck felt his legs wobbling at the intense glare the biker had.
"jaehyun. stop it now. come say hello." taeyong scolded him.
jaehyun did as he was told, approaching his boyfriend and donghyuck.
"donghyuck, this is jaehyun. he's my boyfriend." taeyong smiled.
"h-hello." donghyuck waved his hand shyly.
"hey. let me speak honestly, i'm one of those who are still against that relationship. so, either you manage to convince me, either you get out."
taeyong slapped jaehyun's arm.
"are you out of your mind?!" he yelled. "introduce yourself properly. and be kind!"
"yeah... sorry." jaehyun rolled his eyes. "jaehyun. nice to meet you donghyuck."
the evening started pretty well.
donghyuck was introduced to the different boys, who seemed more or less happy to meet him again, and they had spoken together – well, mark was the one who did the talking – around some appetizers.
after that, they had had dinner, around a huge table donghyuck would say.
anyway, this dinner was where all the questioning had started, making donghyuck really shy.
he had had to answer weird questions asked by the bikers, like his other boyfriends or if he had ever gotten to a bar before.
he had answered all those questions in the most honest way possible, knowing his answers wouldn't please the boys.
in the end, donghyuck had understood that taeil, taeyong, doyoung and sicheng were on his side. yuta and jaehyun were still totally against it. and the last member, johnny, hadn't spoken a word. he had barely mumbled a hello to him, and he hadn't asked him questions, nor roasted him like jaehyun or yuta had done. he had just stayed silent, which creeped donghyuck out.
anyway, donghyuck was happy.
mark's friends were starting to accept him as well, and those who didn't weren't too harsh. sure, they did roll their eyes, snort and all, but they weren't that mean. they had understood that the tendency was to accept this relationship.
donghyuck was currently in the kitchen, helping with the dishes.
he felt more comfortable here. there were only taeil, doyoung, sicheng and taeyong. the others were in the living room, talking about something else.
"we're sorry again donghyuck. we should never have said such harsh things without getting to know you." doyoung apologized for the third time in the last ten minutes.
"yeah, i feel so bad." sicheng added. "now that i gotto know you, i realised you were so cute and not a kid at all."
donghyuck smiled, cheeks heating up. "it's okay guys. stop blaming youself. it's not your fault. it's just the society we're living in."
"see? you're just so kind and open minded..." taeyong pointed out. "i would have liked so much to be like you."
donghyuck blushed again.
"i'm glad i met you guys. it makes me happy knowing that you changed your mind."
"of course, donghyuck!" taeil smiled going to hug donghyuck.
"we will never hate you for being yourself." sicheng added, hugging donghyuck as well.
"you're our friend now." doyoung completed.
"and as mark's boyfriend, you're officially part of the family." taeyong finished, joining the group hug.
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