Chapter 1
"Hermione? Wake up! WAKE UP!" Sophia shouted, her silvery blonde hair falling over her face. Hermione shot up, almost falling out of her bed.
"Geez Soph, could you have been any louder?" Hermione asked, rubbing her tired weary eyes.
"Actually I could" she told her before sitting cross legged on the end of the brunettes bed.
"What's up? Come on I can tell there's something wrong" Sophia frowned, and Hermione crawled over to sit opposite her, legs crossed.
"Well, before I came to the Weasleys this summer, it was really tense. Death Eaters filled the house, not like any ministry goons would believe me. And Draco was acting weird, like he was trying to help me, protect me from something" Sophia told her pulling her long hair over her shoulder.
"Don't worry, but have you told Dumbledore about all the Death Eaters?"
"Yes,I told him that day he came to the burrow" Hermione nodded and put her arm around Sophia.
"You really are a good friend 'Mione, the best even" Sophia smiled and the two got up and got ready for the day.
Hermione brushed her hair, well attempted to at least. Sophia looked over to her, her long blonde silky hair fell down perfectly to her waist.
"Want some help?" Sophia asked, she smiled at her friend. Hermione looked up, the brush was stuck in her hair.
"Yeah" Sophia walked over and waved her wand over Hermiones hair, she muttered a spell and Hermiones puffy hair flattened out into beach waves. Hermione smiled.
"Thanks Soph" Hermione felt her hair, it was soft.
"No problem 'Mione" The girls smiled at one another and walked down to breakfast.
"Morning 'Mione, Soph" Harry smiled.
"Morning Harry" Hermione smiled, and sat down next to Ron.
"Morning Harry" Sophia smiled, Harry blushed as Sophia smiled at him. She giggled and sat down next to him, her sapphire eyes met his emerald eyes, both their cheeks burned rose red.
"I don't understand why you two haven't started dating yet" Ron laughed, Hermione nodded in agreement. Sophia looked into Harry's eyes, her cheeks were glowing. Harry's were too.
"Well, Sophia, Will you go on a date with me?" Harry asked, Sophia blushed.
"Of course I will Harry" She smiled and let her head fall on his shoulder. Ron and Hermione smiled, they were happy the two finally started dating.
"Students!" Dumbledore announced, the hall fell silent. "Today we have a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher for sixth and seventh years" Hermione looked up. A man in his mid twenties was stood there smiling at the crowd, he had brown hair and clear blue eyes. Her chestnut eyes met his for a second, before he moved onto someone else.
"Hello Students, I'm very happy to be preparing you for your N.E.W.Ts" He smiled down at them, once again he locked eyes with Hermione.
"Thank you Professor Lewis" Dumbledore smiled and the new teacher sat down.
"Now as you all know next week is the Halloween Feast, I trust you all to be here as we have an important announcement this year" The students all nodded before filing back to their dorms to collect what they needed for their first lesson. Which happened to be DADA. Sophia was practically attached to Harry by the arm as they arrived.
"Morning Sir" Harry smiled and entered. The teacher smiled.
"Morning Professor" Hermione smiled walking in, Professor Lewis made eye contact with her. His cheeks turned slightly pink as did Hermiones. She smiled and walked past him into the classroom. Sophia and Harry were gazing into one another's eyes. Her cheeks were glowing pink.
"Alright no PDA please" Professor Lewis smiled at Harry and Sophia, the two pulled apart.
"Good Morning Students" they all smiled as the textbooks floated to them and landed on their desks. Hermione smiled and opened her book.
"Turn to page 7" the students all turned to page 7 in their books. The spell on their was Stupefy.
"I'd like you to read the page then get into pairs and practice it" they all nodded and did as they were told. Hermione finished reading before Sophia did, once she'd finished the two started practicing the spell.
"I saw that Hermione" Sophia said as they walked out. The brunette looked at her best friend, confused and blushing.
"Saw what?"
"You blushing at you know" Hermione's eyes widened in shock, "don't worry you know I won't tell, but just be careful if anything ever does happen. Like I mean don't get caught and use protection" Hermione whacked her best friends arm.
"Soph! I will okay! But nothing will happen. Well probably" the two girls laughed and walked into their next lesson. Potions. Slughorn was nice enough, but Malfoy seemed upset that he didn't care about who his father was. Honestly no one did.
A few hours passed and classes had finally finished for the day. Hermione and Sophia were leaving the library, Hermione had checked out twenty five books. They towered above her as she carried them.
"You sure you don't want me to carry some?" Sophia asked again.
"Yes Soph, I'm fine"
"Mione watch out!" But neither of the people noticed before they collided into each other. All her books fell out of her hands. Professor Lewis caught Hermione by her waist.
"Sorry sir" she responded as he propped her upright.
"No problem Miss Granger" he smiled and bent down to pick up her books. "Maybe try the floating spell" they both blushed lightly, but Sophias cough snapped them back to reality.
"Right umm, thanks sir" Hermione's cheeks were a heavy shade of red as the two girls walked off.
"You did that on purpose"
"Did not" Hermione objected. "Fine, I sorta knew he'd be coming that way"
"Jeez, he just started here. Give the man a break" Sophia laughed, Hermione laughed too.
"Hey girls" Harry smirked as they came in, Sophia kissed his cheek but it quickly changed into snogging.
"Those two" Ron rolled his eyes and plonked himself down next to Hermione.
"Tell me about it" Hermione responded.
The next few weeks went by pretty quick. Every time she saw Professor Lewis she blushed heavily and butterflies swirled in her stomach. He also gave Hermione tones of points. Sophia thought this meant he liked her back, but Hermione wasn't so sure.
"Good morning Hermione" Professor Lewis smiled at her, "Sophia" he added he noticed the blonde next to her.
"Morning Sir" Hermione responded through a thick blush. His cheeks burned red too.
"Morning Sir" Sophia responded before dragging her friend into the classroom. "Girl cool your blush" she whispered as they sat down. Hermione blushed a bit harder before it cleared off.
"Listen up everyone. Today we're going on a field trip! We'll be going to the forbidden forest and fighting off any creatures that I have placed there. Most of which are Bogarts. I trust you've covered them before?" They all nodded. "Right then, let's go!" Blushing Hermione grabbed her best friends hand and dragged her right to the front so they could walk right next to Professor Lewis.
"So how am I doing?" Professor Lewis asked as they entered the forest.
"No too bad sir" Sophia answered and both her and the teacher laughed. Hermione rolled her eyes.
"You're doing amazing sir" Hermione added, both of their cheeks burnt red. Now it was Sophias turn to roll her eyes.
"Oh look! Over there!" Sophia pointed. They both turned to look where she pointed, there was a Bogart over there. It had turned into a spider, well Ron was in the front.
"Right, cast riddikukus" Professor Lewis reminded him. Nodding Ron cast the spell. They all laughed as the spider shrunk to the size of an ant, "excellent who's next?"
Sophias Bogart was no longer her father, but something no one understood. She got rid of it too fast for anyone to see. Hermione's was still failure. And Harry's was Sophia hurt. The whole class found it very sweet. Before you could say Merlin Harry and and Sophia were kissing in a corner. But they soon stopped after Dean caught them. Meanwhile Hermione was subtly staring at Professor Lewis, they continued walking through the forest for about ten minutes before heading back.
Later that day Hermione and Sophia were walking through the corridor again, this time Hermione was using a spell to carry her books but she still wasn't paying attention to where she was going.
"Mione!" Sophia shouted as the girl once again bumped into the Professor and like he did last time he caught her by the waist. Sophia caught the falling books with a simple spell, and the Professor set Hermione upright again.
"You should really watch out" he smiled at her, both of their cheeks were red. Hermione bit her lip and smiled back.
"I will sir, sorry" his blush only thickened.
"Mione, we should get going" Sophia butted in.
"Well, goodnight girls" he smiled and watched Hermione as she walked off.
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