Chapter 16:
Spirit's POV
Everyone readied their various weapons, guns, swords and even a pitchfork was pointed at the four who had just burst through the door.
"Friends! Come feast!" The Prince called with open arms, a goblet in one. The four eyed us warily, eyes scanning over the various weaponry. "Relax, my brothers and sisters, that's no way to treat our guests,"
The villagers sheathed, pocketed and dropped their weapons, a few went back to eating.
At the surrender of the weapons, Flame extinguished his body, Glebe placed the rocks back on the ground, Zephyr lowered his height to a more, relaxed stance and Aqua receded her abilities.
"We are here to get out friend back," Glebe slowly stated, Zephyr winced at the word friend.
"Come feast with us, I'm sure your tired from your travels,"
Aqua sniffed and stiffened, what if you choose to drug us? You seem to have experience in doing so,"
I found myself grinding my teeth together, ever since I'd woken up again the villagers had been nothing but hospital. Especially after I'd cured the sickness from their borders. The Prince had thrown a banquet in celebration of the eradication of the disease. A strong bond of friendship had formed between the elemental it's and the villagers, well me anyway.
"Aqua," I snapped, unaccustomed to such violent behaviour, "they know of your parents, they're here,"
Aqua's moth opened and closed several times, she looked like a gaping fish out of water. Her eyes shimmered with unspent tears.
A couple that I had been talking to earlier enveloped Aqua in a hug, calling her by her pre-breach name. The boys shifted awkwardly someone tapped Flame on the shoulder. He was a thin, wiry man who fiddled with his hands a lot. Flames orange curls were the same as the man, circular glasses perched atop his nose. I assumed it was Flame's father.
Glebe and Zephyr stood awkwardly, until Glebe was hugged by his sister. Who still had mud caked over her skin.
I stood up and walked over to Zephyr, he pulled me into a tight embrace. My face was crushed against his chest, his familiar scent enveloping me.
"You scared me," he whispered into my hair.
"I seem to do that a lot then," I whispered back.
"I love you,"
"As I, to you,"
And in that moment we were infiniter.
And so that's that.
You have now reached the end of the Breach.
Some trivia:
115588 characters
21,097 words total including author notes
844 paragraphs
43 word pages
The entire Breach book will be edited.
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