"Shut zhat damn beeping off!" I hissed, pressing mein hands against mein head.
But zhe intercom didn't listen. It called out to me despite mein complaints.
"Schiße." I rolled out of zhe bed, mein feet bumping against zhe beer bottles zhat had accumulated overnight. Zheir clatters only made mein head hurt vorse.
"I'm coming, Schiße." I grumbled, pressing zhe button to activate zhe speakers outside. "Vhat do jou vant?"
"Gil, open up." Zhe speakers vere full of static und I couldn't make out zhe voice on zhe ozher side.
"Leave me alone." I shouted.
"Please, Gil. Roderich and Elizaveta told me I'd find you here. This is an emergency."
"I've told jou guys a zhousand times. I'm not going back to zhe Axis."
"That's not what this is aboot. Open the door."
"Who zhe hell is zhis anyvay?" I growled. I still couldn't pinpoint zhe speaker, but he sounded familiar.
"Gil, it's me." The voice responded casually. "Matthew."
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