Chapter Thirty Eight
Steve helped me make the kids some pre-packed lunches so they could have a picnic.
Dani came down with the twins wearing adorable outfits with zoo animals on them.
I smiled and kissed both of them before they left with Steve.
When they left I cleaned up the mess while Dani started to do laundry.
She had on some of her favorite music and was singing along to that. She was so beautiful.
"I love you." I smiled and she stopped doing laundry and walked over to me.
"I love you too." She said and kissed me. Things started to get very heated and we took things to the bathroom.
We decided to take a shower together and we didn't do anything unholy, if you know what I mean. She ended up washing my hair, it was very relaxing and I was so tired anyways.
We then finished cleaning the house and we climbed back into bed and watched some TV. In this spare time we have on Sunday's we always train but she is pregnant so we obviously can't. Even though we are retired we still need to stay fit.
"Bucky, I can't wait to get this child out of me," she sighed.
"Me too," I said and kissed her. "And with the kids starting school soon, we are going to have a lot of spare time on our hands." She said.
"I can build the kids that tree house they keep asking for, and we can replace the carpeting in the basement." I said and she kissed my cheek.
"You're the best, and I can clean out our closet, I've been putting that off for two years." She laughed and I ran a hand through her hair.
"We also have to print out all the family pictures." She added.
"Yeah we do, we have about three thousand sitting on your computer." I said and she took out her laptop.
The screensaver was us on our honeymoon, it was of us on the beach, I was picking her up and she was kissing my cheek with the sun setting in the background.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
She and I spent the afternoon watching old family videos.
"Aww Bucky remember this." She said and clicked a video of Steve and Bucky holding Lucy and Sebastian and they were two years old playing with Bucky's hair and Steve was holding Sebastian laughing his ass off.
"I remember that." I smiled. Time goes by too fast.
The rest of the day we spent watching old videos and we made dinner for Steve to take home, he had a mission later tonight and didn't want him to be hungry.
Then Lucy and I took the kids out for dinner. Lucy and Sebastian both colored pictures of their superhero outfits. It was actually adorable but the kids would never be exposed to out lives before them, Dani and I made a promise.
We swore that they would never get hurt, they were our lives, Dani and I also prepare for the worst, we both have guns hidden in safes all around the house.
We also have Steve and Natasha as the kid's godfather and godmother. Incase we both died, Steve and Nat would take care of the kids.
We know that all of the Avengers would step in but we trusted Steve and Natasha the most.
The kids knew we were both superheroes but I'm afraid what they'll think of us when they know we killed, especially me.
I don't know if they'll love me the same way, I was brainwashed, I'm afraid they'll be scared of me and I don't want that.
Dani assures me it won't happen, but she doesn't know. The kids might fear her as well which we didn't want.
It's been five months. Our daughter has been born. Natasha was actually holding her right now, Dani was drinking lemonade holding Sebastian on her lap, the twins are having their fifth birthday today!
We invited some of their friends from kindergarten and the Avengers. The party is superhero themed, of course.
Steve and I were finishing up the kids tree house. I took a break and took a sip of Dani's lemonade.
"Bucky, come give me a hand." Steve said, I groaned and detached my metal arm and threw it at him.
Steve just rolled his eyes and groaned. Dani started laughing hysterically and I smirked, I still loved her laugh.
I walked over and grabbed my arm and re attached it then helped Steve finish up the last touches.
If the treehouse can hold two super soldiers, then it can definitely hold two five year olds.
We let the kids play in it and I helped Dani set up the party, she was wearing a beautiful yellow sun dress.
"You look pretty gorgeous." I said and kissed her cheek. She put her hands in my hair and pulled me to her.
"Bucky, there are kids coming any second." She smiled and I leaned in one more time.
"Iron Man and Spider-Man will be here soon" I said and she smiled. "One thing the kids will always have is amazing birthday parties." She laughed.
He doorbell rung and interrupted us. "The first of the guests."
I walked to the door with Dani, all of our kids friends knew we were superheroes, including their parents and they all accepted it.
They are all very sweet, there is even a couple who's parents are ex-Shield Agents and it felt sort of nice to know they were in the same boat as us.
They had a girl and a boy as well.
The kids ran off to play while Dani and I talked with the parents who were arriving.
The kids are all eating cake and ice cream and having play time with the Superheroes.
Natasha was playing with the young girls teaching them how to do flips.
Iron Man was teaching them science skills and cool tools. Cap was taking pictures with them with his shield and play fighting with them.
Dani was talking with Spiderman, Peter was good with kids, he was letting them play with his webbing.
This was actually amazing, I was snapped out of my thoughts when one of Lucy's friends came up to me.
"You're the Winter Soldier!" She shouted and I bent down. "I am." I said, this was probably about to go south, no one ever knows I'm a hero. They see me as a killer.
"You're my favorite hero." She said and I smiled. "Why is that?" I asked.
"Because you saved my other favorite hero, Agent Daniella." She smiled.
"She's my favorite too." I smiled and high fived the little girl with my metal arm.
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