Chapter Ten
"Please Bucky, I want you to come, I promise you, you'll love it, plus it's a day to spend with your two best friends." I wiggled my brows and grabbed his hand. I was pretty much begging.
"I don't know." He said and I frowned. "Bucky, what if you come with us today, then tomorrow we on that date?"
"Yeah, okay." He gave in and I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you you're the best! I'm going to get my camera." I said and ran down the halls to go get my things.
Bucky Barnes Point of View: It took me a few seconds after she left the room to realize what just happened.
She just said she loved me, and I know she didn't mean it, in the romantic way, but she's the first person to tell me she loves me in my entire life, beside family of course.
She loves me.
I finished making toast and eggs for Dani and Steve with a huge smile on my face. Steve walked in and smiled at me.
"She makes you happy, you should tell her how you feel. I like seeing you two together." Steve said.
I didn't answer I just smiled. "She does make me happy." I mumbled to myself, so he didn't hear it.
She walked back in with a purse, she had her phone, a camera, and a few weapons disguised as every day things.
Like Chapstick that actually will make a super soldier pass out. I know this because once I asked her for Chapstick and she handed me the wrong one.
It was embarrassing to say the least but we laugh about it now.
But we all ate quickly because they wanted to go so badly. I'm only going to spend time with my best friends, that's it, if they weren't going I wouldn't be.
In the old days I only would've gone with Steve to meet girls, but now I have one I'm keeping my eye on.
"Let's go Bucky." Dani dragged me through the crowd of people to the ticket booth.
She did all the talking and got us three tickets but I stepped in and payed for everyone. "Thank you Bucky." They both called at the same time. The museum wasn't that crowded once you worked your way into the exhibits.
"Take our picture Bucky." Dani called while her and Steve stood in front of this huge ancient artifact. Steve and Dani would city tell each other random facts, but they were having fun.
And I was having a great time watching them both.
"Wanna take the tour?" Steve asked as we approached a group of elderly people. "Yes!" She said, a young man, who obviously worked here was going to lead the tour. And he was already checking out Dani.
Probably because she's the only young and beautiful woman here. He was trying to get closer to her, and he was also trying to show her off.
"Did you know that the biggest Pyramid was the Pyramid of Meidum." He said and Dani nudged my arm.
"He's wrong." She whispered, "than say something." I said and she nodded
"Actually," she said and everyone moved aside so she could say something, "that's wrong, it's actually the Great Pyramid of Giza, or the Pyramid of Khufu." She said and I smiled down at her, she was smart and beautiful.
The tour guide smiled. "My mistake." He said and winked at her, I couldn't tell if she was interested or not.
"Anyways, moving on." He said and continued to flirt with her. Once the tour was over, Steve asked me to take a picture of him with some exhibit, but when I turned back around, Dani was talking with the tour guide.
He was pretty good looking and he was smart, like her, and he can't put her in danger like I can...
She walked back over to me and I didn't want to hear about it but I did at the same time.
"What did he want?" I asked, Steve was reading something far away from us. "He wanted a date," she said and I felt my heart drop, "but, I told him I had my eyes on someone else." She winked at me and put an arm around me.
"Really now?" I asked, I think she just admitted to having feelings for me. I don't know what to say. I'm overwhelmed with happiness right now.
"Yeah, he's very handsome, pretty old though, has a metal arm..." She trailed off and looked up at me.
I smiled down at her and we both saw a flash. We looked over and Steve was holding a camera. "I'm framing that one." He smiled and we both blushed.
"Let's get out of here." Steve said, Dani and I walked out, I had my arm around her and she did too.
It was the best day ever. I never thought I would be happy again while I was with Hydra, but Dani proved them wrong.
We decided to go out for dinner and Dani sat right next to me and we were across from Steve.
"So, today was amazing, when you proved the tour guide wrong, you made him look like an idiot." Steve laughed.
"Well, Bucky's the one who inspired me to call him off." She said and Steve nodded.
"Of coarse." Steve joked "hey!" I said and made them both laugh even harder.
We spent the rest of the meal just joking with each other.
I was in the passengers seat and Steve was in the back asleep, Dani was driving. "Did you have fun today?" She asked.
"Yes." I answered and from the corner of my eye, I could see her smiling.
"That's good, I wasn't sure if you'd like it." She said. "No, I had fun." I said and she smiled to herself.
The rest of the ride was silent and Dani was just humming along to a song on the radio.
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