Chapter Sixteen
"Are you sure?" I asked her, right before our lips touched. She nodded, my heart was beating fast, my palms were a little sweaty.
Our lips touched and I had always imagined it to be just like this, our lips moved in sync and I put my hands in her hair.
She and I both pulled away at the same time for air and I knew I was blushing, she had heat on her cheeks.
I sat up and kissed her cheek. That was the best kiss of my life. Nothing had ever compared to this feeling I have
Dani's Point of View: Our lips moved in sync and I never imagined it would be this perfect.
We both pulled away and my heart was beating so fast I thought it'd come out of my chest and we were both flushed and I was still on top of him.
Bucky sat up and kissed my cheek. I've never kissed anyone I've actually liked before, it was always for a mission. But this, I wanted.
I leaned in and kissed him again, this time our tongues wrestles and it was so passionate and amazing.
"I haven't kissed someone since the 1940's, I'm glad it was with you."
I looked down and grinned. "You're my first real kiss." I admitted. He looked shocked, "I mean I've kissed some gross people on missions because I've had to but, you're my first real kiss."
"I'm honored." He smiled and kissed me again. "I've wanted to do that for so long."
"Me too."
I played with his hair and hugged him. This is finally it, we have finally kissed and it was the most perfect thing ever.
I love every second I spend with him. I love him. I can't imagine a day where I don't think about him or talk to him.
"I've liked you for a long time, I just never acted on it because I didn't want to ruin our friendship." I admitted
"That's exactly how I felt Dani, there were so many times I had wanted to tell you and I'm sorry I didn't."
"I'm sorry I didn't say something to you." I said and we laid back down.
"You know Bucky, everyone back at the tower I'm pretty sure knows we like each other."
"Yeah, they probably do." He laughed. "So are we officially a couple?"
"You have to officially ask me." I said and he grabbed my hand. "Daniella Reid, will you be my girlfriend?"
I loved hearing those words come out of his mouth. I've imagined it so many times but this is for real now? Oh my gosh!
"Of coarse I will, I can't wait to tell everyone." I gushed. "We need to tell Steve first, I promised him I would."
"Me too."
We were at the meeting, we just invested in this market and Bucky just signed off a check of 500,000 dollars which sounds like a lot but it's not for these people, we promised to donate more next time we meet.
Bucky was signing documents of loyalty and I was scoping out the room.
For the past two days we've don't nothing but kiss and relax, we are always somehow touching and it's just like before but now we are for real.
"I'm glad you two signed with us, these days you can't tell who is for real or just a spy, it's awful." Christopher complained. We were in the basement of some club, it was cold and disgusting down here.
He was a greasy man smoking a cigar. Bucky grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, he knew I didn't like these types of missions.
I like the type where I just get to kick ass, that I can't screw up. But going undercover, there are so many things you have to remember and if you forget, you're screwed.
But, Bucky is keeping me grounded so far. He knows what he's doing, because he's probably done this hundred of times with Hydra.
I pushed the thought away and ran my hand along his back.
"You two are a great couple, I wish you years of happiness, now go. We meet again soon, maybe I give you a tour of the lab, keep in touch." He practically kicked us out.
I waited until we were in the clear before leaning over to Bucky. "We barely got anything out of him. This sucks, I hate these types of missions."
"I know you do babe, but we need to find out where he's getting the cash, besides ourselves and some of the investors and how he's paying people back. How about I try to arrange a guys night, you hang out with all their wives?"
"No, I don't want to be separated from you, you know that." I said and he put his arm around me.
"Then I guess we head back, plant cameras."
"Good idea," I said and that's what we did, we planted some cameras and ran back to the limo and drove off.
"If we go to the lab, we need to get pictures, videos, and send them straight away to Jarvis."
"I just want to get this over with and go home with you."
"Me too."
"Who was that man? He tried to kill me but I stopped him."
"I'm not sure, but we need to be careful." He said and I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes.
He was playing with my hair. It was very soothing.
I guess I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes I saw Bucky, except he was walking somewhere with me in his arms.
I closed my eyes again and tried to fall back asleep, and it was pretty easy, he was so comfortable.
Then I felt myself placed down in something soft, I think he changed me into one of his shirts, they were long on me. And they smelt like him which was just a bonus.
He then placed me on the bed, I felt the bed dip meaning he climbed in, he cuddled up against me and I wish we slept like this every night.
"Dani, I know you are tough, but I would do anything to protect you, that's my mission, I want only the best for you." He whispered, thinking I was asleep.
I debated on whether or not I should say something but just faked sleep again.
Until I heard him snoring, then I knew I was in the clear.
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