Route 6:IV
*One Last Chance
I choose to activate my powers, at least there'll be no more explaining to anyone.
"Mami-san, I'll just have one more thing to show you, but after that you'll know everything. Unfortunately, it'll mean that you have to say goodbye to your current life."
"So you'll kill me then?"
"Don't be silly. I'll be regaining your memories of another time. It's just that you'll have to agree to it. I don't want to force it."
"Do I even have a choice? Do what you must."
I take my paper with the 'formula', scan it and tell Mami to calm herself.
Then I pick at the design on my bracelet, looking for something like a key. A tiny silver key does come out of it, like it would from a bag. One edge is rounded, soft and possibly mouldable; the other is that of a normal key. I remove the hair clip holding the gem from her head. Then I search for a key hole in the clip, but fail to find anything along the lines of it. Finally in frustration, I hit the clip with the other side.
That edge is indeed mouldable. It changes its shape to match the flower, the key dissolving into it. What was the key now forms a silver layer over her clip, excluding the gem itself. The clip is worn again by Mami by my orders.
She goes into a partially conscious state for a couple of moments. Her face, normally one of happiness, now hides all emotion. Then she speaks, rubbing her forehead.
"Is it alright if you give me some time to get myself straight before we can get to the others? It hurts quite a bit."
"Fine. I'll meet Sayaka, she's the only one who remembers anything. Hopefully I won't have to repeat this procedure with anyone else."
"Please don't. Unless there's no other option for you."
Thankfully, it turns out Sayaka regained herself before I would have to. She is found at the bus stop, ruminating over things. I interrupt.
"What'cha thinking about?"
She scowls. "How am I supposed to protect Madoka if we're in such a huge mess?"
"The same way as usual. Maybe take a couple steps more."
"But our demon's going unstable by the minute she even told me to confirm it. Kyōko isn't even aware of anything and Mami, she's..."
"Aware of this. I just broke it to her."
"But what are we supposed to do? We should at least plan a bit."
"You're right. We'll form an initial plan, then tell Kyōko and Mami about it, provided Homura hasn't gone berserk yet."
Kyubey arrives at our spot. If earlier it looked injured, now it might be better placed on a deathbed. Its eyes are glazed over, the way they would be if one experienced hell and lived to tell the tale.
The Sayaka I knew would ignore it, but she now appears to consider her options. She chooses conversing with Kyubey.
"Do you have any ideas on how to save the world from impending ruin?"
"Not really. I've no strength to think, barely speaking to you both is draining." There's so much pain in its speech, we wonder just how much emotion it must feel at that very instant.
I speak, "We'd need to make at least a few plans with a bunch of ideas, that would be better done with the group."
"But what if all those plans get messed up?"
Kyubey considers it its turn to talk. "Then we keep a plan Z, one that only we are aware of so as to increase its effectiveness."
Looking at me, Sayaka asks, "What of the others, do we tell them about the other plans we make?"
"We should, I'll figure something out. If our other plans come to a standstill, plan Z should include isolating Homura and Madoka. Eventually Madoka will be able to overpower Homura and civilians' lives would be saved in the process."
Sayaka nods. "It'd be possible, but difficult to enact. How do you know that Madoka won't succumb to Homura's power?"
I answer. "We put it into her mind that Homura is beyond repair, which she will likely be by then. That will shock Madoka into taking the necessary action. We can leave her with the choice of what to do with Homura once she overpowers her."
"Not bad!" Kyubey sounds a bit enthusiastic, if you ignored the hoarseness in its voice.
The Incubator continues, "We would need to know what we should consider as our worst case scenario, the one where we'd enact such a plan."
Sayaka and I are silent for a bit, till she replies.
"That could be decided under the presence three or more of five conditions.
*Madoka is nearly defeated, physically or mentally.
*Madoka turns evil herself.
*Homura appears to be dying before a shift in control of the universe can take place.
*Civilians, even those living far away are being injured by an otherwise unexplained cause.
*Sakura, Mami and one of us two are all incapacitated or killed before anything being resolved.
Once three of these conditions appear to be fulfilled, we should go for plan Z as it'll be our only hope. Unless any of us have a better idea at that moment."
"That sounds pretty good." I agree with her idea, but don't really want Kyubey to know everything, to be on the safe side. Sayaka notes my unease, so we separate. She goes to meet Kyōko while I roam the streets, partly to give Mami some space to think and partly to spy on Homura. Finding a restaurant, I eat something light, thinking it better to have some extra energy just in case. While waiting in there, I send a series of messages to Mami, noting a couple of ways we could intercept Homura while also keeping civilians out.
The sky suddenly darkens, and I run towards the one place she'll be present.
Continues in 7 D
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