Route 6:d
*Homura breaks loose
I separate from the group to meet Kyubey. We'll need all the help we can have when it comes to an apocalypse, including someone as manipulative as Kyubey. We have a common goal, to prolong the universe, which is on the verge of collapse, what with its current ruler in such a state.
Kyubey is found near the gate of the school. I pick it up and take it to an alley.
"Have you decided on what to do yet? We don't have much time before she completely loses her mind. Once that happens, we have to counter her quickly, lest everything in existence be obliterated, except you perhaps, since you aren't from here."
"I've regained the group. Sayaka, Sakura, Mami and Madoka are all making an attack plan right now. You're the last one to be inducted as of now."
"How many routes are you keeping, in case plans A/B both fail?"
"I wouldn't know since I'm not there at this present moment, but we two should make a separate plan Z, just for safety."
"That's brilliant. Although I'm useless in this state, you have power. Power not seen in the likes of species living in this universe. You could've found out what it is if I were capable of wish granting, but somebody has really messed with that."
"I'll figure it out somehow. If it comes to that, plan Z should include isolating Homura and Madoka. Eventually Madoka should be able to overpower Homura and civilians' lives would be saved in the process."
"It'd be possible, but difficult to enact. How will you know that Madoka won't succumb to her wishes?"
"We put it into her mind that Homura is beyond repair, which she will quite likely be by then. That will shock Madoka into the necessary action. We will leave her with the choice of what to do with Homura once she is overpowered."
"We would still need to know what we should consider as our worst case scenario."
"That'll could be decided under the presence three or more of five conditions.
*Madoka is nearly defeated physically or mentally.
*Madoka turns evil herself.
*Homura appears to be dying before a shift in control of the universe can take place.
*Civilians even away from the battleground are being injured by an otherwise unexplained cause.
*Sayaka, Kyōko, Mami and one of us are all incapacitated before anything being resolved.
Once three of these conditions appear to be fulfilled, we should go for plan Z as it'll be our only hope."
"You really think things through don't you?"
"I read books. Thinking comes easily to me."
"That is really good. Come to think of it, this plan is really non-risky to us, although it appears to be. Therefore, you don't tell anyone about it. The group doesn't need to freak out just yet."
"Fine with me, as long as you don't force an unbreakable vow down my throat."
"I respect free will and thus won't do anything of the sort."
"Well thanks. You'll probably know when it'll start, so I'm not going to waste time calling you. I'll see you then."
I go back to my place, where everyone is thankfully still present, I'd assumed they would finish planning by now. Mami is the first to ask where I've been.
"I had a bit of schoolwork. Sorry for my late arrival."
"It's okay. We've made a plan and it seems you have a perfect part in it."
Madoka then speaks. "You'll be relay. You'll have to be on and off the front lines, meet with all of us, get the civilians out. I'd take it to be the biggest role."
Mami counters, "We don't know if you have any weapons or abilities. Sayaka, Kyōko and I have somehow regained our memories of a former life and feel we are able to effectively fight. Madoka is our centrepiece, our queen on a chessboard while we are Knight, rooks and bishop."
"May I know who goes where, chessboard style?"
Sayaka answers this time. "Madoka is the Queen, disguised as a king. Homura is the other Queen, her familiars all pawns. By our stance, Mami and I are rooks, powerful but straightforward, slightly better than pawns in the stealth aspect. No offence, Mami. Kyōko is a bishop, being able to attack differently as compared to our direct hits. You're a knight, we think Homura won't be able to gain any advantage over you as you aren't in her memories. Sometimes a person can checkmate a king using a knight, which is often forgotten due to the straight attacks of the other pieces."
"I'm honoured. But wouldn't being a knight mean I'd be too slow for relay, especially since relay needs someone quick?"
Mami replies, "It's more necessary for you to be safe as if we fail, you're our next and last hope."
Kyōko adds, "Don't forget that a real battle will not be as clean as a chess game. Queens may be killed early, the other pieces will be forced to move randomly, contrary to their original methods just for a chance at winning."
"You have a point. Does that mean if things go real haywire, we'll have to act with gut instinct?"
"Exactly. Plus we'll have to follow whoever acts as leader in any idea hatched last minute so that our enemy doesn't realise we're desperate at that time. The last thing we want is to be manipulated."
"Noted. Shall we stalk our target now?"
Mami shakes her head. "First let's have a little tea party. It might be our last, so make the most of it. I'll bring out the ware."
In a few moments we sip our tea in silence, aware of the impending.
As soon as Mami takes the cups away, a crack of thunder resounds. We go to the window. A tree is burned and streaks of lightning flash. It is an alarm for us, a thousand bells ringing in our heads. We head to the garden, them following me as I run to the normally isolated area. She is there, smiling.
Continues in 7 D
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