8: Ending 1
Mami is called into action. She unfreezes and walks towards Madoka, along with Sayaka and Kyōko. Madoka is soon surrounded by her allies, who are all willing to protect her till death or worse.
The familiar Love stretches out her arm, to increase the barrier so that it can fit the entire garden. The area is now empty save 3 current Magical Girls, 2 Ex-Magical Girls, the familiar, one Incubator and an eyewitness.
Inside the barrier, Madoka transforms into her Magical Girl form. Madokami emerges as a separate entity. She gives Madoka a warm smile. A message is passed via mind-speak to the 4 girls. They brace themselves for impact.
Love enters the middle of the barrier. There is a tug, a pull everyone feels towards Love. Even Homura isn't immune to it. She begins to take steps back. They both stop for a moment. Homura then continues walking backwards, going round until she grabs Mami who was nearest then.
"Come out from your hiding place, Incubator. Else she comes under my wing to strategize your torture. I'd love to try some new tricks on you."
Kyubey reluctantly comes out from the shadows. It sheepishly grins, as if trying to gain sympathy from anybody. Unfortunately for it, there is none.
"Since you know so much about the universe, why don't you give us some ideas on how we can solve this amicably? You have 10 minutes to give me an answer else your race will be obliterated."
Love grabs an arrow from Madoka's hands, then mimes throwing it at the Incubator. Kyubey doesn't move at all.
The three Magical Girls have regained their entire memories in that instant. Sayaka and Kyōko walk towards Kyubey, ignoring Homura altogether. Mami struggles out of her grip and joins the two. They fail to see what transpires behind their backs.
Homura is distracted for a few seconds. That is all the time it takes for Love to get behind her and stab her in the back with the arrow in hand. Madoka is surprised while Madokami shoots an 'oh well' look.
Homura falls, but picks herself up quickly. The Soul Gem trapped in Homura's earring lies on the ground. Love picks it up and hands it to Madoka.
It shifts, becoming the all-familiar pink teardrop. The part Madokami possesses also changes form. It turns absolutely bright, and becomes a crown , which looks much like the Queen on a chessboard.
Homura's earring becomes a King's Crown, with a glowing purple light inside. It is crystal clear, purified. The demon herself appears to be cleansed from the dark whirlpool of negative emotions. Her appearance as well as next actions prove likewise.
The two crowns turn back into earring form, looking like mirrors of each other. Homura and Madokami finally get the chance to have a conversation. In the meanwhile, Love stealthily takes out Homura's bow as well as Madokami's arrow. They all fall for the same trick twice.
She then meets the witness who just watches the events unfolding. This last person understands what Love means to do and shoots the arrow precisely into Kyubey. It disappears on reaching its target.
Kyōko, Mami and Sayaka then turn around. By then, the bow is returned and Kyubey is semi conscious. Weirdly enough, the wounds on its body begin to heal.
Madokami and Homura seem to have overcome their differences. Nobody would be able to guess that just a while back they were enemies, ready to kill each other if necessary. Madoka stands next to her deity form, all three in talks with each other. The Magical Girls bring Kyubey to the middle of a circle they form, everyone else surrounding it. Madokami calls for attention.
"We have a proposition. Everything is currently a mess because of some unfulfilled wishes this being had granted. Since it has proved incapable of giving us a relatively useful way to alleviate our situation, we want to do this ourselves. Do I have your consent?"
They agree in unison.
"To begin with, we are not recruiting any more Magical Girls since we don't have any threats of witches. Kyubey here still has to pay for its crimes. At the same time, we need people to research an ethical way to slow entropy. Mami, you will be in charge of that and also of the Incubators. Make use of the contacts in University and take good care of this specimen."
"As you wish." Mami curtly bows at Madokami.
"Sayaka and Kyōko can be our defence. In case anything goes awry, you two are going to strategize as well as carry out plans. You are also in charge of checking on any other existing Magical Girls and making sure they are safe."
"We will definitely do so."
"Madoka, you are free to do as you please. Make sure to live life to the fullest. Oh and Kyubey, this isn't a death sentence. Lighten up already."
Madoka scoops up Kyubey in her arms.
Madokami pushes Homura to the middle and a crack is heard. The barrier is still intact. Love then hands over something to Madokami. It is a piece of Homura's Gem, a diamond separated from the crown.
The Homura with braided hair and glasses makes her return. Madokami gives her the Gem.
"We have finally found a way to fulfill both our wishes. Homura, you can easily protect me now that you're separate as well. Your ex-demon form and I have to leave now. Enjoy your lives everyone. Remember, none of you are alone anymore."
The barrier opens while the two deities and the last familiar leave. There is a moment of bliss and a certain sparkle in the sky.
If you liked this ending and wish to see the other routes, do check out the other options.
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