Chapter 4
The next couple days, Ahsoka obsessed over Obi-Wan and what her visions meant. She went so far as to cancel all training, giving the students this time to explore a but of the forests and have time to themselves.
In these days, she hadn't really made any progress. Ahsoka knew she had to find him, but first needed to figure out where on Tatooine he was. She tried remembering back to the two scense in her vision, the second place she was sure was Mos Eisley, but the first place, the rock formation, is what stumped her. The rock formation had to be near where Obi-Wan lived. She had scoured holo maps of Tatooine's surface, looking for the formation she had seen him standing on, but came up with nothing.
As the days went on, and nothing new came up, Ahsoka grew more and more frustrated. She started spending nearly all of her time in her tent, looking through the maps and stories in the Tatooine news, trying to find something, anything that would clue in on where he lived. She knew if she went to Mos Eisley she'd have a chance of finding him, but she could be waiting for days. She didn't want to leave the colony for that long if she didn't have to.
She was pacing back and force in the tent when Lux entered. He looked at her and frowned. "Ahsoka... you've been doing this for almost four days now? Don't you think you should take a break?"
Ahsoka stopped her pacing and looked at him. "Lux you know I can't do that! the force gave me the vision for a reason. I have to find him!"
Lux tried to reason with her, "Just take a little break to rest. You've barely slept since you had the vision!"
"Every second I waste is a second the Empire could be getting closer to him!"
Lux was beginning to grow frustrated. "Ahsoka you're no use to him if you can't think clearly!"
"I'm fine!" She countered.
He sighed and walked over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Look... I'm just worried for you. I see the stress you put on yourself to lead these kids, and now this? It's not good for you d'bhem."
Ahsoka's face finally softened and she hugged him. Lux hugged back, rubbing his hand in the shape of a circle on her back.
"I-I'm sorry Lux," she looking up at him, tears starting to form in her eyes. "I've been selfish lately, not thinking about you or the children. I've been a bad leader and a bad girlfriend." She looked down. Lux cupped her face and wiped away her tears with his thumb.
"Soka, you're a great leader, these kids couldn't have asked for someone better. As for being my girlfriend, I couldn't ask for anymore. I love you more than life itself, I just worry about you sometimes." Ahsoka smiled again and Lux kissed her softly. "Now, come on. You need some rest," Lux said leading her to their bed.
Ahsoka awoke to sand, lots and lots of sand. She stood up, brushing away the pesky substance. Now I understand why Anakin hated this stuff so much, she thought. Looking around, she couldn't see anything as far as her eye could see; however, the force was calling out to her from the east, so she followed it.
She walked for what seemed like hours, not coming across any settlements or living creatures. She didn't know for sure what planet she was on, but she assumed it was Tatooine, just a different part of it that she had never been to. The force was still calling from the east so she continued to follow it.
Soon enough, she came to a little hut. Ahsoka could feel that it was very strong in the force. As she made her way closer, she could sense two people from within, one's presence was stronger than the others. She didn't know who's place it was or why she was here.
"Go in, and all your questions will be answered..."
Ahsoka whipped her head around in an attempt to find the source of the voice, but had no luck. She scanned the sand once more before turning back to the door. She moved her hand to open the door, but hesitated. She had no clue what awaited her, and for all she knew this was a trick and she'd be killed. She didn't know if you died in a dream if that meant you died in real life, but she wasn't sure she wanted to figure that out.
Taking a deep breath, she gripped her sabers tightly and opened the door. Once inside, she saw Obi-Wan asleep on a couch, and a baby in a crib next to him. This must be his place! Ahsoka thought happily. Her search was finally over.
She tried to quietly walk over to the duo to see who they were, but she accidentally knocked a book off of a table, causing the baby to cry. This woke up Obi-Wan, who looked at Ahsoka and went white.
"A-A-Ahsoka? How- why- wha...?" Obi-Wan stuttered out.
"Yes it's me Master Kenobi. It's good to see you," Ahsoka smiled at the man.
"It's good to see you Ahsoka... but how are you here?" The question confused Ahsoka. He was acting as if he were actually real and an apparition of Ahsoka was appearing to him.
"I'm not sure what you mean master. I'm asleep right now and this is a dream, you're not real, just a vision in my head."
This only seemed to scare Obi-Wan even more. "Ahsoka I'm real. You-you're what's not real."
Ahsoka gave him a confused look, and gazed down at herself. What she saw made her gasp. She could see through herself! "What is going on?!?" Ahsoka cried out.
"Ahsoka! Ahsoka, calm down!" Obi-Wan said, trying to get the young girl to calm down. "You're not dead are you?"
"Not that I know if. The last thing I remember is falling asleep next to Lux, and then waking up in sand a ways away from here."
"This is most... interesting. Maybe this is a power you gained from the Daughter?"
Ahsoka thought for a moment. That made sense, but she didn't know how she had done it. She hadn't even tried. "I-I don't know. I didn't even try to do this... it just happened."
Suddenly she started to fade. "It looks like your time here is up," Obi-Wan said.
"It appears so," Ahsoka replied. "I will be back soon, this time in person. We have much to discuss."
Obi-Wan just nodded as Ahsoka faded away.
Ahsoka awoke with a start, her breathing heavy. She sat up and looked around, seeing that she was back in her bed with Lux, she slowed her breathing. She felt Lux stir next to her and wake up.
"Soka... are you good?" He asked groggily.
Ahsoka smiled at him and nodded. "I know where Obi-Wan is."
Sorry this chapter is really bad. I really didn't know what I wanted to do with it lol, but I knew i needed to publish a new chapter cuz it had been a while. Hopefully from here on out the chapters will be better.
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