Chapter 2
Lux was just doing his usual rounds circling the encampment, checking motion sensors and whatnot. It was boring, but it was better than just sitting in the tent bored all day. At least this way he got to explore bits of the planet and take in the beautiful wildlife of the planet.
Oddly enough, despite the plethora of plant life existent on the planet, there were few animal species. In fact, Lux could only ever remember seeing one species of rat, and that was it. In order to get meat and other supplies, someone from the camp had to travel to the nearest planet which was Tatooine.
Lux was lost in his thoughts. Thoughts about life now, the children, becoming a Jedi, and, of course, Ahsoka. He knew she was strong and could handle herself, but Lux still worried for her. What if the Empire found them? What if she was caught during a mission off world? She would have no way of contacting them to let them know she had been captured. He had no idea what he'd do without her, let alone what the younglings would do.
He sighed. He needed to stop thinking like this. Ahsoka could take care of herself.
Suddenly, Lux felt something. His senses weren't refined enough to tell what it was, but he knew there was a living thing near by. He grabbed his lightsaber off of his belt and held it in his hand. He didn't activate it, but just held onto it incase he got jumped.
He continued walking forward cautiously, his head darting from side to side. Suddenly, the presence just disappeared. Lux relaxed, thinking that whatever it was had gone another way. He placed his saber back on his belt, and continued walking to the next motion sensor.
What he saw on the motion sensor's screen confused him. It said there was something moving about 10 meters out, yet Lux couldn't see or sense anything. He thought it was a malfunction, so unplugged the machine to see if it would fix it. When the screen came back online, there was no motion detected anymore. Lux just sighed in relief and turned around. Once he did, he was tackled to the ground.
"What the hell!" Lux shouted trying to get up. All he heard was the giggling of a little girl and he looked to see Alia, a young human girl, and one of the padawans from the camp. Suddenly, Ahsoka and the other padawans– Trayta, a human boy named Zary, a Twi'lek boy named Tristan, and a togruta girl named Sella– appeared from the cover of the trees.
"Very well done Alia," Ahsoka spoke. "You're ability to mask your force presence has improved drastically."
"Thank you master," Alia replied bowing. Ahsoka returned to bow.
"Now you five head back to the camp. I'm going to... help Lux with his force senses."
"Mhmmmm," Trayta said rolling her eyes.
"We all know what that means master," Sella said giving her a wink. Ahsoka's lekku darkened, and the padawans laughed before turning and running off.
Ahsoka shook her head and looked back to Lux, who was still on the ground. She offered her hand to help him up. Once he was on his feet, he brushed the dirt off of his clothes.
"Why is it that I'm always the subject of torment?" Lux asked.
"Because it's funny," Ahoska replied with a smile. "Besides, now that training is over I have an excuse to hang out with you," Ahoska said intertwining her fingers with his and leaning up next to him. He just rolled his eyes and smiled.
The pair just walked through the forrest in silence, taking in the landscape as Lux had been before. Before long, they reached a small waterfall that emptied into a little pond. They came here fairly often, and to their knowledge, no one else had found it yet.
Ahsoka dragged Lux towards the water. Once they were at the water's edge, Lux took off his shirt and pants, leaving him just in his boxers. Ahsoka could feel her lekku heating up. Despite the fact that she's seen him wearing less before, she always got nervous when she saw his body.
Ahsoka broke from her trance and took off her shirt, but kept her shorts on like she normally did.
"Last one to the top is a rotten bantha!" Ahsoka shouted laughing. She used the force to aid in her movements, easily beating Lux to the top.
"Hey... no... fair..." Lux gasped out, still attempting to catch his breath.
"Hey, you could learn how to do that too if you wanted," Ahsoka said shrugging.
"Yea, yea whatever," Lux said rolling his eyes. Suddenly he smiled deviously, and lifted Ahsoka using the force, moving her off the edge and holding her over the water. Ahsoka gasped in surprise, and then laughed when she realized what was happening.
"I see you've been practicing, Ahsoka said. "Impressive, but you forgot one thing." Ahsoka smirked and Lux looked at her confused. Nothing happened, so he let go of his grip on Ahoska, letting her fall to the water below... but she didn't. She just floated there, still smirking at Lux.
"Shit..." Lux muttered before being grabbed by the force. Ahsoka pulled him towards her. When their faces were inches away and they were leaning in for a kiss, Ahsoka dropped Lux to the water below.
"Oops..." Ahsoka said coyly as Lux fell.
She heard the splash below and burst out laughing. She stopped levitating and dropped down to join Lux in the water. When she came back up, he was nowhere to be found. She still felt his presence, but he was masking it a bit, making it hard to pinpoint exactly where he was. Soon she felt a tug on her ankle and was pulled under the water. She resurfaced to a smirking Lux. She was immediately taken back to their time on Naboo over a year prior.
"Oh so you wanna do this again?" Ahsoka asked smirking. She sent a burst of the force towards the water, creating a wave of water. This time, Lux was able to deflect it a bit using the force, but still got hit. He looked back up, but Ahsoka wasn't there. Unbeknownst to him, she had done the same thing she did back on Naboo. She disappeared under the water, and surfaced behind Lux. She masked her force signature so he couldn't find her. She quietly swam up behind him and pushed his head under the water. From under the water, Lux sent a shockwave of the force up at an unsuspecting Ahsoka, shooting her a few feet up in the air. She was so caught off guard she couldn't catch herself before she hit the water.
As she resurfaced, Lux was already right in front of her, and pulled her into a kiss. She melted into the kiss, but as soon as it had started, Lux ended it, pushing her under the water and swimming off towards the surface.
"Ohhhhh I am going to get you for that Lux Bonteri!" She shouted laughing.
"Just payback from earlier my love," he replied smirking.
He quickly got out of the water and ran into the forest, trying to hide from his girlfriend. He hid up in a tree, waiting for her to pass. Suddenly, he felt something breathing on his neck, and he turned to see what it was.
"BOOO!" Ahsoka shouted right in his face. Lux screamed in fear and fell out of the tree. He closed his eyes and winced, waiting to hit the ground, but he never did. Slowly he opened his eyes to see he was floating just inches off of the ground, a smirking Ahsoka looking down at him from the tree.
She released him and he fell the last couple of inches. He sat up as she jumped down from the tree.
"I win," she said smirking.
"Fine, come here and let me give you your prize," Lux said seductively. Ahsoka sat down and scooted close to Lux. He kissed her on the lips, and she returned it. Breaking from the kiss, Lux started to kiss a trail from her mouth, onto her cheek, down her lekku and onto her neck and collarbone. He began to suck on her skin.
"Lux..." Ahsoka said a small moan escaping from her lips.
Suddenly, the pair heard a tree branch snap. Ahsoka sat upright alert, but Lux kept going.
"Lux," Ahsoka hissed quietly. "Stop it. We have company."
"I... don't... care..." Lux said between kisses. He was only forced to stop when Ahoska stood up, drawing her lightsabers to her hands. Lux reluctantly stood, drawing his lightsaber as well.
"Come our whoever you are. I know you're out there," Ahsoka called out. Suddenly they heard giggling and saw five figures walk out of the forest. Ahsoka sighed and deactivated her sabers, clipping them to her belt.
"How much did you see?" Ahsoka asked crossing her arms.
"Well..." Zary started before being cut off by Trayta.
"EVERYTHING!" The girl burst out laughing. A blush was plastered on Lux's face, and Ahoska could feel her lekku darkening.
"You two are so cute together!" Alia squealed.
"Just like you and Zary," Ahsoka shot back smirking. Now it was Zary and Alia's turns to blush. Ahsoka and Lux and the rest of the padawans laughed.
"Come on guys, let's head back to the camp," Ahsoka said, leading the group back.
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