Ice-Cream! (AL)
Not a reqeust and was bc i saw a meme(it's at the top :D) of this and was like-... I wanna Fucking make this a Fanfic :D
*Shubble's pov*
i woke up and was tied to a chair and Scott was standing infrot of was with his evil cold icey grin... and then held up his sword to my neck-
"Shebly, Your going to tell me-" Scott started "Scott!!!" Lauren yelled running in- "not right now im bus-y-*Gasp* DID YOU DRAW THIS?!" Scott started/asked putting the sword away from my neck "Yup!!" Lauren said "This is so good- Yknow what, Were getting ice-cream!" Scott mumbled the first bit and then said
and then him and lauren walked out (What the frick-... Scott's Supposed to be a villian- That's stragenly nice of him) i thought and then he came back in and untied me- "Yknow what you can come too!!!" Scott said as he untied me and then dragged me with them- (Hes joking right-???? He's difftantly kidding- and just messing with me) i thought as Scott dragged me-
-Scott brings them to an ice-cream truck- (He was not joking-) i thought as Scott asked "What flavor do you 2 want?" Scott asked "...ummm Mint-chocolate-chip please??" i said still confused- "Chocolate please!!" Lauren stated
"Can i have one blood ice-cream, One Chocolate and One Mint-Chocolate-chip." Scott stated and then person told him how much and them Scott payed and he got are ice-creams and handed it to us and then, dragged me to a bench- and then we sat down- and ate our ice-cream.
"...I didn't exspect this to happen when you held that sword to my neck-" i stated and i licked my ice-cream, "yknow same-" Lauren said "I wanted ice-cream and it was a too good of an excuse not to get some!!" Scott stated and happily and kept licking his ice-cream,
"Well i guess that makes sense- but yknow you could of just left me there-..." I mumbled "Meh- i thought why the hell not bring you, So i brung you." Scott stated as he still happily licked his ice-cream-
"Yknow this is actually very nice of you and not evil at all-...." I stated "Yknow- the truth(My au????) abt me being evil is because i get these really really fucking strong urges to just hurt people and destory some shit and just be evil. Like- If i didn't have them this is the Scott you'd See on the daily." Scott stated and Still just countied to lick his ice-cream
Happily like he didn't just say he basically was forced to be evil- and Lauren looked just as surprised as me- "What?!-" Lauren said and Scott just looked at her- and then looked away and just counited to lick his ice-cream.
Post Date: 4/25/2023
word check: 460
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