FUCsjhfbsjhKING (AL)
Thought of this while laying in bed thinking- not wanting to get up and turn the net on, and then thought of this and turned it on~ :D
Vampire Scott.
Idfc abt anyone elses- bc it is during vampire scott- when Shubble and Sausage are 'hero's' bc yes?... but you people can guess and choose what origins the person is if i don't say. :d
also- In my au, No matter the series(if it's an Rp one like Yhs(sams one) it doesn't count tho-), they have monthly meetings and change houses every month,
so they all have a room- were it could benift all of them, and they change it when someones orgins changes in this world,
and the room is usally hidden underground, and has a serect way in that everyone knows.
and- their at shubbles this meeting.
*Shubble's pov*
We Were having are monthly meeting/meet up, and right now we were at the table talking abt what has happened sense last time, and next were gonna play some games! and after a bit, "Fuck-" Scott said outloud and we all just looked at him- "Why?-" sauasge asked
and then Scott stuck out his touge- and it was bleeding- "Forgot i was a vampire for a bit- and i accidently bitt my tounge-" he stated- "1, How do you just forget your a vampire?.. 2, are u okay???" I asked, "uh- to answer 1, i don't actually know- I just- Forgot- as i was distacted- and for 2, yeah- i'll be fine-" Scott answered
"Wait- Scott, Can you Drink Your Own blood?- like- does it affect you in any way???" Lauren asked- "...that- is a great qeustion..." Scott said- and closed his mouth- and then gagged- "IUYRJGB UHFHKSEJ<= hahlu knkd" Scott Screamed noises?-
and stuck out his tounge again- "...im guessing- it's not good at all-" Lauren stated "sne fjkIt- FUCsjhfbsjhKING AWFugjhUl!!!!!-" Scott Screamed noises again-(what he was try to say- was it was fucking Awful-)
and then he got up and just went to the bathroom- and stayed their- for the whole talking bit of the meet up- ".. i think someone should go check on scott-" sausage stated "All in favor raise your hand if jimmy should go check on him." I said raiseing my hand- follow'd by everyone's hand- and even jimmy raised his hand-
"ok- so we don't ahve to force him too-?" i asked- and jimmy just walked into the bathroom- "Holy cow- Scott are you Okay??!!" jimmy said,
Yeah i didn't think to far into it- :D
word check: 419
Post Date: 4/24/2023
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