A Friendly hangout! (Rs) RQ:1
Requested by: pinklittlepiggy101
Request: I have an idea! (Rs) Owen and Scott going to have a date, It's ok if you don't ship
I do not ship, So i will Do A hangout instead :D
And i am me, and for my sake- i will not use the titles- like Scott is Farmer rat- I will just say Scott bc ik myself and how much i get counfuesd and mess up- XD and it's been awhile sense i've watched any rats- so this is just from memory-
*Owen's pov*
"hey Martyn! have you seen Scott?" i asked "i think he's in the garden." Martyn Said and then countied to do what he was doing, So i went outside to see Scott Gardening, "Hi!" I said as i ran up to Scott "Hi Owen!!!! Im guessing it's time for are Weekly hangout?" Scott said as he finished up gardening-
"Yup!" I said as Scott stood up "Ok! What are we doing this time?" Scott asked Excitedly "I was thinking we could just chat and sit somewear- " I stated "Sounds fun- But what if-" Scott said with a pause
"What if what?" i asked knowing he's gonna say something that will make our hangout more Exciting "What if we Climb that tree and Sit on top of it!" Scott said pointing to the tallest tree, which was taller than the house-
"...I don't know- it's defiantly not safe-" I started "Your starting to Sound like Jimmy." Scott mumbled "And thats why we should be just a bit careful! Now Race ya to the top!!!" I stated and started running as fast as i could-
But Scott Ran Past me and then started Easily Climbing the tree leaving me in his Dust- After awhile of climbing i got a tired- and sat on the branch i was on and i was atleast halfway to the top-
while i could see that Scott Was just sitting at the top waiting for me- and after a mintue or more i got up and started to climb again- and after awhile i reached the top- "Finally!- took you long enough" Scott said as i sat down next to him on a branch that wasn't really
safe but the only one we could sit on at the top. "How are you so fast at climbing-???!" i asked- "Working on a farm- i mean their was so much land- and u basicly have to climb like 10 or more different trees a day because you need to get a good look at the farm and other stuff" Scott stated
"..Well that makes a bit of sense-" I said "Yup! now How've you been?" Scott asked "I've been Good!" I said "Hm- anything you've done since the last time we hanged out?" Scott asked "Well-No- not really-" I said
"Oh-.. hm ok then." Scott said "What about you? Have you done anything?" i asked knowing he'll say yeah- "Of coruse. I've started to look into cooking since winter is coming, and I figured it would be helpful!" Scott said
"Hm- i guess that could be helpful!" I said and Scott smiled "Yep! that riminds me, i made this for you!" Scott said pulling out a salad that somehow still made everything in it- and it kinda looked like the one we made The mother- "Is that the salad we-" I started
"No- i made new one!" Scott said handing it to me and then pulling one out for him! "I knew the hangout was today so i made us salads to eat! while we do whatever we decided to do- And that was chat on top of the tallest tree!" Scott stated
"You really think of everything when it comes to are hangouts!" i stated and then started to eat the salad "Of Coruse i do! I mean- i try to think of everything when i have somthin planed- it's kinda a habbit!" Scott stated
"well i think it's one of those rare habits that are actually good and not bad-" I stated "Yahe i gess itis!" Scott said with a mouthful of his salad- "Scott- You shouldn't talk-" i started "Yeah yeah i know- i might Choke." Scott said "Then Why talk with your mouth full if you know you could choke?" I asked
"Simpal. i already know i won't!" Scott stated "And how do you know?" I asked "Because i know i won't." Scott said "Thats Not a Good Enough Reason." I stated and Scott just playfully rolled his eyes, while saying "Yeah it is!" Scott said "Nu-uh~!" I said "Uh-huh!!!!" Scott said
"Nu-uh~!!!" I said "Uh-Huh!!!!!" Scott said "NU-UH~!!!!" I said "UH- HUH~!!!!!!!!!" Scott said and then we both kept doing that getting louder and louder each time, untill i deicde to try and use reversed crcoldely,
"UH-HUH!!!!!!" I basicly Yelled "IM NOT DUMB OWEN!!! UH-HUH~!!!!!!!!!!!!" Scott Yelled Somehow Louder then Me- "Dang It-" I said and Scott just Smirked in victory. "Next time oWEn, try Doing that on someone that it will actually work on!" Scott Said Still Smirking in Victory.
"yeah- i'll keep that in mind." i said and then ate some more of my salad, and then i noitce Scott was already done-, so I swallowed and then ask- "huh- when did you finish your salad-???" i asked and Scott shrugged "i don't know- im a fast eater- and i don't really pay attention-" Scott stated
"Well thats not a good idea not to pay attention.." i softly mumbled and then took another bite of my salad- "if you were wondering, I heard that, and i will pay attention to things i want to pay attention to." Scott stated and i just shook my head in disapproval as i chewed my food. (lol at this point i had to get up and make a salad bc i wanted one XD)
"Sooo, Whatcha wanna talk about now?" Scott asked and i swallowed and then anwsered "Who do you think is the most annyoing rat?" i asked "Hm... Can i say me?" Scott asked "No sense theirs deffitaltiy someone more annyoing." I stated
"True-.... Oli is way more annyoing then me so- oli?" Scott said sounding unsure- "I can agree with that." I stated and then took the last bite of my Salad, as Scott Giggled at my response. After i was done eating and Scott was done laughing Scott just took the bowls, "I'll be right back!" Scott said and then
slid down the the Tree trunk- and like a few minutes later He climbed back up pretty fast- and then sat down next to me- and then i think i heard the branch crack-... "Please tell me i didn't just hear the branch-" i started "Snap-" Scott said, and then we look at each other and then Scott smirked
"Looks like were going for a ride!" Scott said and then hit the branch and it broke intastly and we started to slid fastly down the tree trunk- i screamed and Scott just giggled as we went down- "SCOTT WHY?!!!!" I Screamed and I decided just to grab on to Scott- and Scotts Giggling just turned into Laughter
as we got to the bottom Scott grabbed a branch and then we just hung there- "That was fun!" Scott said as he let go and we both hit the soft grass- "NO THAT WAS NOT FUN!" I yelled "YEs it Was!!!!!" Scott said still laughing!
"Nu-uh!!! iT WAsn'T FuN!!!!" I yelled- "What wasn't fun-?" Martyn said as he walked up to us- "We Were on the top of this tree and the branch we were on broke and we slid down the trunk!!!! IT Was So Fun!!" Scott stated still giggling-
"Nu-uh!! It WasN'T Funn-" I stated- and martyn just chukkled- "I think that sounds pretty fun!" Martyn stated "It Wasn't!" I said as Scott said "It Was!!!" Scott said.
I really like this so i hope this was good enough! :D
Post Date: 4/22/2023
word check: 1308
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