Chapter 4 -- Death of an era, birth of a new reality
Ekoro's POV
After the school day, I walk home totally drained. Kitsune was taking public transportation back, which takes a bit less time, so she was home already with her lips zipped. Thank god for that. As I walk into my home, all I can hear is sobs. All of the lights are destroyed and nothing you can tell from the outside is in harm. I couldn't believe my eyes; what was happening?! I rush to my mom's room where the red shade of blood smears against the wall and a woman stands over her; Blue wavy hair with a pink fade at the end going to waist length, a white and gold staff illuminated by the sunlight that peered through the windows, and a white dress with gold outlines and flowers. But, there's one thing I notice better than anything, the corpse of my own mother. "Serves you right for trying to infiltrate, Tanami!" Tears roll down my face as I hide by the door frame to eavesdrop, hoping she doesn't notice me and target me as well. Then, in the blink of an eye, she was gone. I gasp as I wander to my mother's body, but it's already too late. Her skin is cold and she isn't breathing, her wounds are deep and blood is spread across the walls as anxiety fills my body.
A few days had passed, whenever I had called the police they had already confirmed my mother's death and I was sent to an orphanage with a few other kids. Kaminari Imika, Shinako Suzuki, and Kaito Kowara. Usually, you'd imagine an orphanage as a cruel place to be, but this place is different. It's run by one girl, Sukune. God forbid I know her last name, and she barely makes us do anything. She gives us books to read, doesn't give us any chores other than the occasional favor. She lets us call her 'mom', too, which I admit hasn't been a habit of mine after losing my mother. Sukune is about 20 years old and takes care of us all like a loving mother. She even calls us her children from time to time.
"Ekoro, honey!" Sukune yells out, and I sit up from my bed and approach her without saying a word. "There's a couple that would like to adopt you!" Sukune's bright eyes look at mine as a smile plastered across her caring, motherly face as I'm met with two adult women. One had white hair, and white eyes with a black turtleneck sweater and leggings that hugged her ankles. The other girl was much different, however, with black hair that went to neck length with two long strands that went to the length of her chest, and a black dress. But, there was something off about her. She had dull eyes, just like mine. I smiled as I looked at her, knowing that I wasn't the only one with dull, black eyes. The girl spoke. "Wow, you actually have another black-eyed kid." She smiled in amazement as she knelt down to pat my head. "We're going to be your family, okay?" I nodded, with a huge smile on my face as I timidly kept my hands close to my chest. I heard a voice call out, Kaminari. "Hey! Is Ekoro getting adopted? No fair!!" She called out as she entered the room, acting with childish anger. I felt bad, knowing that Kaminari was one of my close friends. "It's alright, Kami! I'll be your mother until then." Sukune bent down as she pat Kaminari's head before standing up again with her signature smile, her hair falling at her back as she spoke. "Please, take good care of Ekoro, now. She's been through so much, I hope you can show some sympathy." She said as a look of concern filled her eyes, She obviously cared for me more than I had previously thought. I missed my mother, but knew this was my fate and that there was no use dwelling on the past of my mother's death. I sigh, as the realization set on me once again that I'd never see her, and the only thing remaining is a few pictures and a fleeting memory of my old life, this is a drastic change. I feel like I can still hear her voice, telling me to come downstairs for school. I miss it, and I really did take it for granted. The white haired girl looks at me, and speaks in a sweet and calming voice that eases my pain for as long as it goes on. "You're another dark eyed child.. You're not hopeless, Ekoro, you're special." She steps toward me, smiling at me. She made me feel welcome, in a way. It was comforting to say the least, but oddly melancholic. It reminded me of my mother, which brung a bittersweet feeling to my worn out, broken heart. "Let's take you home now, be good." The dark eyed girl spoke as she stood up straight, turning and motioning me to come with her. I reluctantly follow, hesitating at first. These women look oddly strange, and I don't know them, but I follow them because I really don't have much of a choice. Once they bring me in, I see the modern-looking home with white walls and mostly gray counters and furniture. "Make yourself at home," The black-eyed woman spoke with a smile, plastering one on my face too as her voice reminded me of the fact that I'm not the only dull-eyed person out there. I nod, but of course I don't take it to heart to be, y'know, respectful. "I'm Yoru, and she's Jundo." She introduced herself as well as the white-haired girl, gesturing toward her as Jundo gave me a wave. "Right, I'm Jundo Yukino. Please, feel free to sit down. I'll make tea." She smiled, gesturing toward the couch and walking toward the tea kettle resting on the counter as Yoru scratched her head nervously. "Oh, I didn't even think of last names... My surname is Chi-no." Yoru informed as she lowered her hand. I nodded, feeling a bit nervous as the
butterflies in my stomach fluttered. "I'm Ekoro Tanami...." I murmured, finding myself barely able to speak around the two. It was like my words were stuck in my throat. Yoru placed her hand on my head, giggling softly as she did so. "We'll take good care of you." I found that kind of creepy. I gave a nervous nod, now that the realization hit me. I don't know these people! They could be mass murderers, I wouldn't know that. And I'm gonna live here.. Alone with them. The thought scared me out of my mind.
A few days have passed, though I still haven't grown accustomed to Yoru and Jundo. They didn't feel like my mothers, but they were. They reminded me of Sukune in a way, which brought back memories of my mom's death. It was sad to think about, and traumatizing. I felt myself freeze at the thought of what happened to her. I woke up from my sleep, on my white sheeted bed. My entire room's theme was white on white, but I didn't mind. It was my favorite color, after all. I sat up groggily, my tired eyes fixed on the floor. I stood up before going downstairs to see Jundo and Yoru sharing a chat on the couch before Yoru noticed me and gave a wave. "Yo, Eko." She greeted me with her usual chill and laid-back demeanor, which reminded me of Kage a bit. I waved, not having the energy to speak after the long night of rest I'd grown used to. "Would you like some tea..? You seem rather tired." Jundo offered with a shy smile as always, I felt as if I were in a dream and needed desperately to wake myself. But, as I pinched myself, reality was confirmed. "Sure.." I affirm with a tired mumble, rubbing my eyes as I lean against the wall. Jundo immediately headed to the tea kettle and began boiling some water as I sat myself down on the sofa. "You good, kid?" Yoru asked, her expression softening. "Look, I know having a new family, and a new home is a lot for you, but you're gonna be okay. I promise you." She gave me a reassuring smile, it seemed contagious as it seemed to spread on my face as well like a fire. Yoru was the mental bandage I needed during this time, losing my mother and all. Then, Jundo jerked her head to the side. It seemed a bit strange, but I brushed it off until I heard a low growl coming from her direction.. What was going on? What was that growl? Was it Jundo? The thoughts raced through my head until they stopped when a woman pinned me to the couch with her staff to my neck. "Don't scream, chil–"
She was cut off.
Yoru pushed her aside. I was now put in fight or flight mode...
But instead of those two, my body chose 'freeze'.
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