Chapter 17: Offender?
The taller, after that ''scoulding'' just sighed and accepted his defeat with a smile, but only because he loved to see every reaction of Geno.
Well, at least when a relationship starts it's that cloying, but we'll see what happened in this case.
Reaper: Heh, Alright alright, you beat me in this~.
Geno: Heh. . . Now where are we going?
Reaper: Let's find you a wheelchair together love, hehe~.
Geno grumbled and before he could shout he was interrupted by his boyfriend.
Reaper: I can't leave you here with the worry that Ganz is here. . . We will return the keys for the room and then leave to explore the other half of the city.
Geno: Oh. . . -looks away- But. . . I don't think I can enjoy it in this state.
Reaper: Calm down, first we'll go to some places where it's not necessary to interact much. . . And I'm sure that you'll be able to walk normally this afternoon.
Geno: You're right. . . Since when do you reason like that?
Reaper: Mmm~ Since I fell in love with you Geno~ heh. . .
The smaller was upset by that response, still couldn't help but blush. He decided to stop talking and his partner will take him anywhere to get that wheelchair. So he just said with a little blush ''let's go'' and his partner obeyed. He took the keys from the desk and they left the room.
When he went out into the hall, he walked to the stairs with Geno in his arms, who was very nervous about the idea that someone could see them in that position.
But then a child ran across their way.
In order to avoid touching it, Reaper backed off sharply, losing his balance but luckily he didn't fall to the ground, being able to recover the stability. Geno had been frightened by that sudden and abrupt movement. The god of death got angry with the little one.
Reaper: Hey brat, be careful! You almost caused an accident here!
The little one turned around to see the couple with some urgency but it approached them with shyness. When Reaper analysed the child, he saw that it was wearing a funny mask and strange clothes together with a red coat. It was a little battered and torn, as if it came out of a street fight. Judging by it's anatomy, he knew it was a human child.
Child: I'm so sorry, sir! It's just that I can't see very well with this mask. . .
Geno looked at the little one and that caused him some tenderness. It looked like it was dressed up for some costume party, although it seemed to be in a hurry, to fit his clothes.
Geno: Heh, Calm down kid, nothing serious happened. . . on purpose. Why the disguise?
Child: Disguise?. . . O-Oh, I'll meet with a friend later to play!
Reaper: In a hotel?
Child: Yes!. . . I know it's weird, but we play like that. . . I-I also stay here with my parents.
The little one analysed them a few seconds. They couldn't see his reaction thanks to that mask. Then the Child put it's hand in a pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a battered paper. It looked at the skeletons and then at the paper repeatedly a few times. Reaper noticed that the Child began to tremble gradually to the point that it seemed that the paper would break.
Reaper: . . . Something wrong brat?
Child: -stutters- I-It's nothing s-sir. . . I-I have to leave. I'm so-sorry about the incident. B-Bye!
The little one, saying this, turned around and ran down the corridor as fast as his legs could carry him.
The couple was a little bewildered by the child's sudden attitude. Geno suspected something bad, because the tone of voice that the child had gave him to understand that it was nervous.
Geno: Hey Reaper. . . Did you do something illegal or is the law looking for you?
Reaper: What? No, I've been very careful, why?
Geno: Well. . . I thought that maybe they have posted those papers of ''Wanted Criminals'' and that little one has taken you for one and got scared. -laughs-
Reaper: Heh. . . -trys to remember- Uh. . . No, I haven't killed anyone by accident these days that I remember.
Geno: . . . Alright, it's not important. Maybe it confused you with someone else.
Reaper: . . . surely with Ganz.
Geno: . . . I-It's a possibility. . . In any case it would be better if we go.
Reaper agreed, he held onto him tighter and then walked down the stairs cautiously.
Geno's theory could be true. Maybe they would be looking for him for killing someone Ganz got into trouble. After all, the three were the only skeletons but Reaper wouldn't get anything if he kept asking that just from the attitude of a child, so it didn't take much importance.
Upon reaching the reception, the couple realized that the older woman wasn't the one behind it. It was a younger woman. Geno was relieved by this because if it was the same woman from last night, she would have suspected that something hot happened between them last night and that is why he was in that state.
The woman was distracted with her cell phone. When she felt that somebody was approaching, she kept the device and looked up.
Receptionist: Good morning, how can I help you?
Reaper: You see, it's. . .
The employee saw Geno being hold in arms and worried. She thought that some serious accident had happened to the smaller.
Receptionist: Are you ok, sir?
Geno: Its. . . It's nothing.
Receptionist: What happened?
Reaper: What. . . What happened is that--
Geno: I-I fell!
Reaper: Yes, he fell down the stairs and can't walk! -laughs nervously-
Geno: I have fallen Ill and I feel an unbearable pain when I want to stand up.
Reaper: -whispers- You shouldn't walk too, you offended me angel. . . -speaks up- Is there a hospital, ma'am?
Receptionist: Oh. . . It was just a fall?. . . Of course, there's one about 5 blocks from here but if he wants we can take him to the hotel's infirmary to have him checked.
Geno: No, it's not necessary, we only need a wheelchair!
Reaper: A wheelchair, are you sure?
Geno: Absolutely!
Receptionist: Oh. . . If that's the case, I'll call a nurse. I will have a wheelchair brought, sir. While you wait, you can sit in those seats there.
Reaper and Geno thanked her and the taller went to the waiting chairs. He sat down with some difficulty and gently placed Geno on his lap, embarrassing him for that position.
Geno: H-Hey. . . If the lady or someone else sees us in this position, it won't take them long to realize that we're a. . . couple.
Reaper: And what's wrong with it?. . . I don't care about people. I want to be like this with you wherever.
Geno: . . . Sh-Shut up.
The smaller had a big blush on his face and turned his eyes away, causing the taller on to die from cuteness inside. He loved to see him like that.
It was silent through that waiting period. Geno didn't want to talk to him while they were in that position but still they felt in harmony with eath other. So much that Reaper was even able to fall asleep. He closed his sockets and rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
Geno: Re-Reaper! -whispers- What do you think you're doing?!
Geno put his hands on Reaper's chest and separated him with a not very strong shove, extremely embarrassed. Reaper remained calm and didn't want to separate from his beloved, so he hugged him by the waist, clinging to him and gave him small kisses on his cheek.
Geno had a very hot blush. He shouted insults while he put his hand on the older man's face, trying to push him away. The taller just kept hugging him. It was a funny scene to watch but at first glance, it looked like he was tormenting Geno.
In that struggle, the couple hadn't realized that a monster in a nurse's uniform was heading towards them with a wheelchair. When that nurse arrived, she stopped in front of the couple. It was funny to see them like that and although she didn't like the idea of interrupting them, she did it anyway.
She cleared her throat strongly and this caught the attention of the skeletons. The smaller's face burned when he saw that the employee saw all the fuss they put together. He gave a rough shove to the older one, forcing him to stop hugging him.
Geno: We just faught a little!
Reaper: Hehe. . . ''fight''~.
Nurse: Calm down man, nothing happened. Here is the wheelchair that you asked for.
Reaper thanked the young monster. He got up, still carrying Geno and sat him carefully on the chair while the smaller let out small moans, trying to hide them.
Reaper: . . . I. . . Do we have to pay for this?
Nurse: Obviously sir, follow me.
The young monster made a gesture for the couple to follow. Geno whispered something so that only Reaper heard him.
Geno: H-Hey Reaper. . . I don't think it's necessary to pay for the chair.
Reaper: Eh? But. . . How do you plan to enjoy the day?. . . I don't think you want me to hold you. . . or do you?~
Geno: . . . No. -mumbles-
Reaper: Hehe, I knew it~. . .
The taller followed the woman at a slow pace and now they were near a counter in a room with light colours. He leaned down a little and whispered.
Reaper: Pss, Geno. . .
Geno: Mmm, what is it?
Reaper: And if we run away?
Geno: -laughs- Reaper, don't overdo it. . . No need to get into trouble.
When they arrived with the nurse, Reaper asked for the price and the nurse responded dryly ''79 dollars''. Geno felt bad that Reaper spented so much money on him.
Paying the chair, Reaper thanked both employees a little sharp and turned by pushing the handles of the chair to leave that room.
. . .
A few meters from the exit, the nurse approached them from behind, calling the couple.
Nurse: Uff. . . Sir! You forgot the change and the receipt.
The woman extended the objects to Reaper, waiting for him to take them. He didn't know how to take them without killing her by accident as soon as he even touched her hand. Geno, as a good boyfriend, decided to help him.
Geno: . . . Give them to me, please.
She gave them without hesitation and smiled tenderly as a thought had crossed her mind.
Nurse: Thank you sir. Oh, and by the way. You are a beautiful couple.
Geno: Wh-What?
Reaper: Well, how did you know?
Geno: Agh, fuck Reaper, you exhibited us!
Nurse: Heh, you can calm down sir. It's not that I'm a witch, it's just that some guests also go through the same thing. It's just experience. No need to be ashamed. Well, I hope you enjoyed the stay.
Without more to say, the woman retired, saying goodbye in a polite way. Geno wanted to be swallowed by the earth because of so much accumalated shame. Not only because the nurse knew they were a couple but also because she knew what they had done last night.
Geno: . . . You're a fool.
Reaper: Hehe~ She's a nurse love, no need to worry.
Geno: Ugh. . . You don't know how shameful it is when they find out that you're the submissive one!
Reaper only laughed tenderly in response. Slowly he positioned himself behind the chair and leaned down to whisper to his partner in a mischievous tone.
Reaper: At least only you will share those experiences with me Geno~.
It was true, apart from that nurse no one else could suspect that they were a couple if they weren't very obvious. Being in a relationship wasn't bad but for Geno it was very embarrassing. He didn't want to expose their relationship yet and with the attitude of Reaper it would be very difficult.
After whispering, he gave him a little kiss and turned to incorporate as if nothing happened. Reaper took the handles of the chair and pushed it towards the lobby to return the keys. The woman said goodbye as did the couple and Reaper put his hands back on the chair, pushing his boyfriend carefully towards the hotel exit.
They would remember that hotel for a long time as the place where Geno and Reaper had shared intimacy for the first time.
. . .
Done, hope you enjoyed the reading.
I don't know what to say now, so I'm just going to end it here.
❤Love you all❤
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