Chapter 14: The world in our favour
WARNING: As a true Afterdeath shipper, it's impossible to not fangirl or not to even smile once.
The one with the scarf withdrew his arm from the window and tried to remain firm in front of the taller but it was difficult for him because his face showed determination.
Geno: Wh-What do you think you're doing? The cabin is big enough for two.
Reaper: Geno, tell me what happened to you. Ever since we went to the first game, you've been kinda down.
Geno: -nervous- Wh-What? Nothing happened to me. I've been like this the whole time.
Reaper: -strong tone- We both know that's not true. . . Geno, please, tell me the truth. You can trust me.
Geno: Trust? Tsk, please Reaper. I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing happened to me--
Reaper interrupted him by hugging him, blushing even more than the younger.
Geno: What are you doing?! Let go!
Reaper: You don't trust me, do you Geno? I'm sorry I tried to abuse you at home yesterday, okey? But please. . .
He hugs him a little stronger, confusing Geno. But he began to feel bad because it was his fault that Reaper was worrying so much about him.
Reaper: Tell me what happened to you. The thing I want most is that you feel comfortable by my side.
The older hugged him tighter. Geno didn't want to see him like that, so to make up for it, he hugged him back with love.
Geno: Re-Reaper. . . Listen, it's not that I don't trust you, I just. . . I'm scared.
Reaper: -doubts- Scared? Scared of what?
Geno: -sighs and separates from the hug- Ga-Ganz appeared while you bought the tickets and. . . I didn't tell you what he told me in the save screen. . . He. . . He can kill me if he wants.
Reaper: Ki-Kill you? But that's impossible. I can touch you and even then you don't die.
Geno: I know that. . . The thing is. . . he can manipulate my code that prevents me from dying because of the Gaster of his universe.
Reaper: WHAT?!
Geno: I'm sorry I haven't told you before. . . -looks at the ground-
Reaper: I'm not mad at you!. . . It's not your fault!. . . -looks away- The thing that makes me angry is that son of a bitch. . . I-I. . .
He looked at him straight in the eyes and approached him.
Reaper: I don't even want to imagine that I can lose you. . .
Geno: . . . That won't happen, I'm also strong Reaper.
Reaper: I know. . . I. . . -smiles- When you aren't with me I hope that the force will be with you.
Geno: Pfff-- Haha, that was bad!
Reaper: Hehe~ It can't be more bad than yours.
Geno: -between laughs- Ha, Stop it. Look who's talking!
At last, both were laughing. Reaper soon calmed down. At the moment he already had other plans.
Reaper: Geno. . . -blushes-
Geno: -stops laughing- Hehe. . . Yes?
Reaper took his hand and lifted it tenderly and kissed it, blushing just as much as the smaller. Then he took Geno's hand with both of his own hands and stared at him. It seemed that the grim reaper was very sure of himself and confident but in reality, he was very nervous.
Reaper: Geno. . . You make me very happy. I feel like I want to be like this with you for a long time if you allow me, so I'll ask you. . . -looks at him tenderly- Do-Do you want to be my boyfriend?
The smaller was very flattered and at any moment his face was going to burn because of so many mixed feelings. He felt the same as Reaper. That feeling was mutual. He wanted to stay by his side but even so there was something that prevented him from accepting.
He looked up to see Reaper reflecting sadness on his face.
Geno: Re-Reaper. . . I. . . I don't know. . . It's just. . . If Ganz finds out, Frisk could be in danger. . .
He looked down very distressed. The taller took the smaller's chin, making him look at him again. Geno thought that Reaper would be very disappointed in him.
Reaper: I'm not going to let that unhappy man do anything to you or Frisk. He'll have to deal with me if that happens. . .
He caressed the smaller's face with tenderness watching as he returned a smile.
Reaper: I love you Geno.
Geno: I. . . Reaper. . . I love you too. . .
That affirmation of the taller made Geno feel more secure. And with respect to his feelings, he no longer felt confused as before in that forest. He wanted to be with him no matter what.
Reaper: -happy- Heh. . . so, what do you say?~
Geno: . . . -caresses the hand of the other on his face- Yes, I want to Reaper.
The taller was very happy. Those words made his whole being filled with happiness.
Seeing his beloved caressing his face in the palm of his hand aroused a great need to show him all his love.
And so he did.
He got closer to Geno's face calmly and that made them both give small kisses repeatedly between tenderly laughter. The two lovers enjoyed each kiss and felt a pleasant warmth on their faces, especially Geno.
Reaper intensified the kisses and Geno gave some resistance but the heat and the pleasure of the moment made him slowly get carried away. The taller took out his tongue liking the smaller's lips, indirectly asking him to open his mouth. On the other hand, Geno had a little doubt but he opened it anyway, letting the other pass into his mouth.
Geno felt in complete harmony. He caressed Reaper's back as the mentioned did the same. It was as if both of them were having a little fight inside the mouth of the younger. Reaper felt like he was in heaven, finally having some intimacy with Geno, while the aforementioned pleaded for more clinging more to his partner. He loved having the other's tongue inside his mouth. The pleasure increased with every second that passed.
The younger opened his sockets a little to look at his lover. But when he analysed his surroundings he realized that the attraction was about to end. He separated, pushing Reaper a little by his chest. As a result of this a string of saliva orginated between both. Geno took small puffs of air confusing his boyfriend.
Reaper: Mmm~. . . Something wrong, love?~
Geno: Y-Yeah~ -recovers air- The ride is almost over.
Reaper: Oh. . . But there still is a little time~.
He approached the face of the other again with the aim of kissing him again, but Geno moved his face away from him with his hands.
Geno: Nope!~ I think that's enough.
Reaper takes the smaller's hand and gently removed it from his face, then released a sign of sarcastic disappointed.
Reaper: Owww~ Why are you so mean to me? -makes the puppy eyes-
Geno: I'm not mean. I'm just not as impatient as you~.
Reaper: . . . We'll see about that~.
The cabin got down and stopped slowly. A worker opened the door for education and let the couple down. They were tired and just wanted to rest.
Reaper: So. . . you like the day, love?
Geno: Yes! I loved it, I think that was the best day of my. . . life?
Reaper: Hehe. . . Your best day until now~.
The smaller gave a small laugh in response and got a little closer to his new boyfriend, which made the taller blush a little.
They left the amusement park and walked aimlessly while talking about everything they've done on that day while exchanging jokes and compliments. After a long time talking together it started to drizzle.
Geno: Oh. . . It's going to rain. It would be better if we go home.
Reaper: But. . . look, there's a hotel.
He pointed to a hotel that was across the street. It was big and it didn't look like a great wonder but if it had an elegant touch.
Geno: What?. . . No, we better go. Open a portal to home, please.
Reaper: I'm sorry Geno, I don't have enough energy to open a portal. The walk and the portal from before left me dry.
Geno: Seriously?!
The younger looked at him worried and somewhat annoyed. But it was true. Reaper walked a lot all day, but Geno wasn't as exhausted as his boyfriend.
The rain fell harder and both were soaking wet. Geno didn't want to get sick again.
Geno: -sigh- Ugh. . . Alright!. . . Let's go.
Both skeletons crossed the street at a trot, trying not to get too wet. When opening the door a bell rang, warning the worker on the front desk that customers have arrived. The worker appeared to be an older woman, who seemed to be well arranged to work in the night time.
Receptionist: Good night and welcome!
Reaper/Geno: Hello.
Reaper: A room for two, please.
Receptionist: Of course, sir.
The woman typed on the computer and checked if there were still rooms available. After a few seconds, the woman made an expression of surprise and then changed it to one of disappointment.
Receptionist: Oh. . . I'm sorry to tell you that there is only one room left.
Geno: Uh. . . and what's the problem?
Receptionist: It's a room for married couples.
Geno: -blushes- M-Married couples?
Reaper: There's no problem.
Receptionist: Really? Alright, sir.
Geno: REAPER! -calls attention-
Reaper: Oh, I'm sorry Geno, if you want we can look for another hotel.
Geno: A-Alright. -directs the woman- Excuse me, do you know if there are other hotels nearby?
Receptionist: If there are any, they are a few blocks from here, but I doubt they have rooms left. The amusement park that is near hear was just opened recently. . . Several people have come from far away to visit it and are staying at the hotels in this area. That's why this hotel is also full.
Geno: Ugh. . . -sigh- Fine, I don't plan on walking anymore, we'll stay.
Reaper: Are you sure?
Geno: Yes. . . don't worry. What is the worst that can happen? I also don't want to walk all night looking. . .
Reaper: Hehe, as you wish~.
Without further arguments, Reaper paid for the room, leaving the money on the table, to not touch the woman. The room was expensive. The woman gave him the keys that had the room number marked on the keychain.
Receptionist: Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay!
Both skeletons thanked and said goodbye to the nice woman. They went up the stairs and went to the designated room looking for their number on the doors. Both couldn't help but feeling very embarrassed by the keychain. It wasn't surprising, after all they were heading towards a romantic room.
. . .
Done with another one.
So our favourite couple finally made it official and checked in, in a hotel.
I wonder what will happen in that room for married couples.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And I have great news. Since the summer holidays started, I have a lot of time to translate, so there's a lot coming this summer guys.
Anyway, thank you for reading and I'll see in the next Chapter.
❤Love you all❤
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