Chapter 14
Peter scooped Dakota into his arms and swung up to a beam high on the ceiling. He set her down onto it. "Don't try to climb down, ok? You're safe here for now. Don't move until this is over!" She nodded, and Peter swung down. He tried to kick Taskmaster, but Taskmaster dodged. He lashed out and caught Peter a heavy blow to his stomach, sending him crashing into the sheet. It collapsed on top of him, trapping him momentarily. Taskmaster stood over his wriggling form and stabbed down. Peter sensed it coming and dodged away just in the nick of time. He managed to throw the sheet over Taskmaster, then spun his webs around his enemy, locking him inside a cocoon. Taskmaster stood there for a few seconds, then a knife point stuck out of the cocoon, ripping it to bits as he came out with a roar. He flew at Peter, battering him, driving him to the wall.
Peter hopped up to a rickety shelf and balanced on it. "So, Taskmaster, why me? You specifically said that I was the only one who could come," he said, playing for time.
Taskmaster huffed. "You're the only one who knows... who could find out..." He fixed his gaze on Peter. He could see the eyes glowing from inside the mask.
"Find out what, exactly?" he asked cautiously.
Taskmaster turned his back to Peter and started to slowly pace up and down. "I... I was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agents. When they recruited me, they... they promised to keep my family safe. But... they failed. They fell, and... so did I." Taskmaster stopped walking and stood silently for a moment. Then he continued, "I don't really remember what happened. I can't, physically. The more moves I learn-"
"Or steal," Peter muttered under his breath.
"-the less I remember of my old life," he sighed. "Anyhow, it seemed to me that I awoke from some kind of sleep. I couldn't remember my name or where I was from or anything. All I knew was I had to find something, and I still do." He turned his glowing gaze back to Peter. "Help me, Peter Parker. Help me find the infinity stones."
Peter started with surprise. He knew that Taskmaster must have known who he was, but he hadn't truly been forced to believe it until now. "Uh, w-who and what now?" he bluffed, still slightly reeling from shock.
Taskmaster laughed scornfully. "Don't pretend anymore! Why do you think I kidnapped your friend?" he spat. "I knew it was you as soon as I saw you that day at the school. And what better way to get you to come here than to take your best friend?!" He glanced up at Dakota on the beam above them.
Peter looked up and caught her eye. At first, she looked shocked, but then a new emotion crept into her face. It was pride. Dakota smiled at him and mouthed the words, "Go get him, Pete!"
Peter nodded, smiling to himself, then turned his attention back to Taskmaster. "Look, weirdo, I have no idea what these 'infinity stones' are, but if you want them, then there is no way I'm helping you get them," he said forcefully.
To his surprise, Taskmaster shrugged and turned away. "Suit yourself, kid."
That sounds familiar... Peter remembered the man from the alley all those weeks ago. He started and rolled to the floor as Taskmaster suddenly spun around and threw a knife at the shelf he was on. It broke clean in two, and showered Peter with dust as he stood, ready to fight again.
He charged at Taskmaster, and they threw punch after punch at each other. Taskmaster drew yet another knife from his belt and slashed at Peter's head. "How many of those do you have?!" he yelped as he scrambled to block Taskmaster's advances. He was losing, and they both knew it. Peter failed to block a punch, and Taskmaster's fist connected with his face, damaging one of the eyes in Peter's mask. He reeled back, stunned. Taskmaster kicked Peter to the ground and, unsheathing his sword, raised it above his head to strike.
Suddenly, the whole room was plunged into darkness. Using his senses, Peter was able to dodge the sword strike just in time.
"What is this?!" Taskmaster roared. He was obviously rendered blind looking through his mask without the electric lights shining from the ceiling.
Dakota's voice cut through the darkness. "Just helping my friend," she explained.
"Dakota, have I ever told you that you're a complete genius?" Peter asked, realizing the full extent of what his friend had done. Dakota must have severed the power cords, making it so Taskmaster would no longer be able to see the moves Peter was using.
"I think that's a first," she replied, laughing.
"W-well, no matter!" Taskmaster yelled. "I can still beat you, Parker!"
"Hey man," Peter said, "the name's Spiderman."
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