Chapter 15 Prepare for battle
The sun was creeping up on the horizon when Mr. Baxtor finally began to stir. They had moved them to the master bedroom and Draco had stayed with them through the night, him being the one versed in healing spells. At the first signs of movement Draco hurried to the living room where the others had camped out for the night. "Perry, Perry wake up your father is stirring."
Perry shot up from her place on the ground. Draco helped her to a standing position and they returned to her parent's room. "Daddy?" Perry called quietly as she sat gingerly on the edge of the bed and took her father's hand in her own.
Michael opened his eyes groggily and groaned. "Perry? Hey you're ok you got away ok? Where's your mother where's Emma?!" He asked frantically as he tried to get up. Draco gently pushed him back into bed.
"Mr Baxtor you need to relax you're in pretty rough shape. They really did a number on you. Mrs. Baxtor is right here right next to you see." Draco indicated the still unconscious form of Rose Baxtor lying next to her husband.
"Rose" Michael sighed quietly as he took in his wife's bruised and battered appearance. "I told her to run frustrating headstrong woman never did listen to me." he said in a sad loving tone. "Where's Emma?"
By this time the others had joined them and at Michael's question the group hung their heads none of them wanted to be the one to tell him that his niece, his only connection to his beloved little sister, had been taken. Draco felt tears well up in his eyes as the worry settled powerfully in his gut once more.
"Daddy, im sorry we got separated I didn't mean to leave Emma behind I thought she was right with me but then I tripped and looked around and she wasn't there I yelled for her and she screamed and told me to run. I'm soooo so sorry daddy." Perry sobbed barely able to choke out the words.
"Shhhh shhhh come here." Michael pulled his daughter to him as best he could with his injuries and held her as she cried. His own tears mixed with hers as he looked to her friends. "So what's the plan then." he questioned desperately.
"We get her back!" Draco growled out. "We get her back and we make them pay for anything they've even thought of doing to Emma!"
"Easy son, I want Emma back just as much as you do believe me but we can't just charge in we have to have a plan of attack."
"I have a plan, attack!" Draco growled unwilling to wait any longer.
"He's right Draco we don't even know where they've taken her. I think it's time we brought in professor McGonagall and Kingsley." Harry said consolingly.
"You don't understand we can't leave her with these people! You don't know what they're capable of! You don't know what it's like to have someone you...someone you..." Draco trailed off unable to finish his sentence everyone in the room knew what he was going to say he just hadn't realized it till that moment. He loved Emma? He knew she'd become important to him, knew she was probably the best friend he'd ever had, but somewhere along the line his feelings had gotten much deeper and he hadn't made the connection. He loved her, Draco Malfoy was in love with Emma Mason and she was missing!
Ginny gave him a sympathetic look and Harry reached over to pat him on his shoulder. "I do know mate. I understand better than you would think. I went through the same when the death eaters had control of Hogwarts and Ginny was there" Ginny shifted into her boyfriend's arms.
"At least you knew where she was." Draco said quietly, his emotions tried to choke his voice but he suppressed them as best he could. "I don't even know that much."
"Well we'll have to do something about that won't we?" Hermione said in her best 'I know there must be a logical solution' voice. "Now then Ginny and I will look for something to track her and we'll notify the authorities and professor McGonagall. You boys go out to the woods with Perry and look for anything to help us find her and who took her."
The boys nodded and headed outside with Perry in tow.
"So this is where I tripped and over there was where I heard Emma scream." Perry said pointed off towards a mangled and gnarled old tree.
"Ok then that's where we should start." Harry said leading the way towards the tree.
"She'll be ok right Draco? We will find her..?" Perry asked in a pleading tone desperate for any kind of reassurance.
"Of course we'll find her! Don't ever question that Perry we will find her no matter what." Draco tried to sound positive and he truly believed they would find her, eventually. He just couldn't help but worry if they'd find her in time.
At the tree they began to circle out searching fervently for any sign of their friend. As the sun grew higher in the sky Draco came to realize the distance between himself and the others had grown substantially. For a moment he considered circling back to see if they'd found anything but his desperation to find her kept him moving deeper into the forest. The sky was beginning to darken when Draco came to a clearing. A stream trickled along at the far side of the clearing and near the stream was a hill. As if on instinct Draco followed the tree line around to the hill. As he circled the base he continued his search eventually happening upon a small well hidden tunnel. There were bushes and brush piles in front of the entrance. Draco momentarily considered going back for the others but once again his worry got the better of him and he proceeded alone into the dark earth.
The world was bathed in night when Harry, Ron, and Perry returned to the house. They were met by a concerned Minerva McGonagal. "Where's Mr. Malfoy?"
"Isn't he back yet?" Harry questioned.
"No we haven't seen him." Hermione responded.
"Well we each headed out from the last place my cousin was seen. when it started to get dark I met back at the tree with Harry and Ron we waiting for a while for Draco when he didn't return we figured he was back here." Perry stated.
"So either Malfoy has found something or he's in on it." Ron put in.
"Oh honestly Ron give it up Draco wouldn't hurt Emma like that!" Ginny scolded her brother. "You've seen how distraught he's been Draco was not in on this!"
"Where did you last see Mr. Malfoy miss Baxtor?" McGonagal said over the now arguing Weasleys.
"Last I saw him he was headed north deeper into the woods." Harry supplied.
"Alright then. Michael are you up for this?" Minerva questioned.
"Of course Professor they're not taking anyone else away from my family."
"Ok someone will need to stay behind with Rose." Professir McGonagal started.
"I can have someone from my staff watch over Mrs. Baxtor." Kingsley said.
"Thank you Kingsley. Alright people it is up to us lets go find Mr. Malfoy and Miss Mason." And with that Minerva led her small army into the night once again prepared to fight against the small mindedness that they continued to struggle against.
Dun dun dun....! Ok I really don't have anything new to say Id still live some feedback it doesn't seem like very many people are reading or enjoying my story *sad face* ok off to write the next chapter please please please someone comment please?
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