Chara POV
It had been a few weeks since the incident with Sans and Frisk.. I'd say maybe.. 2 weeks..? They haven't been talking and Frisk's kinda became my role.. alone,depressed,quiet,etc..
I guess that really put a mark on her. I wonder if she's had feelings for him since she was only 8..
(Frisk is about.. 18 now, since she is ambassador and stuff)
(Chara is what..? she's younger than frisk.. maybe.. 16? In a half?)
(Sans don't have an age so no.)
Wow.. that must be unbearable to hold in feelings for someone for that long..
Frisk POV
I love being here.. With sans and papy..
Soon when I'm old enough.. I'll confess to sans and we'll be together! He says I'm to young now, but when I'm older, I'll be beautiful, and old enough to be his girlfriend!
(I am uncomfortable with Frans, if you are to, you can skip this chapter, it doesn't rlly do anything.. it's just.. there uwu)
"What are you thinking about now, Frisk?"
"Huh.. wha?"
"Is it the comedian again? What is it with you?"
"Every time he's around you get all blushy and lovey dovey. Your voice goes higher, and your body temperature rises."
"Is.. it really that obvious, Chara?"
"I really really really like him!!" I blushed and hid my face with my hands squealing like a Justin Bieber fangirl.
"He is just so cute, and small, and nice, and sweet, and strong, and brave, and..and! Squeeee! I can't even" I said smiling very wide and blushing a bright red.
"Ew." Chara said, disgustingly.
"Humph, don't be like that Chara! Besides who knows? You may end up falling for the "smiley trash bag", you never know, cause sometimes fate isn't all it seems~" I said laughing at her, sticking my tongue out.
"How dare you, you dumb squint-eyed idiot!"
"Don't ever level me down to a ketchup stained, hotdog smelling, potato looking, slob like him!"
"I'd even take papyrus over that lazy piece of garbage!"
"Don't be so harsh Chara!"
"I was just kidding, hehe~"
"Well it wasn't funny, you dummy."
"Besides, if I'm going to love, I need the emotion right?"
"Huh.. I guess you're right."
"Oh well!" I said changing the subject.
"Today, I'm going to the amusement park with Sans and Papyrus!"
"Oh? Ew.. that place with the diabetes and grease pools?.."
"Bleh" Chara made a gagging sound and stuck her hand in her mouth, teasing me.
"Shut up! Don't be rude! An amusement park is actually very romantic!"
"Mhm.." Chara started to float to the kitchen.
"Hey! I'm not done talking to you yet!"
"Well I am done talking to you. Go find Sans or whatever. I'm going to take a nap." She said laying on the couch after walking back into the living room.
"Chara, once you find your true love like I've found mine, you'll understand how this feels."
"To desire someone.. to need them.. to want to hug them.. to kiss them.. to caress them.. to touch them.. to feel th-"
"Oops, sorry, ehehe" I said blushing.
"Well I hope it works out in your favor when the time is right." Chara said with her head in the pillow. I could tell she rolled her eyes. I could tell she was being sarcastic, even if I couldn't see her face.
"Awwww, thanks best buddy, Char!" I said to annoy her. She hated when someone took her sarcasm literally.
"That was sarcasm, idiot. And don't call me "Char"..
"Well I'll be going now."
"Mhm." She said half asleep.
"I can't wait till I'm old enough! We've known each other long enough so he can't decline me, right?"
"Unless he forgets you or some shit.."
"Don't curse Chara!"
"And relax, all it takes is time, h..he.. he can't forget,right?"
"Yes he can."
"Shut up! Don't be silly.."
"Shouldn't you be going now?"
"Oh yeah,sorry! Eheh, papyrus is waiting for me outside anyway"
"OMG sans saved me a spot next to him" I said with glee quietly to Chara.
"Good bye frisk. I'll see you in a few hours. Now leave."
"Yup! Sorry,sorry,I'm leaving now, ehehe!" I said skipping to the car door.
Chara wasn't being serious. In a few years, we'll be dating, than we'll get married, and live an amazing life together.
All it takes is time!
All it takes.. is time.
(This chapter was pretty short,but it's just some cute little flashback stories of the 2 girls. Chara was dead back than btw. It rlly shows Frisk's crush on Sans and how long she had to wait to confess just to be heartbroken. Sad af ik. O H W E L L. it's sans x Chara not x Frisk x Sans soooo.. L o l
793 words! :333333)
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