Chapter 1
Just wanted to put in a quick thanks to @JaiTheBookwormUwU for helping me with editing this, please go check out their account, they write some really amazing stories. I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of this!
A strong chilly wind blew through dying winter green woods, the only sound coming from rustled leaves and footfalls of a young girl. Atop a particularly tall tree, she stood quietly, watching what was left of the world around her. She was no ordinary girl... she was the child of the fae, with long bird wings that graced her back.
The wing pattern resembling that of a Blue Jay, her hair (much like her wings) sharing a similar pattern as they blew with the breeze that revealed her long elf ears. The 'whites' of her eyes were a deep midnight black, her irises a pristine white. Her skin was pale from lack of sunlight, the constant smoke filling the air keeping everything covered under a veil of eerie grey. Freckles dotted across her face and shoulders, although you wouldn't be able to see them under her long sleeved, tight fitting, black turtleneck shirt. Green military pants and black military boots she had found matched her top. The dark green pants clashed with her bright blue wings.
Her name? Blue Jay. Or... as she likes to be called, Blue.
Another gust of cold air blew past her, making her shiver from where she stood, viewing the decrepit world. Blue had been living in this desolate wasteland for 19 long years. 19 years of struggling to survive, everyday being a fight. She was alone, her family long gone, having passed years ago. The girl never knew her father, only the stories her mother would tell of him before she, too, become part stories the girl told herself on cold lonely nights.
The young hybrid was torn from her thoughts as a loud noise rang out through the woods, drawing her attention in the direction of where it came. Taking in a deep breath, she opened her wings, jumping out of the tree and into the sky.
Her eyes searched the tree line as she neared the area the noise had come from, finding herself nearing an abandoned plaza in the middle of an opened clearing. Unsheathing her sword, Blue quietly landed on the snow-covered ground, every part of her screaming 'coming here was a horrible idea'. It was still the middle of winter, so the girl didn't have to worry about the walkers, but still had to be careful of any humans that had somehow survived through the world ending.
Earth didn't always look the way it did now, there used to be a time where nature grew plentifully and there was no wars or destruction. The world was cared for by three species, the fae, who's job was to keep the world healthy and pure. The humans, who's job was care for the life created from the fae. And finally, the dragons, who's job was to upkeep order between the three. Everything remained at peace for many long and peaceful years, until the humans grew envious of the fae's magic and dragon's might.
One human in particular had grown tired of being the weaker species, and called all the humans together to strategize a plan to overthrow the dragons. They came up with a plan of attack and got to work, constructing weapons of iron and flame, weapons strong enough to pierce even the thickest skin. It took many moons until they were ready, but when they finally attacked, no one had seen it coming.
The dragons, while they fought their hardest, eventually lost to the humans. As the victors, the humans banished the dragons from, the land they had looked over since the world was first created, they giant guardians disappearing, never to be found again.
With the dragons gone, the fae, having never fought, were left in the hands of the humans. The humans chased the Fae into hiding after killing many of them for sport and to sell or trade.
Centuries passed and the humans slowly forgot about the dragons and fae, chalking them up to be simple fairy tales told to children. Without anything to fight, humans slowly turned on each other, eventually going so far as to use an experimental bomb that plunged the world into chaos. The chemicals from the explosion caused many of the dead to rise and attack the living.
Surprisingly though, the fae were not affected by the chemicals, and continued to go about their secret lives. Until the zombie population grew too large, pushing surviving humans into fae territory. The fae's lives were disrupted once more as humans attacked them for food, weapons, or medicine without remorse.
Slowly, the fae began to die out from either zombies or any humans that thought it was justifiable to kill them. Her family being one of the many casualties.
Blue wandered down the snowy streets, staying to the shadows and searching for what caused the noise she had heard earlier. The only noise came from the whistling wind as it danced about the abandoned plaza. The girl had began to rethink coming out here, even if she found the source, it was probably just some debris from a building falling. But, a small part of her hoped that maybe the noise came from someone alive that wasn't a human or a zombie.
Her thoughts were torn from her when she wondered into the center of the plaza, eyes widening at what she saw. Standing over a broken-down fountain, in the middle of it all, stood what looked to be an 60-foot-tall man. His black boots alone were taller than her small 5'6-foot frame. The guy must've really liked the color black seeing that he also wore a black jeans and black trench coat. His white shirt was so bright compared to the rest of his clothing, along with the black spiked chocker that wrapped around his thick, tanned neck. Looking at his face, dark-red half shaved hair adorned his head. Her gaze shifted to his face where fiery yellow eyes looked back at her. A sharp toothed smirk gleamed from the large figure, sending shivers down the small hybrid's spine. He held a brown satchel in one hand, yells and screams of panic coming from within, begging to be released from their leather prison.
His bright eyes looked upon her dark ones, the simple action alone striking fear and causing her wings to flutter in preparation for a quick getaway. How had she not seen him while flying over? He literally towered over the buildings as though they were just mere toys in his presence. Taking a timid step back, heart pounding in her chest, as the giant just continued to watch her with those flaming eyes. His smile grew, revealing more sharp teeth as he took a step closer to winged girl, the ground quaking beneath his feet.
Quickly, Blue dropped her sword and ran down the street, her mind going blank as instinct overtook common sense, like, not dropping the pointy stabby thingy! Blue cursed at herself for being so stupid, but it was too late to just go back and grab it now, the only thing she could do was find shelter and wait for the behemoth behind her to give up on finding her and just leave to return to wherever he appeared from. Quickly, she dove into a nearby building and closed the old and shattered window door, running towards the back to hide under the service desk, her breathing quick and shuttered from the sudden run. Looking around the store seemed to use to be some tourist shop, shelves filled with items that once held color now dull and rotting, much like the rest of the world.
The ground shook and dust fell from the ceiling as he neared the shop, his slow footfalls being a clear sign that he was in no rush as he walked. Her wings wrapped around the girl's small, shivering, body to try and comfort the growing fear. The quaking grew worse and worse with each step, sending her and other loose items bouncing across the floor. Abruptly, the quaking stopped, everything just suddenly going quiet...
Nothing but silence, other than the loud pounding of her heart. The aired stilled, leaving Blue's chest tight, waiting for anything to happen, anything to break the perpetual quiet, staying hidden under the molded and rotten wooded service desk for several minutes, the wind being the only sound to interrupt the never-ending silence.
All at once, noise erupted from the front of the building, the sound of glass shattering and walls crumbling filled the store. Her small chirp of fear went unheard within the whirlwind of destruction and chaos. Peeking her head up from the hiding spot, her dark eyes grew wide at the sight of a massive, clawed hand filling the small shop as it moved, seeming as though it was searching for something. Or, rather, someone.
The hand retreated and was soon replaced by half of a huge face, belonging to the giant she'd been running from. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on her pale, dust ridden face. With his face closer than before it was easier to examine now, even if his full face wasn't visible. His eyes were bright and burning like fire, cat-like slits rested in the middle of the giant's fiery eyes, starring her down with a hungry, predatory look.
Having found his prize his hand quickly reappeared into the store, grabbing Blue by the back of her wings before she could run. Dragging the hybrid from the false safety of the crumbling shop and into the freezing winter air. Fighting the best she could against the massive tree like fingers that trapped her delicate wings in their strong grasp.
"Let me go!" Blue shouted, angry tears pricking at her eyes in fear of what he intended to do to her, unsure of why he'd go through the trouble of following her. The girl's cries were muted when he lifted Blue from the ground, vertigo filling her with nausea. It was a sensation she was used to, but this was different. She hadn't gained this by shooting in the air, this was completely out of her control. The girl continued to be raised higher and higher, the world around her shifting as the giant stood, lifting her small form in front of his face with a satisfied smirk.
"Huh... Didn't know there were any of ya buggers left," he seemed to mumble to himself, his voice deep with an accent she didn't recognize. He moved her about, examining Blue and leaving her body to dangle in midair. The hybrid's fear slowly subsided to newfound annoyance at being manhandled by some giant who thought it right to just grab her for a reason she'd still yet to discover.
"P-Put me down, y-you giant jerk!" Blue shouted, her voice becoming more of a whimper as she yelled. He moved her so the girl was once again face to face with him, a humored smirk playing across his lips. She glared at him, not understanding what was so funny about grabbing her and turning her about as he pleased.
"Huh, the lil' birdy speaks," he chuckled, once more revealing his sharp canines. His eyes littered with mischief, sending cold chills down her spine.
"Of course I speak, now I suggest you put me down before I make you regret it." Her tone was short and annoyed, louder and less of a whimper having had enough of the giant.
"Now, why would I do that? You, my little bird, are too rare to just let one of those humans kill ya," he said, humored by her efforts to come across as threatening. His words fell on deaf ears, the girl now kicking and trying to free herself from his grasp. Her wings flapped in a desperate attempt to fly away and return to the safety of her home in the forest. 'Tsk'ing at the hybrid's futile attempts of escape, he moved his grip to stuff her into his pocket. The movement though was enough for Blue to slip from his fingers and quickly fly for safety, feathers scattering about the air as she flapped her wings as hard as she possibly could.
A thunderously loud shout sounded from behind her, the air crackling by his voice, something that seemed so simple that brought on such fear. Choosing to ignore it, Blue pushed herself to fly faster and put as much distance between her and the small area of buildings she'd left the giant in.
The unrelenting wind felt like needles on the girl's skin as she flew, toxic flakes of snow falling from the putrid smog ridden sky. The tree line was right within her sights, the familiar dead branches looking as though they were reaching out to her with promises of safety from the monsters that lurked. Blue could practically feel the warmth of her bed already as she would lay near the small fire.
Her mind had been so caught up in the thoughts of home, Blue had not noticed the giant shadow that'd fell upon her, until the hybrid was suddenly pushed to the ground far below, a cry of pain choking in her throat as she lost her breath from the force. The girl's mind felt dazed and eyes heavy, the pain from her body indescribable. Blue tried to look back to see what was pinning her to the ground with such force, but black quickly crept from the backs of her eyes, dragging Blue into the depths of unconsciousness. Before her mind could completely vanish into the darkness though, a thunderous chuckle crackled above her.
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