Alex's (POV)
(Part Two)
"I was a spy for MI6."
There. I finally said it.
I let a breath out, my heart hammering in my ears.
I look over at everyone's faces, not the least bit surprised at what's showing on them.
But it's not that they don't believe me. Because they all know.
I don't joke around.
No, they're in disbelief because they can't believe MI6 would have a teenager as a spy.
I watch as Mack's mouth drops open, his eyes as wide as they'll possibly go.
Polly's staring at me, an unreadable expression on her face.
Dons' mouth is slightly slack, his eyes wide in surprise.
I just let those couple words settle in the air.
I glance over at Lucy.
She looks like she finally found the missing piece of a puzzle, everything falling into place.
But that's because she basically has.
After what she saw at the appointment today, I'm sure a lot of things are making more since to her now.
My mind flashes back to when she comforted me earlier.
"I've got you, and I'm not letting you go."
"I promise."
Those words mean more to me than she probably thought.
Those words I needed to hear. They made me feel more....confident in myself.
Macks' mouth moves, trying to form something. "Wha-ho....huh?" He finally stumbles out.
Now what do I say?
I hadn't really thought about what to say afterwards.
"That's....impossible." I hear Don mumble as he looks down at his lap, eyebrows furrowed.
Lucy being the only one able to form any coherent words, speaks up. "Alex, maybe you should start from the....beginning?" Lucy quietly says, astonishment clear in her eyes.
Probably a good idea.
I take another deep breath, not really wanting to take a trip down memory lane.
"My name is Alexander John Rider."
What? She said to start at the beginning.
So that's what I'm going to do.
I see a small smirk grow on Mack's face at the mention of my full name.
He's never going to let me live that down.
"My parents are John Rider and Helen Rider." I feel that familiar ache in my chest at the mention of their names. "They died in a airplane 'accident' when I was three months old."
I frown at the word accident.
Because it wasn't
Don swings his gaze back up to me, and I see his eyes darken with sadness.
"My uncle....Ian Rider." I mentally wince. "Took me in and raised me."
Everyone's full attention on me.
"My mother was a nurse in radiology. Both my father and uncle were agents for MI6."
I see everyone's eyes fill with awe.
Yeah, you wish for something like this in your life. But then again, when it's real, like it was for me.
You suddenly wish it hadn't been real.
"At the time I didn't know anything about my father and my uncles involvement with MI6."
Isn't that the truth.
"Then about two years ago, my uncle....." My heart lurches, and they all stare at me in confusion. "My uncle, he....he died in a car crash." I look down at the ground, trying to keep my emotions in check.
Keep it together Alex.
Don't let them see how much it gets to you.
I look back up. "Our housekeeper, who was from the US.....Jack Starbright." My chest tightens, and I fight to hold back the memories.
Lucy noticing I used the word 'was,' gives me a sympathetic look.
I don't think I've said her name out-loud since her death.
And dear god it hurt.
"Became my legal guardian after that."
Polly watches me with those analyzing eyes.
"My uncles death didn't sound right to me, so I took it upon myself to figure out exactly what happened." Oh how I wish I'd just let it be. "One thing led to another, and eventually I figured out my uncles involvement with MI6."
Definitely not going into detail about all that.
"MI6 decided they wanted my help with the assignment my uncle had been working on when he died."
Help is an understatement.
"They asked me." Sort of. "I said no, but they wouldn't except that as an answer." I frown "So they blackmailed me."
To put it shortly.
I see everyone's eyes harden with anger, and confusion. Questions sit on their lips, ready to be asked.
But they wait.
Plenty of time for questions after I'm done.
"They wanted me to investigated a multimillionaire named Herod Sayle and his newly developed computer called Stormbreaker."
I see Don sit up straighter, his interest sparked.
He must've heard about Herod Sayle before.
I shrug. "But first, I was sent to an SAS training camp." I can't help but wince at the memory.
"Then I ended up going undercover as Felix Lester. A kid who won a competition to visit the plant and be the first child ever to use a Stormbreaker."
"Which in turn allowed me to uncover the real reason for the Stormbreakers. Keeping Herod Sayle from releasing them."
"Wait." I look over at Don.
"I don't mean to interrupt, but I heard about those computers." He scratches his chin. "The media said the reason they didn't release them was because they had a virus or something?" His eyes light up. "And there was something about a shooting at the revealing."
I run a hand through my hair, a sheepish look on my face.
"Uh, yeah." I cough. "That may or may not have been me." I crack a small smile at everyones shocked faces.
"Wha-but why?" Don struggles out.
I shrug. "The Stormbreaker wasn't all what people believed them to be."' I frown. "The computers were actually full of a real virus, a potent strain of smallpox."
Lucy covers her mouth with a hand, face full of horror.
Polly practically copying her.
"Herod Sayle had planned that when the computers were activated by the Prime minister, the virus would be released into every school in the country. Killing every schoolchild and teacher in England as well as those in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland." I explain.
I feel myself relax now that we're not talking about anything too...personal.
Just evil people wanting to kill everyone.
Yup, a much better topic.
"That's one evil dude." Mack says, a distasteful expression on his face.
Polly nods in agreement.
"But wait, I want to know how you shot at him during the revealing?" Mack urges.
Of course you do.
"And I thought they said on the news that the person shooting was hanging from a parachute that got caught on the roof." Don adds.
I rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, that was me." Everyones eyes widen with fresh astonishment, and I feel my cheeks burn.
"But anyways, that's pretty much how I got involved with MI6. Them continuing to use me more after I successfully finished that mission."
I place my hands in my pockets.
"Any questions?" I ask them.
I'm not going to bother with my whole life's story, much too long and involving. Besides, I think they got the gist of it all.
"So how many missions did you do total? Oh, and do they all have like code names also?" Mack asks, looking excited now.
Polly gives Mack a look, shoving him on the shoulder. "What? He asked if we had any questions." Mack loudly whispers to Polly.
Polly rolls her eyes, but looks interested in the question either way.
They all do.
I clear my throat, mentality ticking off each mission.
"Uh, there was nine." I recall each one. "And they do have code names."
I guess.
"The one I just told you about was Stormbreaker, then there's Point Blanc which was over in the French Alps. Skeleton Key took place in Cuba, and I was actually part of a team with two CIA agents for that one."
Before they died that is.
"Wow." I hear Mack whisper.
"Eagle Strike which I was actually on my own for because no one was suspicious about that one, except me."
Isn't that the truth.
"Scorpia which is a criminal organization that I went undercover for. And they also...uh, trained me some."
If you want to call it that.
"Ark Angel which was supposed to be a hotel in outer-space. Where I also worked with the CIA again."
"Snakehead where I was recruited by ASIS."
I'd rather not talk about that one.
"Crocodile Tears."
Not much to say about that one really.
And now this one.
"Scorpia Rising in...Cairo."
I feel my chest tighten.
It wasn't that long ago.
I look up as I realize I'd been staring down at the floor.
"It would take too long for me to go through each mission in detail. And actually, I don't think Mrs. Jones would appreciate it."
Probably not.
"So I'll just let you guys ask some questions." I finish with.
They all look a little too shell-shocked to be asking any questions.
My eyes widen as I think of something.
I probably should've said this earlier.
Eh, too late now. "Oh, and next time Mrs. Jones comes to visit, she'll have to get you guys to sign something about not repeating this to anyone." I say nonchalantly.
They all stare at me.
Did I forget to mention that?
"Okay! Sounds cool." Mack loudly agrees.
That seems to break everyone out of their stunned minds.
"So you did all that?" Polly quietly asks.
I nod my head, suddenly feeling nervous about what their reactions will be.
Obviously, Mack finds it exciting.
Polly seems stunned, and yet I can see a bit of excitement shining in her eyes.
Don I don't think can decide on what to think.
Lucy's looking at me, a deep sadness in her eyes.
I watch as she seems to think of something. "Tulip, she....she didn't have anything to do with you doing all that, did she?" Lucy asks.
I shake my head. "She didn't have an option but to go along with it. But she was against the idea from the beginning." I explain.
She noticeably relaxes.
Yeah, I wouldn't like it much either if my friend was allowing teenagers to be spies.
"Ark Angel....the hotel in outer space.....That sounds familiar." Don mumbles, a thoughtful expression growing on his face.
"Ah!" He suddenly slaps his knee.
I slightly flinch at the loud noise.
"Didn't that explode or something?" He looks directly at me.
I glance over at the clock on the wall.
2:30. P.M.
Yup, and it wasn't pretty.
I look back over at them.
Only to see them staring wide eyed at me.
Did I just say that out loud?
"What do you mean; "It wasn't pretty," huh?" Mack makes quotations with his fingers.
Hmm, guess I did.
I shrug.
"Oh no mister, you can't just say that then just simply....shrug." Polly bewilderedly says. "You were there? In....outer space?" She hesitantly finishes.
I tuck my hands back in my pockets, a sudden urge to go hide taking over my mind. "Maybe." I quietly say.
Mack's eyes light up. "What! Your the first teenager to go into outer-space!!" He exclaims, practically jumping up and down.
Everyone stares wide eyed at me again.
"Yeah." I mumble out in agreement, my face heating up.
Mack sits back down, a stunned look on his face. "Wow." He whispers.
"So black belt in karate, super fast reflexes." Mack ticks them off on his fingers. "How many languages do you know?" He suddenly questions.
"English, German, French, and Spanish." I ramble off.
Mack sighs. "Is there anything you can't do?" He mostly says to himself.
He suddenly sits up, leaning forward. "How many times were you hospitalized?" He questions, glancing sideways at Polly.
"I mean, you can't of done all that without getting injured some." He tries to explain to Polly who's giving him the death glare.
I glance over at Lucy.
She looks interested in the question also.
"Six-ish times." I mumble out.
It's seven times. But I don't want to remember the last one.
I did just get out two weeks ago.
I see Lucy's eyes widen, worry filling them.
Mack doesn't seem fazed, placing his head in his hands. "What was your worst injury?" He just has to ask.
Now I see both Lucy and Polly glare over at Mack.
But I really can't blame him.
If I was in his position, then I'd probably be asking the same questions.
I'm not going to say anything about my most recent hospital....visit.
A shudder runs through me.
No, definitely not.
And I don't want to say this.....but.
I shrug like it's nothing. "I uh, was shot by a sniper." I quietly say.
I wince as my scar from that day gives a painful throb. Subconsciously, I reach up, rubbing it.
I stop as I notice Lucy staring at my hand.
Well, she did see it earlier.
Mack's mouth falls open. "You-you were.....shot!" He shouts.
Don and Lucy stay silent.
"Where." I hear Polly quietly ask.
I shrug again. "An inch above my heart." I simply state.
Polly's eyes go wide. "How are you even alive?" She asks.
I shrug.
"Some confusing medical thing." I explain.
She seems to except that answer.
I feel my eyes slightly droop, a sudden urge to close them almost too much. Those three hours of sleep must be catching up to me.
Lucy notices.
Standing up, she walks over to me. "Alex, you can tell us more later. Right now you need to sleep." She says, leaving no room for argument.
She looks back at everyone, raising an eyebrow. "Right guys?" She urges, a threatening tone in her voice.
Don sits up straighter. "Uh yeah....later."
Polly nods, a thoughtful look back on her face.
Mack sighs. "Fine." He grumbles.
"No, I don't need to go." I try, not really wanting to attempt sleep again today.
But my eyes betray me as they repeatedly droop - almost like they have a mind of their own.
Lucy gives me a look. "Right." She lightly takes my arm, leading me over towards the stairs.
"It was nice talking to you!" Mack practically shouts.
I hear a light slapping noise as we turn around the corner. "Ow!" Mack shouts in fake pain.
I feel a smile tug on my lips.
I guess that went better than I'd hoped.
Hi!! So here it is!!!
I hope it's not too boring, I just didn't want to go into too much detail about his past because that would've taken ages. And I don't have that much time available.😫
But I kinda like the idea about him telling them just a little at a time. Eh, that's my opinion lol.😂😁 Oh, and if you notice any changes from the real books. It's either because I changed it, or I simply forgot. (Just thought I'd put that out there.)
1. Do you think this chapter was okey??
2. So Guys!!! I need your help. The next chapter I'm going to do in someone else's POV, during the time Alex is explaining. And I want your opinion on who's it should be.
Should it be in-
Please I need EVERYONE'S Opinion!!!!!(I'm going to count the Votes)
So COMMENT guys!!! I'm waiting for your opinions.
Oh.....and don't forget to VOTE!!!!
Also, I've entered this book in a contest. So I would absolutely Love it if you'd take the time to go check it out, and Vote on my story. (Read the voting rules, it explains how to do it) if you look in HappyKawaiiYellow Contest book. (I'm in there!!) then you can read everything.
Also I have my story in another contest, it's by QueenGeekXp. (Just look at her contest book, *I'm in it* And vote on the chapter that has the name of my story) So PLEASE!!!Check out both contests, and I'd love for you to vote for me.🙏🏻😃
I'd really appreciate it!!!!!
I need all the support I can get, Cause my book being a FanFiction. People who've never heard of the Alex Rider books, most likely won't bother with checking out my story. Leaving me in the dust.😭
And we all know the Alex Rider books aren't as popular as they should be lol.😂
So please!!! Check it out!!!!
Next update: probably Sunday. (I've got Christmas present to make.)
Thanks again everyone!!!!!!
Edited: 6/19/17
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