Chapter 4 DIVORCE
"I do not love you anymore!" Klera signed the divorce papers and threw them at Samuel.
He woke up to find a long text from Circle, talking about how Klera did not want to be married to him anymore.
He looked around at the papers thrown on his bed. He picked them up and found they were divorce papers with Klera's signature.
He groaned and grabbed his glasses from his bedside table. He put them on and began to sign. But he doesnt know cursive cause they didnt FUCKING TEACH IT TO HIM.
After turning in the divorce papers, Samuel decided to see what everyone was up to. So he went to the usual park(?) everyone chilled at.
"Hey look! It's Mr. Lonely!" Circle called and they all laughed.
Samuel fell onto a bench and threw his hands up.
"I have to marry SOMEONE! I can't be lonely in front of Nick! What would he think of me?" He complained. He started looking around at his options. "Ah, Woah! Perfect! Let's go get married right now!"
"Can't broski, you're my uncle." Woah said.
"Circle! Marry me!"
"Can't, we're cousins."
Samuel frowned. "Karina..?"
"Bitch I already got a fuckin husband don't even."
Samuel flipped her off. "Who shall I marry then?" He glanced over at Pix. "Hey Pix?"
"Y'know, I've got a frog, George, who's been looking for a... lady friend. If you know what I mean." Samuel winked.
"Uhm... okay? Buy another frog." Pix looked back down at her phone.
"No you rat, I'm asking if you want to marry my frog."
Pix glanced up at him. "I'm still married to Nick." She said.
"Not for long you ain't!" Samuel flapped a marriage certificate in Pix's face. "Oh Nicholas!" He got up and searched for him.
"What?" Nick asked, showing up.
"Never thought I'd ask this again but," he got down on one knee. "Oh fuck this formal shit." He stood up. "Will you marry me?"
"Jesus christ Samuel. We've divorced five times. What makes you think a sixth wedding is going to be better?" He crossed his arms and stared up at him.
"I am more... amazing.?" Samuel held out his arms and smiled awkwardly.
"Sorry, but no. I am happily married with Pix." He walked past him.
Samuel grabbed his wrist and stopped him. "Please! I promise we won't get divorced unless you say so!"
"I said so on the last divorce." He yanked his wrist away. "I'm not marrying you again."
"Haha what a fuckin bitch." Klera flipped off Samuel and he flipped her off back.
"Nicholas, please!" He pleaded.
Nick stopped and groaned. "Fine! We can get married agsin."
So he divorced Pix, who married George, and married Samuel, who became Circle's father once again.
"You fuckin big ass slut. You're a whore." Klera said.
"Fuck you cunt. You fuckin bitchy ass rat." Samuel fired back.
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