Chapter 2
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters because the fabulous Shannon Messenger does.
"WHAT?!" the group yelled in unsion. Mr. Forkle waited until they calmed down "Now we could move you to another hideout, but this is one of our most secure hideouts, seeing as it was designed for you. And if we moved you to another one of our most secure hideouts, you would find out far more secrets than nessesary,"
"But, what about our criminal record? We were - are - public enemy number one!" Sophie asked
Mr. Forkle smiled "That is all taken care of,"
"How can it be taken care of? Only the councillers have power to remove the wanted sign from our heads," Sophie asked
"Exactly," Mr. Forkle smiled "Now please go pack up your stuff. Sophie, may I speak to you for a moment?" As everyone left, Dex slipped Sophie a note that said
Are you OK?
Sophie smiled, at least she still had some friends. Sophie, I can assure you that you have plenty of friends. Sophie jumped as Mr. Forkle transmitted into her head
Then why did Keefe leave? She asked
I do not know, but I suspect it had something to do with guilt
Oh really? Sophie thought sarcastically I thought he was on holiday.
Mr. Forkle's tired voice filled her head Enough of that Sophie. Follow me, we're going to see Prentice.
Despite the circumstances, Sophie was extremely excited to see Prentice, in a trance or not. Sophie followed Mr. Forkle into the shadows. She saw a light and sherushed towards it. But then she heard a scream "GET OFF ME. STOP, PLEASE!" and then she entered the room.
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