"Mum, Dad I need tell you something." Emery mumbled really quietly it was like a whisper. Her hand in front, intertwined with one and another. Her legs are shaking, very pale and her long brunette hair is covering her face making us not see her.
"What is it Em?" Tess asks her curiously "My due date is late August." Emery says in a shaky tone. I sit up straight and ask her "You're pregnant?" My daughter merely shakes her head. Wow things escalated rapidly one minute we're talking about tess being pregnant now she's also having a child. Now there is going to be two babies that will scream the house down. If we know a before we wouldn't not had tried to get pregnant because we can just look after Emerys kid when she's at school now we have to look after one more kid as long with our own. "Wait a minute, number 1, you had a boyfriend without telling us. I told you, no boyfriends until 30 but who cares about that number. 2, He took your virginity and number 3, he didn't use any condoms or you weren't on birth control, which I don't expect you to take them because if you do sometimes the pills aren't strong enough and you end up in through parent hood...again and number 4 the guy got you pregnant and you hid this from us up until now-" I shout just when Tessa says "Did he force you to have it?" I look at Emery and she just sobs "I don't know. I was drunk and I'm sorry for drinking alcohol. I did tell him I wanted it but then I was too scared and I pleaded him to stop but he didn't listen. After a while I accepted and I liked it I wasn't scared anymore-" Before she can anymore I said "number 5 you drank alcohol illegally and without asking us, the only time your allowed is Christmas, how any times have we told you and Fuck Emery didn't you use any protection." All their eyes widen from my foul language I quickly apologise a sorry for my rage. "It's okay baby." Tessa says giving Emery a tight hug before whispering "No matter what I will still love you but have you thought about giving an abortion?" Emery escapes from the hug and says "I am not going to kill an innocent baby that didn't harm us mom because after the baby is born, I'm going to love her or him like there is no tomorrow." I asked my now pregnant daughter, "does the guy you had it with know? How old was he?" Emery answers back "No he doesn't known but I will tell him. He's my age and his name is Parker." I nod before saying "You need to tell him and we need to meet him. If your not ready and you still don't want an abortion maybe think about adoption?" Emery shakes her head before telling me "I'm going to keep my baby I am not going through the pain just to give it up." She mutters.
After discussing about Emery being a teen parent we all go to sleep. I ask Tessa "do you think she's going to cope?" Tess answers back with "I would love to say yes because she's strong but honestly no. The poor Parker kid doesn't even know I just hope he treats her well." I reply back with "I'm going to murder him if he hurts my not so little girl." My wife laughs at me comment before turning to me "you aren't murdering an innocent boy, babe." My eyebrows raised and I say "watch me...babe." she giggles before kissing my temple. I look at how amazing she looks, I take her by the thigh and slowly put her down. Kissing her lips in a rhythm. She moans whilst tugging on my hair. "Fuck Tess. Baby You turn me in when you do that. She pulls harder making me groan into her lips. Her lips, it soft and taste like strawberries...and pizza. But I don't give a fuck, she can taste like anything bad and I'll still eat her.
"I think we should stop before this goes a bit too far." She mumbles. I agree with a nod but I slowly lift her, I mean my shirt making her stomach naked, my legs either side of her wide, curvy hips. I lean begin kissing it "I can't wait for you to come to the world baby number 3.
I dropped of Emery and Auden to school, Emery still giving me the silence treatment after I threatened to kill Parker if he didn't love or support her and Auden... well he was to busy reading his book.
Book worm.
Don't attack me I still love my son, I used to read but I wasn't a nerd on the outside but inside I was.
It was out first scan and it feels weird to come back here in the pregnancy ward after nearly 14 years. The last time was with Auden. How time flies by its miracle at times but the other times its the complete opposite.
"Mrs Theresa Scott?" The nurse calls out I hold Tessa's hand following the nurse still grinning how Theresa Scott sounds so perfect. I mean come on Scott is better than Young.
The nurse puts the gel on her stomach and she zooms onto the baby, it looks like a seed. The nurses informs us about the baby due date, Early November. And how we should always be exercising every day.
We do, just in bed. I mentally tell myself. Smiling like a Cheshire cat.
After existing the hospital we grab some Indian take out. The best kind of food. Who doesn't love chicken tikka and naan bread? The kids are still at school so we can eat it for ourselves.
We come home to a surprise, one we didn't expect.
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