After dad dropped me and Auden off to school, they went to their first scan. They said they will be home late, as it takes a long process and might go to the mall. So during first period I told Parker, my baby daddy, to skip school with me. And he did, because I'm his girlfriend. This is going to be the day I'm telling him about the pregnancy, hopefully he won't be angry, because the last thing we need is a baby distracting us from school, not that we go to our classes, but still.
"Hey baby." I murmur in between the kiss me and Parker shared. "Hey Em." He whispers in my ear making me giggle. "Do you want anything to eat?" I ask him as soon as we come home into the kitchen. "Yeah..." Parker trails off.
"What?" I cheekily question him. "You." He tells me straightforwardly. Parker wants to have sex with me, but I'm pregnant and I don't think we should do it when I have a baby inside of me. "Maybe in nine months time we can do it." I state but it comes out more like a question. His facial expression changes into confuse then his eyes twinkle. "Your pregnant?" He asks and I nod my head. "Oh my days, baby!" He exclaims and carries me, spinning me around. "So you not mad?" I question after he puts me down, as I lead the way to the couch. "No, why would I, I wouldn't mind a mini you running around calling my dad." He says kissing my forehead then my belly. "Thank you. I was scare you was going to be angry at me." I tell him and he frowns whilst saying. "Why shall I be angry at you, because after all I made you preggers." He explains and kisses me.
We don't stop making out, its filled with lust and passion. But suddenly we hear a voice boom. "What the fuck is going on?" I hear my dad say as me and Parker separate and I can hear mum scolding at dad for swearing. "Um, this is P-parker." I stutter. "Does he know?" Mum asks me in her soothing and calm voice. I nod my head as Parker smiles. "Do you want to keep the baby?" She asks me and as I'm about to answer with 'I'm not sure what he wants' Parker beats me to it, saying. "Yes Mrs Scott, we're keeping it." A smile forms to my face, either way I was going to have the baby whether Parker wanted it or not. "Now that's over, why did you miss school?" Dad questions but not in an angrily tone surprisingly but a calm and collected one. "Free period." Parker interjects before I can say anything, but I play along. "Yeah, we're going to go back when it turn 1:00pm." I don't know if dad brought it but mum for sure did.
We ended up not going school afterwards, mum called them saying we ain't going to attend school until tomorrow. Parker and dad ended up getting along surprisingly well, I think dad still has a tiny bit of hate towards him because he got his daughter up the duff.
Auden came home, met Parker and they talked about soccer before he went to read. So far everyone loves Parker but i love him more, I know I was with his friend, Owen not that long ago but he never showed love to me like Parker did. Everyone thinks I cheated on Parker but I didn't. I broke up with Owen as HE was cheating on me with the high schools 'queen bee', a month later got with Parker and got my virginity taken away from me two months in the relationship. I know I was drunk when it happened but I didn't regret, because I remember now that he didn't force me into it but I want him to be my first.
"Hey Em." Mum says as I sit on my bed after Parker left. "Hi mum, how was the scan?" I ask her and she replies with. "It was good, feels weird to be in the hospital again, but soon your going to in my position." I take in her words, and feel a bit scared. I also find it weird me and mum and both having a child, we will be pregnant buddies. My sibling who will also be the same as my child, the uncle or aunty roughly the same age as their niece or nephew. "I already had my first scan, that how I knew the due date so I have to wait a couple of more weeks until the second ultrasound." I explain to her which she nods her head showing me she understands. "That's fine, next time take Parker with you. He's a good kid." Mum tells me and I reply with "Yeah he is, he loves me so much I doubt he will leave me because he loves our baby as much I do." She kisses my forehead. "Be careful though, make sure you-" I cut her off, finishing her sentences. "Eat healthy and do some exercise like yoga." She smiles at me. "Exactly. Wear baggy clothes to school otherwise they will see your swollen bump." I nod my head showing I will. "Thank you mum, for being their for me no matter what stupid things I did you always stuck by my decision." Mum rubs my back, assuring me. "That's what parents are for, not that long until you will understand your child choice, sticking with them through thick and thin." She gets up to leave. "Sleep tight, darling." With that she leaves me alone in my room.
I go to sleep thankful, that everyone is by my side. That I don't need to worry about aborting the baby, which I will never do but what if Parker did not want the child to exists.
But that's a what if.
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