I lightly tapped on Emerys door, when she opened I gave her a tight hug, she didn't react she just suffocated me back. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" I ask her and she backs away. "No auden no. If you came here looking for answers to your stupid question about what I was doing with my life then you can turn around and leave me be."she sits down and looks like she regretted everything she just said to me. "Its fine em I shouldn't be pushing you with questions. When something happens to you I won't be there." I almost whispered and closed the door behind me, I can hear her cry, I feel bad but I shouldn't she have brought this upon herself.
It was the evening now, emery has locked herself in her room for nearly the whole day. She barely ate breakfast after that row, so she must feel hungry however she ain't coming out to eat, she has only came out to go to the bathroom but she doesn't speak she stayed silent. We all tried to speak but we gave up at the end.
At 7:00pm I had to leave to go to my friend, Olivia's birthday party, she practically invited everyone from our school, even people in Emerys year but most of them didn't show up, only because they were 18 years old and didn't want to be with 15 year olds. As soon as I came I gave Liv her present and went to go to sit with Alfie.
The party was getting boring after the cake was cut, I called dad to pick me up but no one was answering. I decided to go Mrs Jacobs, Olivias mum, to ask her "May you call my parents to collect me?" She laughed. Why did she laugh I don't know? But she did assured me "Owen, Liv's older brother will take you home don't you worry." I nodded to her but turning my head around I rolled my eyes frustrated because I wanted to go home.
An hour later a young guy who probably aged 20 Came up to me saying "Audio right? I'm Owen, I heard I had to drop you home." I replied back by saying "Yeah, your mum forced me to stay longer and that you wouldn't mind dropping me off. And my name is Auden!" I got annoyed how he got my name mixed up with audio, if he did it as a joke he succeeded cause I was fuming. He rolled his eyes and says "Okay whatever, where do you live?" Not sure if I want to tell him but he is my friends brother so nothing bad can happen. "38 salvatore street." I say and his eyes pop out and he replies with "I know a girl from that same road." I ask him "What's her name?" He looks at me confused so I add on "my neighbourhood is really close I practically see them as family so I might know she us." He gives me an understanding look and tells me "Well she lives right at the end, her house is the biggest-" I cut him off by saying "Emery Scott right?" He nods while getting his car keys and i follow him to the car and get inside, putting my seatbelt on."Yeah that slag." Did he just call my sister a slag? Oh heck No! "Why did you call her that for?" I get defensive making sure he doesn't know I'm her brother. "Well let's start off by...she gave herself to my best mate while dating me! I mean we were together for a solid 3 years I mean since we started high school and she decides to have sex with my friend a guy who I thought I could trust but obviously not. She tried to explain but I didn't need her petty excuses. Let's not forget how she is smiling and doing coke-" I cut him off again "coke?" He chuckles and finishes his story "Yeah coke, crack, cocaine whatever you call it." Listen i don't know why I'm telling you but I couldn't give a shit it makes her felling humiliated not me." I sat in silence and question Owen "How long had this been going for?" He answers back by saying "We broke up like a month ago and ever since she's been doing drugs." I feel shocked hearing this from a stranger and not my sister. I feel nosy getting into her business. "Well you here." He parks in front of number 38, before I get out I tell him "You know you could leave I don't want you to make sure I get in my house." He says "No I'm staying i don't want to leave and your parents not being there you know." I close my eyes and demand him "Honeslty. You. Can. Leave." He raises his hand in defence when I got out of his car, he revs to leave me and run to number 1 salvatore street, I lied where I lived just in case he was a murderer, I know stupid thought but I'm glad I did otherwise he wouldn't known we were related.
I get inside with mum, dad and Emery in the couch. "Hey guys!" I say making eye contact with Emery she leaves to her room, what did I do to her apart from asking a question which she didn't answer to. "Em! Get back here!" My dad shouts but she doesn't listen as she slams her door. "Look what you done Auden, she was ready to open up!" My mum screams rushing to her room. I sit down near dad and ask him "What did I do so wrong?" He shakes his head, giving me a claustrophobic hug. "Don't worry, you rest then tomorrow you tell me about the party." I get in bed crying myself to sleep about the news I received about Emery.
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