An Old Friend
Marissa was surprised when she opened the door to find Anthony standing there. It had been over sixteen months since they had last laid eyes upon each other. In that time she had lost and found a new job. She broke up with her fiancé and gain ten pounds. She was ashamed to be in his presence.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
He just stared at her for a moment before answering, "Good to see you too, Marissa."
Marissa apologetically shook her head. "I'm sorry. That came out wrong. I just wasn't expecting to see you again."
"Why not? You know you're my favorite person in town." He had bedroom eyes that made Marissa's insides pulse. "Can I come in?"
"Oh sure, sorry." Marissa fully opened the door as Anthony entered her apartment. "As I said, I wasn't expecting you. I haven't heard from you in a year and a half."
Anthony turned to face Marissa. "I've been busy. You know with vampire stuff."
"Of course."
"How have you been, really?" Anthony asked.
Marissa looked down at the floor. "Not good as you probably can tell."
"You still have a pretty face."
"Don't say that. I've gain weight, but I'm going on a diet. Tomorrow."
Anthony laughed. "You humans always say that. But you look fine to me." Anthony reached out and brushed his fingers across Marissa's face.
Marissa flinched away. "No, I don't look fine. The way my jeans fit me says it all."
"Let me worry about your thighs" Anthony replied, his voice filled with lust.
Marissa turned her back torwards. "I really don't want you looking at me like that."
"Like what?" Anthony asked.
"With such lust. I'm disgusting right now."
Anthony stepped closer until he was at Marissa's back. She could feel his breath on her neck. "You are not disgusting. You never was. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself." He placed a soft kiss upon Marissa's cheek.
Marissa tried to hold back the tears but two fell from her eyes, cascading down her cheek. "I don't feel that way. I never did really."
"That's because you could never see how beautiful you are. I wish I could make you see yourself as I see you. Then you wouldn't call yourself fat and disgusting." Anthony grabbed Marissa's shoulders, turning her to face him. "You knew me before I was turned. You know I always had good tastes."
Marissa rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, but look at you. You're immortal. You never have to worry about aging, gaining weight or getting sick. I'm starting to think you like watching me age. Do you get off on it?"
"I seem to recall offering you this gift and you said no."
Marissa shifted her stance. "I did."
"Do you regret that now?" Anthony asked.
Marissa paused. Did she regret the decision? She was only twenty-one when Anthony was turned into a vampire. She didn't know vampires even existed. But she kept her promise to Anthony and never told another living soul the truth. When Anthony made the offer for her to join him in "darkness" as he called, she was hesitant. She had her whole life planned – college, career, marriage, kids. She didn't want to give that up. But life didn't pan out as she had hoped. She had the career but no children. Her marriage prospects were dwindling by the year. She was pushing forty now. She knew time was growing short.
"To be honest, I don't know." Marissa turned and walked towards her sofa. "I thought my life would be different."
"All I ever wanted for you was to be happy."
"Hmm, happy. I'm not sure what that is."
"Marissa, I never wanted you to be alone. I wanted you to have the family and the nice house. Things I can't have as I am."
Marissa looked into Anthony's eyes. "Do you regret what happen to you?"
Anthony shrugged his shoulders. "No, but some nights I do wonder."
"You do? About what may I ask?" Marissa asked.
Anthony smiled. "What my life would have been like if I stayed human. But, there's nothing I can do change what happen."
Marissa replied, "Well, I guess everything happens for a reason."
Anthony smirked. "You don't really believe that."
"Well I have to believe in something to keep me sane."
They stood in silence for a moment before Anthony replied, "The offer still stands" Anthony replied.
"Offer?" Marissa asked.
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."
Marissa shook her head. "I'm too old. Besides I don't want this body for eternity."
"Why not? I like it."
"You're just saying that. I'm fat."
"No you're not and stop saying that" Anthony replied.
"But I am."
"Listen to me. You're not fat. And I have met vampires who were older than you are now when they were turned. Would it bother you that you would be thirty-eight forever while I'm eternally twenty-one?"
Marissa shrugged. "Perhaps. People may think I'm your mother."
Anthony laughed. "And a beautiful mother you would be." He always did have a way with words Marissa thought. When Anthony kissed Marissa softly on the lips, she did not flinch away this time. Whenever Anthony kissed her, Marissa always felt more youthful, like she was reliving her high school and college years. As the kissed became deeper, Anthony wrapped his arms around Marissa, letting his hands glide over her skin. Marissa pushed away negative thoughts as Anthony's hands ran across her back and hips. When they finally broke from their kiss, Marissa stared into Anthony's eyes.
"Why did you ever leave me?" Marissa asked.
Anthony answered, "Because it was what you wanted."
"I don't want that now," Marissa whispered. She could feel her lust inside growing.
"Then I won't," Anthony whispered back as he pressed Marissa's body closer to his.
The next morning Marissa woke up alone in her bedroom. She saw peeks of sunlight shining through the blinds. She knew Anthony was already gone. However her body still wore signs of his presence – a love bite on her neck and soreness between her legs. As she sat up, her hand landed on a piece of paper. She picked it up and saw it was from Anthony.
Dear Marissa,
I hope you enjoyed last night. I know I did. I will back in town in three months. That should give you enough time to get things in order, and I don't mean physically. My offer still stands. If you want it, all you have to do is ask.
Marissa began her new diet and exercise program that very morning. Despite Anthony's assurances that she looked fine, Marissa was determined to have the body she wanted when he returned.
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