seven ☼
Calum bit his pencil, Luke still lounging on his carpet. He frowned down at his empty page which was titled Getting an A in English.
"How do I -- How do I seduce him?"
Luke sat up, leaning his arm on the edge of Calum's bed. He hummed in thought for a good ten seconds, seeming to get no ideas.
"I don't know. Oh! But -- definitely don't go big first. Just, you know. . ."
Calum tilted his head, indicating he didn't know.
"Start off easy, just a few exciting things and build up from there. Like if you give him sex now-"
"-he won't be pleased with things less than that."
Calum groaned, rubbing his face harshly. "Right, right. . . Okay."
Luke pleasingly flopped back down onto the carpet, his phone held above his head as he texted Ashton most likely. He giggled from time to time.
Calum took no longer than half an hour to finish his list. Seven steps only.
He guiltily ripped the paper out and put it under his pillow. He didn't need anyone else apart from Luke finding out about this.
"Hey man, heard you're gonna improve your grades," Ashton wiggled his eyebrows at Calum in the hallway.
The brunette glared at his best friend who was fondly staring at Ashton. He only groaned, slamming his locker door shut and making his way to the cafeteria.
"Was I not supposed to know?" Ashton whispered to Luke as they followed close behind. "As long as you don't tell anyone," the blonde replied.
Even though Calum could hear the pair, he decided not to cause a scene and just ignored it.
He grumpily stood in line, listening to Luke giggle as Ashton prodded his sides sneakily.
"Oh -- I've got to go get Mr Clifford coffee," Ashton whispered to Luke. Calum turned his head absentmindedly, seeing Ashton ruffle Luke's hair and heading out of the cafeteria.
The blonde stared until he was out of sight, wearing the smallest but meaning-fullest smile.
Calum decided something for sure: he was jealous.
Not because of Ashton, but he could already see an amazing, public, legal. . . relationship forming.
His jealousy was completely concealed as he smiled at his best friend, buying a sandwich for the two of them.
"He seems great," Calum admitted as they took their seats across from each other.
"Right?" Luke grinned, his cheeks tinting pink. He seemed to really like this guy.
Calum grinned back, "Yeah."
"So what's first on that list of yours?" Luke asked, referring to the Getting an A in English plan.
Calum leaned forward to speak quietly and smirked.
"Since break is coming up in a month, I'm going to assign you all with a novel to read."
The students groaned, some of them even slamming their heads into their desks if they weren't already there from sleeping. Like Calum.
Calum rested on his folded arms, daydreaming.
He suddenly jerked up with fright as something loud hit his desk. With squinted eyes, he looked up to see Mr Clifford holding a ruler in his hand.
"Pay attention."
The brunette smirked as he sat up and leaned back on his chair as he folded his arms.
Since he sat at the front - with luke - he was able to do things without the class see his frontside.
So -- he put his pencil in his mouth, leaving it to hang from his plump lips.
Mr Clifford handed out the novels and once he reached Calum's desk, the younger boy stretched back, purposely letting his shirt ride up to expose his stomach.
As he opened his eyes slightly, he saw that Mr Clifford was definitely looking.
"Thanks," he said through the pencil in his mouth, Mr Clifford nodding and giving one to Luke as well.
When he was gone, Luke nudged Calum's shoulder, both of them laughing quietly.
The bell went, students immediately piling out of the classroom; except for Calum of course.
He discretely made his way behind Mr Clifford, who was sitting at his desk and grading papers.
His class' papers.
Once he was right behind the man, he placed his hands on his shoulders, slightly applying pressure.
Mr Clifford immediately tilted his head, groaning as he placed his pen down.
"You seem in need of a massage," Calum spoke quietly.
Mr Clifford hummed yes, melting into the touch of Calum's fingers digging into his sore muscles.
"Not now," the brunette removed his hands, sliding them down Mr Clifford's chest.
Mr Clifford gripped on the edge of his desk with both hands, closing his eyes slowly as he felt Calum's hands traveling back up.
The brunette decided to leave his actions there, he leaned his head down to whisper in Mr Clifford's ear.
"What do you want?"
He bit the slightest of bites on lobe of Mr Clifford's ear, sending chills down the older man's spine.
"I don't know -- but definitely you."
Satisfied, Calum pulled back. "Turn around," he asked.
Mr Clifford did so, spinning his chair to face the younger boy. He looked up into his brown eyes and gulped.
Calum leaned down, face-to-face with the older man. He took his bottom lip between his teeth before closing the gap between their lips.
It didn't last nearly as long as Mr Clifford would've liked it to as Calum disconnected their lips. The younger boy picked up his bag (I wrote bed instead of bag at first. I need sleep.) and made his way out the door, swaying his hips slightly.
Mr Clifford watched as his bottom lip was gripped between his teeth.
Calum mentally checked off the first thing on his list as he wore a smirk on his face.
1. Make sure he wants you ✔️
a/n: gtg gtg gtg gtg
I'm mAKing EvIL plAnS
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